Bella Holiday Tip #27
A few years ago, we ditched the traditional holiday card in favor of one with Bella on it. Each year, Bella shares a holiday tip with the lucky recipients. Before I unveil this year’s photo and tip, a walk down memory lane seemed appropriate. First up, 2008’s card…
If you can’t find a festive outfit for your holiday party, accessorize any old outfit with a few shiny bows.
The three amigos
No real theme today… unless “cute” counts as a theme:
- This week’s punny pet name is inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Collie Golightly (played by the beautiful and talented Pawdrey Hepburn).
- Recipe: 1 part puppy, 1 part Kong. Mix and enjoy the cute.
- I just stumbled across a collection of dogs dressed as Harry Potter. Thank you, Internet. (Although it’s too late too include in my Harry Potter post, I’m still loving it.)
I don’t even know how to introduce the following video. We’ve talked about odd couples before, but this trio may take the cake:
(via Jezebel)
Speaking of cute, I love that the news team captioned them “adoptive parents” and embraced the idea that these animals are family.
Speaking of becoming an adoptive pet parent, I want to direct you to a wonderful post from Rachel Lauren Photography. It’s called “Before you buy that Christmas puppy…” and it should be required reading for anyone considering walking into a pet store.
Happy Friday, folks… say hi to your puppy for me.
Bella’s bath may have taken care of the dirt, but I obviously didn’t wash the crazy right out of her hair. Here’s her reaction when she finally escaped my clutches:
She promptly forgot that she was trying to get away from me, and came back for snuggles. Thank goodness for her puppy ADD.
Bella’s spa day
Celebrate Shelter Pets!
Today is Celebrate Shelter Pets Day! (Check it out on Shelter Pet Project’s Facebook page.) As you may already know, this blog is all about Bella, my own little rescue dog. We love rescue stories around here, and hope you do too.
In lieu of another Bella story, I decided to share a clip from a recent episode of Community (“Cooperative Caligraphy“). In that episode, the cast becomes desperate when they are kept from a puppy parade organized by the local shelter as part of an adoption event. Here’s what you see over the closing credits:
(Intrigued? You can watch more Community here.)
All shows should end with a puppy parade. Actually, all events in my life should end with a puppy parade.
Next time you’re looking for a furry friend, just remember: shelter pets rock!
So… now what?
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(via Peanuts) |
I think Snoopy’s predicament above accurately represents how I feel the day after a big holiday. Planning, preparation, anticipation… and then it’s over, just like that. I made some yummy cranberry sauce muffins this morning to help fill the void. Now I need a new project…
In the meantime, it’s time for this week’s No Frown Friday:
- Your punny pet names for the week reveal that I still haven’t accepted the fact that Thanksgiving is over: Myles Foodish and William Labford. (For my fellow pun lovers, you simply must read last Sunday’s Pearls Before Swine. Can you figure it out?)
- Want to see something amazingly adorable? Check out these photos of dogs dressed as turkeys. All will seem right with the world after you do.
- Don’t eat too many leftovers… or else this might be your fate. (Not sure what to do with all of those leftovers? Serious Eats has some ideas.)
- Did you cook a turkey yesterday? I hope that you weren’t the one that asked these stupid questions of the Butterball hotline.
Speaking of turkey, this puppy would really appreciate it if you could send some her way:
(For more videos of dogs who want turkey, go here.)
Anyway, I’m finally going to see the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tomorrow. I know… after my recent Potter-themed post, I bet you thought I’d be first in line on opening day. Unfortunately, things have just been too busy. In honor of my pending movie trip, I made my own butterbeer to go with dessert last night – it was a hit (and unlike Universal Studios, I offered an alcoholic version as well).
As I write this post, the peace talks between Roscoe and Bella have reached a new level – they’re both sleeping on the couch at the same time (dreaming of turkey, no doubt). Expect some photos and a recap after Bella’s hostessing duties are done.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for many things today, including the Bella-Roscoe Thanksgiving Peace Treaty of 2010.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Super Meow-rio
It’s a functional Friday for me today – my last day in the office until next week. I’m looking forward to Turkey Day.
This cat isn’t hunting turkeys, but she’s hunting ducks. And she’s awesome:
(via Paw Nation)
The dog is totally laughing with her, not at her… right?
Happy Tuesday!
Give ’em a rake
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via Dog Eat Doug |
After last week’s hiatus, No Frown Friday is back! This week’s theme is inspired by an activity that is in my near future – raking leaves! (Harry Potter was also in contention, but we just did that.)
Pets and leaves… they kind of go together like peas and carrots, if you ask me.
- Coming up with punny pet names to fit the theme wasn’t easy, but I did manage to come up with one: Leif Ericsbone. After that, the pun-center of my brain went on its own vacation. Any other pun masters out there?
- Check out these photos of some canines who love to play in the leaves. (Number 6 reminds me of Scotti. She used to love jumping around in big piles of leaves.)
- Feline friends, don’t feel left out.
- Have you ever been leaf peeping? Here’s a guide to leaf peeping destinations from Bocci’s Beefs (guest post by Fido Friendly‘s Carol Bryant).
Let’s move beyond photos… time to see a pup in action:
(Bonus points to my hub for sending this one my way – don’t you just love the soundtrack?)
Leaves aren’t just for playing – if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can decorate your home with them. Or even a cake (the cake topper at the end of that post is to die for).
In any event, I’ll be spending at least part of my weekend removing the leaves from my yard. Perhaps I’ll ask Bella to check out these tips from another leaf-removing canine and give me a hand.