Must watch.
(via Roger Ebert)
With this post, I reach a bit of a milestone – 100 posts! For a while, I was stumped regarding what to blog about for number 100. (I then went on vacation, which resulted in a total post hiatus… more to come on that later.)
While driving earlier, it hit me – the perfect way to commemorate my 100th post. I’ve decided to dedicate this post to all the pets I’ve loved before. (Yes, that’s a nod to the Red Headed Stranger – bonus points if you figure it out without clicking on either of the links.)
Anyway, you obviously know lots about Bella, my current fur child. I’ve also introduced you to some of my past loves – Shadow, Sparkle, Bourbon & Pedro. Today, I’d like you to meet the rest of the pups and cats I shared my house with growing up…
Each of these wonderful animals (as well as the ones above) really deserves their own post. So many stories to share – definitely a topic for future discussion. For now, I’ll just stick with the basics…
I should start at the beginning (a very good place to start). My first pet was – believe it or not – a cat. A white cat that I named Buttercup. (Don’t ask me why… I’d love to ask my three-year-old self the same thing.)
She wasn’t the friendliest of cats to start with, but that’s a story for another day. She was my first love.
Next, I’d like to introduce you to Kandi, a chihuahua that my dad adopted and brought home one day. Note – when she got older, her tongue began to stick out all the time. We used to say that her spring was broken.
Quite the character, that one.
We also had a Norwegian Elkhound named Lady – one of the many dogs that found us over the years.
I loved to cuddle with that gal.
My sister also had a cat – though Tiger joined us when I was much older. She was once our neighbor’s cat, but decided to adopt my sister instead. She even decided to have her kittens in my sister’s lap – I believe my sister was around three at the time. Talk about a surprise!
Last, but by no means least, I must introduce you to the source of my terrier love. When I was ten years old, I met the most wonderful dog. My parents had promised me I could get a new dog that would be officially “my” dog. I considered many breeds, and had my heart set on a Scottish Terrier. However, when I met this girl, that plan went out the window. I’d already settled on the most creative name (sarcasm intentional) for the Scottish Terrier I had convinced myself I was getting. Thus, Scotti the Toy Fox Terrier joined our family.
Take note of the teddy bear in the photo to the right… this is one of the two teddy bears that Scotti adopted and carried everywhere.
Long story short, Scotti was by my side every minute from the time I was 10 until I left for college (as well as every moment I returned home during college and beyond). Definitely a girl’s best friend.
I have tons of wonderful stories about each of these special animals (as well as several other animals who didn’t live in my house but were responsible for some great memories). I’m sure I’ll be sharing them over many nostalgic nights in the future.
For now, I just want to say thanks for reading my blog – the first 100 posts have been fun, and I look forward to many more.
In closing, say hi to your puppy for me… and then give him or her a big hug.
I realize posting has slowed a bit this week… I promise I’ll return to normal form soon. However, I did want to share a post from the archives in honor of those who have served our country. On Memorial Day, I shared information about some inspiring heroes, both human and canine (including Military Working Dogs).
If you’d like to read it:
If you’re like me, you’ve been counting down the days until you can see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It’s just around the corner now – November 19. With that in mind, today’s No Frown Friday is dedicated to my favorite wizards:
Have you ever watched the Starz Bunnies version of Harry Potter? I present to you the crew’s first five years at Hogwarts:
Want more? Go watch Part II. After that, have some fun with these Sorting Hat Out-Takes.
Have a woofy wizarding weekend! (One option? Get your pup his own invisibility cloak.)
Until this year, we lived in an apartment – thus, Bella had very little exposure to children seeking candy on Halloween. After the first trick or treater came by tonight, Bella decided to camp out by the door in case more showed up:
We’ve turned off the doorbell (which makes her a bit batty) and sent her to hang out downstairs with Mr. Pup Fan while I man the door. After carefully evaluating our candy selection (respecting the candy hierarchy), I’m ready to hand out treats. Wonder what kind of costumes we’ll see tonight…
Anyway, thought I’d share a few quick photos of some of our decorations… the last one is my favorite.
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(From Dog eat Doug – want more? Two more great Halloween strips here and here.) |
Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope it’s a wonderful one. If nothing else, I plan to schedule a showing of my two favorite Halloween specials –It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield in Disguise (though I think it’s now called Garfield’s Halloween Adventure). It’s an annual tradition. I even have the book version of the Garfield special (in addition to tons of other Garfield books… was something of a childhood obsession).
With that in mind, I want to share this inspired video combining scenes from the Garfield special with the theme from Halloween:
That music can make anything scary.
Have a fantastic Halloween (and remember to keep your pets safe)!
Bella generally likes to express her boredom and disapproval when we carve pumpkins for Halloween. After all, that means we’re paying attention to something other than her. Don’t we know that she is much cuter than any orange gourd?
In 2008, we “gave” her a mini-pumpkin to entertain her during the annual pumpkin carving festivities. She was unimpressed:
What do your pets think about these orange invaders?
As you may know, this week I have Dawson’s Creek on the brain. I’m not quite ready to move on. After all, we already saluted the Bev-Niner, so it’s only fair that Dawson’s Creek gets its due.
As you may have gathered from the last item above, my search for an animal-themed Creek video for today was not so successful. So instead, I give you dogs watching TV (the commentary by the person filming amused me, and I apparently like to watch animals watch things):
For some reason, these two terriers just made me smile (and not just because they are terriers… though I’m sure that helped). Anyway, I’m going to pretend it still relates to the Creek because they are the future dog version of Joey & Pacey… or something.
Oh, and since No Frown Friday was on hiatus last week, here’s a bonus link to some more illustrations and punny pet names from Chet Phillips (including two quizzes – check out the one at the bottom of the post for a real challenge). You may remember the two installments of his literary pets series that I shared before – this time, the theme is artists. Enjoy!
The comic below made me think of Bella, who likes to lick things. And by things, I mean any and all things she encounters. (Seriously… everything.)
(Trouble reading? Go here for a larger version.)
Due to the convoluted workings of my mind, I now have “Kiss the Rain” stuck in my head. As a result (and due to the convoluted workings of the Internet), I found this gem to share with you. (Hint: it involves the song above… and the Creek. Yes, that Creek.)
I should probably stop now.
Apparently, when I think of Mondays, I think of cats. (See Exhibit 1 & Exhibit 2.) How many Monday cat posts before I just give in and make Meow Mix Monday a regular feature? We shall see. In any event, here’s today’s entry in this occasional series…
I think this cat just discovered he was on a feline version of The Truman Show:
Not enough to fight away the Monday blues? This clip of an adorable kitten attacking his mirror image should do it.
Happy Monday… hang in there. (I couldn’t resist.)