Daily Bella
I’ve been meaning to try my hand at the Daily Shoot for a while now. I can’t guarantee I’ll play every day (like the awesome BZ Training), but that’s okay, right? I’ll ease in slowly…
Today’s Daily Shoot assignment: Fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today.
This one, I can handle.
View it on Flickr |
Go Packer Puppies!
I love Super Bowl Sunday. If I’m being honest, I’m not always that into the game. However, I am into throwing a party (we host an annual party affectionately known as Bella Bowl – this year it’s Bella Bowl V). I’m also into watching (and judging) hilarious commercials. Finally, I’m into the ridiculous cuteness that is the Puppy Bowl. So you can imagine my glee when I stumbled upon this video from the Wisconsin Humane Society:
Want more? Watch the Packer Puppies take on the Bears.
I’m not a Packers fan – but I’m not a Steelers fan either. However, I think this video has convinced me to root for the Packers this weekend. That many puppies can’t be wrong.
(Oh, and this year I’ve found another reason to love Super Bowl Sunday – it’s also the day of the Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop courtesy of All Things Dog!)
Snow is for the birds
Coming soon… Magical Mystery Mutt Tour
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Photo courtesy of dogtipper.com |
Have you ever looked at your pup and wondered what breeds all mixed together to create that furry face? I know I have… I’d imagine it’s a question many ponder, especially with regard to rescue pups.
Last week, Edie (from Will My Dog Hate Me?) invited her readers to engage in a game of Name That Breed and guess the genetic makeup of the adorable Wilson. Peggy Frezon (of Peggy’s Pet Place) thought it would be fun to invite reader guesses about the breed of her pup, Kelly. I loved the idea and thought I’d do the same for Bella. Then Edie had a brilliant plan – why not make it a blog hop?
Without further ado, it’s my pleasure to announce the Magical Mystery Mutt Tour! Join Edie, Peggy and me for a blog hop on Friday, February 4 – it’ll be a name-that-breed-a-thon!
Want to play? It’s simple: write a post about your pup. Include at least two pictures, provide the pup’s height/weight, and describe any personality characteristics you think might be relevant. Post it on Friday, February 4, and wait for the guesses to roll in. (While you’re waiting, you can join the hop and offer your best guess as to the breeds of the other pooches participating!)
There will be a Linky tool available at Will My Dog Hate Me? and Peggy’s Pet Place beginning at 12:01am EST on February 4. I can’t promise I’ll have the link in my post that early, but I’ll add it once I’m able.
Today’s regularly scheduled No Frown Friday has been canceled due to the fact that I was without power for over 24 hours beginning on Wednesday night. I’ll make it up to you with some extra posts next week… promise. Until then, here’s a M*A*S*H-inspired punny pet name to tide you over: B. J. Hunnimutt.
Somebody’s watching me…
I finally got a chance to try my new zoom lens outside this weekend. Now I can spy on Bella from afar. (Could this be her new theme song?)
Wanted: one stunt double
I think Jack the dog would be interested in hiring a stand-in to play the role of cat toy from time to time… it’s not easy being Julia the kitten’s favorite toy.
(via Jezebel)
Happy Tuesday!
Appreciate a squirrel today
My friends, today is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously… you can’t make this stuff up. I’m not one to discriminate, so today we’ll take a moment to observe the holiday.
- This week’s punny pet names come to us from the music world: Clay Acorn and Squirrel Haggard. (Bonus name: James Squirrel Jones.)
- Wondering how one celebrates Squirrel Appreciation Day? Lucky for you, I found some suggested activities. For those who’d like to spend the day increasing their Squirrel IQ, check out these interesting facts.
- I’d like to nominate this outstanding squirrel for the Best Squirrel Ever award.
- Probably the wrong day to laugh at Dug’s joke, huh?
- They do say a picture is worth a thousand acorns. Therefore, I hope you enjoy these pretty cool squirrel photos.
I’m indulging my nostalgic side with today’s video selection. I remember this video from my childhood, and it always made me laugh…
I almost looked for a cute squirrel video instead, but then I figured I’d probably never think of another reason to post this particular song. (Want more squirrels? Check out these Squirrels… in… Cyberspace!)
Happy Friday!
Do you hear what I hear?
I know it’s supposed to be wordless, but if you’ve been reading this blog for a while… well, then you know that’s a very difficult rule for me to follow! Anyway, I just wanted to take this moment to say a quick thank you to Park Avenue Chihuahua and SewDoggyStyle for giving this blog the Stylish Blogger Award!
Instead of passing along this award, I’m going to continue the rule-breaking theme of this post and encourage you to check out all of the blogs listed under “Puppy Love” in the sidebar. I’d especially like to encourage you to visit Park Avenue Chihuahua and SewDoggyStyle and say hi – they’re awesome!
(Don’t forget to join the Wordless Wednesday blog hop from BlogPaws!)
Zenniest moment of Zen ever
Want to be hypnotized by more cats and clementines? Well, you’re in luck…