Inglewood, 90310

As you know, yesterday was 9-02-10.  What you may not know is that many people, including myself, found this particular date very exciting.  Obviously, the calendar wanted us all to reminisce about Beverly Hills, 90210.  Right?

It’s obviously no longer 90210 day… however, I don’t have fond memories of a show called Inglewood, 90310.  Thus, even though it’s a day late, the theme of today’s No Frown Friday is 90210. (Though let’s be honest… that show could have used more puppies.)

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Brindle and Brandog Walsh (littermates, of course), David Sil-Bird, Donna Barkin, Kelly Tay-Roar, Steve Salamanders, Houndrea Zuckerman and Dylan Sit-Stay.  (Though it’s non-punny, I also think Mrs. Teasley would be a good pet name.)
  2. Looking back at the fashion of 90210 is a surreal experience.  To think I thought that these outfits were so stylish… eek.  Speaking of fashion, have you ever visited Fashionista Puppies?  If not… do so immediately.
  3. I enjoyed this comparison of Mad Men and 90210 characters.
  4. Finally, check out a compilation of the other 90210 celebrations that happened on the Interwebs.

You may have seen the standard credits over the years, but did you ever see the pilot sequence?  Brandon’s mullet is amazing.

Da na na na, da na na na, tsh tsh… now I’ll be humming the theme song for days.

To bring it back to puppies (as I must)… if you live in or near the Bev Niner and want to adopt a dog like Donna and Brenda did that one time, my Google-fu also revealed that there’s a program in Los Angeles called Pets 90210.  It’s sponsored by the Beverly Hills Pet Care Foundation, and features pets for adoption from L.A. Animal Services.  You know David would have totally volunteered to host…

The Hope for Paws rescue group is also based in L.A. – you may have seen some of the videos from this group.  I urge you to check them out – they do great things!

Happy weekend!



My brain works in mysterious ways

For some reason this morning I thought, “Self, you haven’t watched that Kittens Inspired by Kittens video in a long time. You should watch it again.”  So I did. As a result, I’m now sharing it with you. You may have seen it before, but I think it’s worth the nostalgia.  And if you haven’t seen it, you are in for a treat:

This adorable little girl needs to make a sequel.  How about Puppies Inspired by Puppies?

I have no idea why this video popped into my brain today… but the heart wants what it wants.  Especially on a Monday.


Luke, I am your puppy

This photo over at Dogs in Duds (love the name) inspired today’s No Frown Friday.  We talked about real space travel last week, so let’s talk about some fictional space travel today.  That’s right, it’s time for Star Wars… puppy style!

  1. First up, punny pet names: Obi Wag Kenobi, Arf Vader, Slobber the Hutt, Luke Skybarker, Arftoo-D2, Boba Fetch, and Lando Abyssinian.
  2. In case the list above didn’t tip you off, Star Wags: A New Rope Toy is next on my imaginary movie producer list as soon as I wrap up Golden Retriever Girls and Seven Dogs for Seven Brothers.  Perhaps I’ll call the next episodes The American Shorthair Strikes Back and The Return of the Pedi-Paws. I should probably move on now…
  3. Speaking of felines, is this cat Jabba the Hutt’s stunt double?
  4. Not really pup related, but still worth a sniff… cool Star Wars cakes.
  5. This chihuahua will teach you the ways of the Force.
  6. You know you want a shirt in Chewbacca Pink.

Ok, so I had no idea what an AT-AT was until I saw the video below.  All you need to know is that it’s one of those walker things from Star Wars, and apparently it is awesome (and perfect for today’s post):

AT-AT day afternoon from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo

(via Phetched)

That concludes today’s No Frown Friday… but before I go, I’d like to bark about one of our blogging friends who has a Star Wars connection.  Stop by The Life and Times of Chew the Shih Tzu and say hi! (While you’re there, you can also learn how Chewy got his name.)

Happy weekend… may the pup be with you!


Don’t judge a dog by its cover – Part II

Last week, I shared an article I’d read in Parade magazine regarding the progress of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s dogfighting ring.  At that time, I told you a little about the two main rescue groups that took in the dogs (Best Friends Animal Society and BAD RAP).

Now I have an update to share with you… Best Friends Animal Society just released a video providing additional updates on the “Vicktory Dogs,” as the dogs are known at BFAS.  Check it out below:

(via Best Friends Animal Society)

It warms my heart to see them doing well.  (If you didn’t see my post last week, please check it out for more info.)  Until next time…



Case of the Mondays?

From an early age, I was trained to hate Mondays.  Thanks, Garfield.  Who knew cats hated the beginning of the week so much?  They don’t even have to go to work.

