Stinky puppy, you’re the one…

At some point this week, Bella needs a bath.  As she slumbers beneath the desk, stinky and content, little does she know that within days she will be suffering through such an ordeal (she really doesn’t like getting a bath).  Anyway, this seems to be the perfect opportunity to post one of my favorite Bella photos:

I haven’t attempted to take photos of Bella in the bath in quite some time – usually I’m too busy playing defense to keep her in the tub, or attempting to throw up a towel shield right before she shakes off.  We’ll see if I can get some new ones this time.

Given Bella’s impending doom (her description, not mine), I thought this would be a good time to share some tips with you.  In my family, we have always bathed the dogs at home instead of taking them to the groomer (do they even have groomers in the sticks?).  I’ve been lucky – most of my pups, Bella included, have been pretty low-maintenance.  If you are a new pet parent, or considering bathing your dog at home sometimes instead of always paying the groomer, I’ve rounded up some tips for you.  (If you’re an experienced pet parent, you still might find some new info or tips to improve bath time.  Never stop learning, right?)

  • If you’re new to this whole puppy bath thing, here are some basic tips to get you started.
  • While Bella is definitely not a bath fan, at least she isn’t scared of the bathroom.  If your dog gets really anxious around bath time, check out these tips for making bath time more fun.
  • Even when I think I’ve gotten Bella as dry as I can (or as dry as she will tolerate – after a while she has had enough), she’s still usually a little damp.  Maybe I should get her this robe so she can relax in style (and stay warm) post-bath.  I’ve also considered getting one of these Brush Buddies – it’s both a towel and a flexible brush that might help make brushing seem like a nice puppy massage.
  • Do you have a stinky dog and no desire to give him or her a bath?  Similar to dry shampoo, you can use cornstarch in a pinch if you want to clean up your dog but don’t want to fill up the tub.  Here’s how.
  • If you’re looking to make bath time more green, check out this post on how to find eco-friendly grooming products.    You can also try eco-friendly grooming wipes if you need to freshen up a stinky pet.  Also, you can find information on where to purchase a host of green grooming products via Raise a Green Dog.

Do you have any bath tips or stinky dog stories? Feel free to shake that knowledge off and leave it in the comments, like Bella will soon be leaving water droplets all over my bathroom.



Oh, yeah!

It’s Monday… after my Deep Thoughts interlude this weekend, I thought I should help you start your week off with a giggle:


(Brevity via CIDU)

Unfortunately, after my initial laugh, I found myself with questions.  Assuming that Kool-Aid is a first name, then is this the Man family?  Unless of course the other characters here are Kool-Aid Woman and Kool-Aid Kid, in which case I suppose their surname is Kool-Aid.  Are there any other members of the Kool-Aid species out there?  If so, do they all share the Kool-Aid last name (like Kool-Aid Steve and Kool-Aid Gina)?  Maybe Kool-Aid is just a stage name – apparently our friend here was originally known as Pitcher Man.

Anyway, although this post seems completely unrelated to the usual blog content, I’d like to point out that the Kool-Aids (or the Mans… if anyone has more extensive knowledge of Kool-Aid culture, please feel free to jump in here)  have a dog (and a cat).  Thus, it’s still technically puppy-related – and if I were the Kool Aid’s dog (as opposed to Kool-Aid Dog), I’d get out of there before that house falls down.  Sooner or later, someone’s going to burst through a load-bearing wall.


In which I get serious for a moment, and reflect on Mother’s Day

I’m about to have a serious moment here on my silly puppy blog…

Mother’s Day.  Not exactly an easy time of year when you’ve lost your mom.  If you, like me, have experienced this loss: (1) I’m giving you a big Internet hug right now, because I know we can both use it this weekend; and (2) I’m giving you a second big Internet hug because one wasn’t enough.

Time heals all wounds, or so the saying goes.  Not true, I’d argue. In this Slate article, Meghan O’Rourke movingly describes her experience with Mother’s Day after losing her mother.  (Warning: tissues probably needed.  Also, if you haven’t read O’Rourke’s 2008 Slate series on grief, it’s well worth a read, especially if you’ve ever lost a loved one.  And hey, you already have the tissues out, right?)  In particular, this passage in which O’Rourke quotes the book Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman really spoke to me:

“As much as the talking, the model-providing, the advice, it’s that we miss: the blanketing warmth. One of the women Edelman interviewed for her book said, movingly, about being motherless: “You have to learn how to be a mother for yourself. You have to become that person who says, ‘Don’t worry, you’re doing fine. You’re doing the best you can.’ Sure, you’ll call friends who say that to you. … But hearing it from that person who taped up all your scraped knees … that’s the one you keep looking for.”

