Daily Bella #462

Bella doesn’t always make an appearance in my Daily Shoot photos.  (They’re also not daily, but I’m working on it.)  However, today she was kind enough to be my model.  The assignment?   

Work with scale today and make a photograph that features a subject either larger or smaller than expected. 

Here’s the photo I selected:



And now, for something completely different…

In honor of Presidents’ Day, I considered doing a punny version of all 43 Presidents. (Even though Barack Obama is the 44th President, Grover Cleveland made us forever confused by serving non-consecutive terms.)  I’m sure you will be pleased to hear that I rejected that idea.  Anyway, it’s time for this week’s No Frown Friday:

  1. Your non-exhaustive list of presidential punny pet names:  Chester A. Arfur, Rover Cleveland and Dwight D. Eisenbow-wower.
  2. Enjoy a few photos of Bo, the undeniably adorable First Dog.
  3. Did you know that some members of Congress treat every day like it’s Take Your Dog to Work Day?
  4. Apparently pups get involved in politics at the local level too.  Check out this story of a rescue dog who hangs out with his City Council.
  5. Have you heard about Larry the Cat?  He’s moved in as the Prime Minister’s new mouser.

I warn you, I’m about to depart from the theme of today’s post.  The following clip has nothing to do with Presidents.  Or politics.  Or anything, really.

(via Paw Nation)

I have no idea why I decided that you needed that video today.  It just felt right.

Happy Friday!  If you’re one of the lucky folks who have Monday off, enjoy the long weekend.  If you aren’t, just watch the cat above react dramatically to this revelation, and you’ll feel better.  I promise.


Underdog is here!

I received the cutest card yesterday from my hub.  Even better?  He picked out the card because it celebrates rescue animals.  Does he know me or what?  On the back, there was a short profile of the cover dog, which read:

Underdog: Sabrina
Profile:  Puppy mill survivor.
Special Power:  Professional stress reliever.  She’ll sit quietly on your lap for as long as you need her.

The card was designed by a company called Hooray for the Underdog. (I always loved Underdog – the cartoon, not the recent movie – so I immediately fell a bit in love with this company.)

Hooray for the Underdog is a line by HealyGrisham Studios – a husband and wife team in Dallas.  Their portfolio is full of gorgeous animal photos.  A few years ago, HealyGrisham launched the Hooray for the Underdog line to raise money for rescue groups in North Texas.  They’ve also worked with Dallas Animal Advocates to promote spaying and neutering and have also created bus ads for the SPCA of Texas.  Pretty cool.

Check out the whole line of notecards and other items available from Hooray for the Underdog… they’re pretty awesome!  It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’m a big fan of this one


The Bro Code

As I learned from Kevin Arnold, we all get by with a little help from our friends.  So this Valentine’s Day, make sure to follow the Bro Code and perform any required wingman (or wingwoman, wingdog, etc.) duties that arise.  Need some tips?  Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier will show you how to be a good bro:

See more of Jesse on his youtube channel or on his blog.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


And they called it puppy love…

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  So, today’s No Frown Friday is dedicated to love – both puppy love and the other kind.  I know some people aren’t fans of this holiday, but I’ve always kind of liked it.  I think it stems back to my mom – every year she’d dig out the heart-shaped cake mold and make us yummy cakes.  It was our annual tradition.  Nothing better than eating those heart cakes with my family. 

My hub’s managed to create some fun memories, too.  However, I haven’t had much luck with the plants he’s sent me over the years!  (I don’t think I inhereited the family green thumb, but I’m working on it.)  In any event, it’s always fun.  This year, we’re going to cook a nice dinner, drink some wine, and have a nice evening at home – though I’m sure Bella will try to squeeze her way in between us on the couch!

  1. Today’s punny pet names are based on some famous lovers: Elizardbeth Bennett and Bark Darcy. 
  2. Check out these funny Valentines – my favorite manages to make reference to both Bill Cosby and Pudding Pops.  How can that not be a winner?  The one with the cat (you’ll see) was my personal runner up.
  3. No time to buy a paper card?  Choose one of these awesome ecards instead.
  4. Some pets just wear their hearts on their sleeves (er, paws).  If not, they might want to emulate Cooper of Cooper & Lola this Valentine’s Day.
  5. Has your dog always dreamed of playing Cupid?  Sew DoggyStyle makes it possible.
  6. Speaking of dogs in love, I really enjoyed this post over at Gardening with Wyatt – it includes a perfect video clip for the holiday!