Anyway, although the title of this blog suggests we’re all puppies, all the time… today’s post is cat-themed.  (It happens.)  The following video sums up how I feel about Monday, while also making my Monday morning so much better:

(via Life with Dogs)

Classic, right?  That cat is my new hero.

Need more?  Well, you’re in luck.  Apparently animals jumping is so hot right now.  If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch this video of a Corgi diving into the water.  I use the term diving very loosely.  It’s really more of a belly flop.  So adorable (and you know I love those Corgis and their short little legs).

If you’re having trouble getting started today, just watch the cat video on repeat until you feel better.  It’s possible I have watched it over a dozen times (maybe more?) since I first saw it.  It’s my neverending moment of Zen.

Before I go, I want to say thanks to Sharon over at Grouchy Puppy for giving us another cool award.  Instead of selecting a few blogs, I’ll just point you to the Puppy Love blogroll at right… there you will find many wonderful pet bloggers to visit.  And I definitely encourage you to visit Grouchy Puppy – it’s awesome!

Happy Monday!


Dogs… in… space!

That’s right.  It’s a Pigs in Space joke.

Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik 5.  Aboard this spacecraft?  Two dogs, named Belka and Strelka.  The Soviet Union sent these pups (along an odd assortment of traveling companions including mice, rats and flies) into space.  This motley (muttley?) crew survived the trip, and proved that living beings could endure space travel.  The dogs became national heroes.  (Other dogs weren’t so lucky.  One of the most famous of these was named Laika.)

While the use of dogs (and other animals) in these sorts of situations is of questionable morality, I won’t delve into that here.  (Although I admit, I have been pondering that issue ever since I read the story.  Some of the background reading I did for this post just made me sad.)

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff… after all, it’s No Frown Friday.  I’ve occasionally posted about space stuff before, but this time it’s all about the pups.

  1. Punny pet names?  Of course.  This week, I give you Neil Arf-strong and Fuzz Aldrin.
  2. I never saw that Space Buddies movie, but I have to admit that the canine stars were pretty cute in their spacesuits.
  3. Speaking of spacesuits, check out what real-life canine cosmonauts wore.
  4. Do you remember Snoopy’s stint as an astronaut? (If you’d like to read the week of strips illustrating Snoopy’s trips to the moon, start here.)  Snoopy has served as a NASA mascot, and NASA even gives out a Silver Snoopy award.  If you’d like to learn more about Snoopy in space, you can find more details and photos in this article.

An animated film about Belka and Strelka was released in Russia earlier this year.  When it is released in the U.S., it will be called Space Dogs 3D.  I was unable to find out much information about when it will be released or where you might be able to see it.  In any event, here’s the trailer:

If you can’t find it in theaters, there’s always the eventual DVD release, right?

Anyway, I hope you and your canine cosmonaut have a weekend that’s out of this world!  (I couldn’t resist.)

P.S. Don’t forget to donate to your local shelter or rescue group tomorrow in honor of International Homeless Animals Day.


Don’t judge a dog by its cover

“He wasn’t a bad dog – he simply didn’t know any better;
he’d never lived in a house.”
from “Can You Teach a Bad Dog New Tricks” by Jim Gorant

A friend suggested I check out an article in this past weekend’s issue of Parade magazine.  So I rifled through my newspaper (I’m still old school on Sundays) and pulled out the insert.  Staring at me from the cover? An adorable dog.  A pit bull, to be exact.  After reading this article, I knew I had to share it with you.

The title of the article is “Can You Teach a Bad Dog New Tricks?”  The “bad dogs” in question are Michael Vick’s pit bulls.  (I think it goes without saying how very, very terrible he is… but we’re focusing on the dogs here, so I’ll save that angry rant for another time.)

We’ve all heard about what happened to Michael Vick after his dogfighting ways were discovered.  But what about the dogs?  Find out more after the jump…

Continue reading


A dose of Bella for your Wednesday

Bella likes being the center of attention.  Every now and then, she reminds me that she’s the face of this operation, and that I should feature her more often.  In an effort to appease my doggie boss and increase this week’s Bella quotient, I’ve illustrated this post with a few photos from the Bella archives.

Before I go, I have an update about International Homeless Animals Day this Saturday.  Go check out this post at Bocci’s Beefs to find out how you can participate.

Finally, I want to say a quick thank you to Miley at Curious Cavorting Cavoodle.  This sweet blogger bestowed another award on us!  In lieu of writing a new post, I’ll just direct you to my other recent posts recognizing some great blogs and encourage you to visit the blogs listed in the blogroll at right.  However, I did want to let Miley know how much I appreciate it – thanks again!

Happy Wednesday!