In other words, a mother is irreplaceable.  It’s a loss that never quite goes away – something’s always a bit off.  I think O’Rourke’s use of the terms unmothered and unmoored are very accurate ways of describing this feeling.  Losing your mother is a bit like being set adrift.  The initial grief is strong – currents pushing you away from the shore.  But you realize that you can’t keep floating forever, and you remember how to swim, how to get through the day.  At first, you’re just treading water, trying to keep from sinking.  As you keep swimming (smiling here as I think about Dory singing “just keep swimming” in Finding Nemo), the sharp edges of grief start to dull and you are finally able to make some progress. (In fact, making sure to keep myself moving forward seemed a fitting way to honor the woman who raised me and shaped the person I would become.)  However, you realize that you will never be anchored in quite the same way again – one of your mooring lines has disappeared, and it’s not coming back.

I think about Mom every day, but the pain is less acute.  Even so, I still find myself longing to have her back, to be mothered again.  I never realized how often I used to call to ask some silly little cooking question or just to chat until I couldn’t just pick up the phone to do those things anymore.  Words don’t even do justice to how much I miss that woman, who was mother, confidant, and friend (once we got past my bratty teenager phase and I realized that there’s no friend quite like your mom).

My mom was the best.  Not having her here, to put it bluntly and not very eloquently, sucks.  Don’t get me wrong – I still have a great deal to be thankful for, and there are a lot of great things in my life.  I’m a very lucky gal, with a wonderful father, sister, husband, family, puppy, and friends.  In addition, I’ve acquired a fantastic mother-in-law along the way.  Happy Mother’s Day to her and all of the other wonderful women in my life who are mothers.  (That technically includes Bella too – after a youthful indiscretion, she found herself with puppies.  After she had them, it seems that the person kept the puppies and dropped Bella off at a shelter.  How could anyone bear to part with this cute little face?  I don’t understand people sometimes.  But I digress…)

Apparently I’m all about the big Internet hugs today, so here’s one for all of the mothers out there too.  Make sure you get some real-world hugs this weekend as well… me, I’ll be spending time with the hub and our furry child, Bella.  Expect some hugs, you two.  Back to the happy puppy posts in short order, I promise.  🙂


Everything’s drawn and super 80s

It’s another No Frown Friday…

  1. I’m still in an 80s kind of mood (I blame/thank Glee – apparently I’m not the only one), hence this week’s punny pet names:  Simon LeBone, Olivia Chewton John, and Cat Benatar.
  2. Not in any way related to the 80s, I loved these pictures of the Smithsonian’s new clouded leopard cubs.  I think I’ll just make a tangentially-related ThunderCats reference here to shoehorn this item into this week’s theme.  (It’s rumored that a movie is in the works.  Snarf?)
  3. Speaking of 80s cartoons… I’m sure it will not surprise you to learn that the Pound Puppies are high on my list of favorites. I totally had the board game (Pooch on the Loose).  Now that I think about it, perhaps Pound Puppies is partially responsible for my love of punny pet names.  Nose Marie, anyone?  Also, in moment of synergy that would make Jem proud, not only does this item combine the 80s and puppies, I just remembered that one of the pups was named Bright Eyes, which relates to my next item…
  4. Did you watch this week’s Glee?  The performance of Total Eclipse of the Heart was amazing.  (Thumbs up for the angry ballet )  That song was already a guilty pleasure, and I’ll definitely be adding the Glee version to my iPod.  Every time I hear the song, I think of two things:  (1) this hilarious literal video version; and (2) the summer before I started college.  I vaguely recall that during the summer orientation weekend, there was some sort of anti-drug performance using Total Eclipse of the Heart as a soundtrack.  I think that it included people in black t-shirts wearing the names of drugs, and it was full of dramatic moments such as the main student character being surrounded by all of the “drugs” and cut off from her family and friends.  I don’t recall whether I found this hilarious or moving at the time – but in retrospect, I declare it kind of awesome based on soundtrack alone.  Anyway, please excuse the long-winded intro to the fourth item on this week’s list.  In honor of all of that reminiscing Glee made me do this week, I thought I’d leave you with another one of my favorite literal videos – Take on Me:

With that, I bid you good day.  Turn around, Bright Eyes, and have a puptastic weekend.


To do: buy Bella a Braves jersey

Yesterday, I watched the Braves lose to the Nationals… heartbreaking!  I also forgot my camera, so I didn’t even get to take any pictures.  Bummer all the way around.

Anyway, in lieu of some good pictures of my own, I found these photos of Atlanta’s recent Bark in the Park event.  I like the idea of sporting events with puppy spectators… Bella wouldn’t even interrupt the game, since she doesn’t care for balls.  (Now if the sport was played with rope bones, that would be a different matter.)

I also realized today that I have neglected to order a Braves jersey for
Bellakins.  She does own a few jerseys – as you can see from these photos, they are both for New York teams (our
household bridges both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line).