I had a hard time deciding what video to share today, but I decided to go with some Snoopy:

If you want to watch the classic Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown, it’s on tonight!  I can’t wait.

Whatever you’ve got planned this weekend… check out these great tips at Cat Chat for keeping your pets (both feline and canine) safe during the days of wine, roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate.


How sweet it is

Bella Bowl V is over now… Bella was a good hostess, as usual. By the end of the night, she was rather exhausted from all of her hostessing duties:

Anyway, the party was a success… lots of good friends and good food.  In addition to the usual football fare like buffalo chicken dip and white chicken chili, we offered quite the dessert selection.  Nostalgia ruled the day – the Rice Krispie treats were a big hit, as were the butterscotch haystacks.  (My friend’s mom used to make these and I loved them!  If you’ve never had them, I recommend giving them a try.)

I also ordered cupcakes from Hey Love.  They were both adorable and delicious!  (In addition to yummy sweets, she also provides a host of other design and party services – go visit and say hi!  She even has a puppy connection – her pup Nico came from the same rescue group as Bella – that means they’re related, right?)

Not only did Michelle from Hey Love deliver some fantastic cupcakes, she was also kind enough to come over the night before the big game for a cake pop date!  We took inspiration from Bakerella and made football cake pops.  Unfortunately, while taking the (not yet coated) pops out of the freezer, I managed to drop half of them on the floor.  Luckily there was no puppy nearby to sneak a chocolate treat!

Anyway, below you can see the finished product… they’re not the prettiest, but they were delicious.  I found these tougher to make than the basic pops I made last year.  Oh well, practice makes perfect, right?

What did you guys do for Super Puppy Bowl weekend?


Bella Bowl V

All Things Dog Blog
Bella Bowl weekend is traditionally a busy one in our household.  That’s right, it’s not just Super Bowl weekend around here.

  We throw an annual Super Bowl party known as Bella Bowl… we’re up to Bella Bowl V.  The dining room has been christened Puppy Stadium for the day.  Sometimes Bella will rock Giants paraphernalia for the party – but her interest in wearing a jersey is usually short-lived.  Such a fair weather fan…

Anyway, I’m excited to add a new tradition to our Bella Bowl/Puppy Bowl/Super Bowl weekend… the All Things Dog Blog Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop!

I didn’t have the heart to make her wear her jersey and let me take a new photo, given that the Giants didn’t even make the playoffs.  So let’s just agree that the pose above is how she reacted when she learned this news.

Want to join the hop?


Name that Bella

It’s finally here… the Magical Mystery Mutt Tour!  Make sure you also visit my co-hosts Edie (of Will My Dog Hate Me) and Peggy (of Peggy’s Pet Place) today and say hi.  Read on, and then join the hop!

Now, time for everyone’s favorite game: Name… That… Breed!  Below, I’ve provided some info about the dog behind the blog, Ms. Bella.  What breed(s) do you think she is?  Leave your best guesses in the comments.

Bella – a dog of very little brain, but a lot of love.  I tend to think she’s a bit out of proportion – low to the ground, but in possession of big ears and an even bigger posterior.  (Seriously… when she sits, her butt is so big that one of her feet often sticks up in the air.)

She weighs approximately 26 pounds and is roughly 24 inches tall (from her toes to the top of her head).  Health quirks?  She’s got a few.  You’ll frequently hear her reverse sneeze, she gets carsick like a champ, and she gets more than her fair share of ear infections.  In addition, she was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

I’ve never heard her howl.  She barks on occasion, mostly at doorbells (including TV doorbells and the chime at the vet’s office).  She has crazy bursts of energy, but they usually flame out fast.  She loves to cuddle, but hates being under a blanket.  She does like to sleep under pieces of furniture, however.  She hops through the snow like a bunny and loves to run around in the backyard.

Finally, a few photos:

For more photos, well… there’s obviously no Bella shortage on this blog. Let the guessing begin!

Have a mutt? We’d love for you to join the tour!  It’s simple:

1. Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below.
(Include on your blog a few pictures of your dog, and specific details to help everyone guess.)

2. Grab our Magical Mystery Mutt Tour Blog Hop Badge and include on your post! (optional)

3. Follow your co-hosts (listed above) and comment on their blogs to let us know you’ve joined the hop!

4. Check out as many of the other blogs on the Linky as you’d like, and guess away!

If you want to put the Linky Tool on your own post, you can get the code on Edie’s blog.

Can’t wait to see your mystery mutt!