It’s something of a travesty that I’ve yet to get her a Braves one as
well, so I’m adding that to my to do list.  Once I do, expect a photo.


Family, flowers and puppies – a winning combination

Had a lovely weekend… the in-laws are in town for a visit, so we have been enjoying spending time with them.  The weather this weekend was beautiful, although perhaps a bit too hot.  I took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time walking in the yard with Bella.  There are a few flowers in bloom already.  One of the interesting things about moving into a new home is that we’re not quite sure what has already been planted.  Each day presents a new challenge (“I can name that flower in three petals!”) and often a pleasant surprise.  Here are a few quick shots from the weekend:

One of several lilacs in the yard – a VERY pleasant surprise, given that they are my favorite flower.
This little guy is all over the back corner of our
yard… sadly, I’m not sure of his name.  Anyone?
I must say thank you to these hard-working ants – I can’t wait until the peonies are in bloom!

All in all, a very nice weekend with family, enjoying the lovely weather.  And if you’re wondering… we did make it to the Pet Fiesta.  It was a fun time, although Bella elected not to take a car ride and go with us.  It was a hot day for puppies to be outside (around 90 degrees), so Bella stayed indoors and took a nap.  However, there were plenty of dogs in attendance (including many in need of homes.  I can’t say it enough – adopt a rescue pup!).  The pup at right had a novel way to beat the heat.  I don’t know his name, but to me he will always be Joe Cool.


My hungry eyes spy some cupcakes

Oh, Friday… one look at you and I can’t disguise.  I’ve got… hungry eyes.  I feel the magic between you and I.  (I know it’s poetic license, so I’m trying to put my grammar concern aside and just go with it.)  Anyway, let me count down this week’s items for No Frown Friday:

  1. Punny pet names… a tradition that perhaps only I enjoy.  In honor of number 4 on this week’s list of things to help you wag your way into the weekend, this week’s name is Johnny Cats-le.  That one was too easy, but I think I earned a pass given that last week I offered up enough names for you to stage an all-pets Golden Girls production in your home.  (If anyone I know ever does stage such a production, may I suggest “Golden Retriever Girls” as a possible title?  Also, I’m expecting a cut of the inevitable profits and a producer credit.  I’m just saying.)
  2. Just kidding… even when I try to stop, I can’t.  So here are two bonus punny pet names, continuing on the classic TV theme:  Julia and Suzanne Sugarbarker.  You’re welcome, Internet.
  3. Speaking of sugar… gazing at these muppet cupcakes has left me incapable of commentary beyond, “Me want cupcakes!”  (Bonus: many awesome muppet moments in the comments, including the Swedish Chef.)
  4. This tribute to Dirty Dancing put a big smile on my face.  Go check it out, spaghetti arms… or pop the DVD in for the millionth time and watch it again this weekend.  You know you want to.  If you need me, I’ll be listening to the soundtrack on repeat.

If you’re in the northern Virginia area, you might want to check out the Pet Fiesta this weekend at Reston Town Center.  There will be puppies everywhere!  Below, a representation of this event in video form:

(via Cute Overload – if you think you can handle the cuteness, there’s another one here)

Note: your actual experience at the Pet Fiesta may differ.  Have a good weekend, kiddos.


Donna Martin graduates, a slap bet is born, and I choo-choo-choose Glee

Let’s talk last week’s Madonna-themed episode of Glee.  In all honesty, that was one of the most enjoyable hours of television I’ve watched in a while.  I’ve been listening to the soundtrack all week.  As Sue Sylvester would say, “Madonna.  Simply saying the word aloud makes me feel powerful – even in voice-over.”  I can’t argue with Sue on that one – though at least one person more eloquent than me has written some beautiful and thoughtful words on Madonna and Glee.  I couldn’t say it better, so I’m not even going to try.

However, I will use this Glee intro as the overly-complicated setup for a completely different  topic.  (I’m like a Simpsons episode in blog form.)  Well, not completely different – just another one of those tangential leaps that my brain seems to enjoy.  Anyway… today’s topic:  awesome episodes of TV.  I’m talking about amazing episodes of great (or not-so-great) television shows.  I’m fairly confident that Glee’s Madonna-themed episode just vaulted into a spot on my list of all-time fantastic episodes – an episode that I will be thrilled to watch over and over again, even though I have already watched it so many times that I could stage a reenactment using sock puppets.

Given that Glee’s Madonna episode is joining this elite crowd, I should probably introduce it to the other members of my personal Episode Hall of Fame.  I’ve put together the following non-exhaustive list.  It’s mostly sitcoms, with a Saturday morning confection and a soapy nighttime guilty pleasure thrown in for good measure.  (I may do a later post on those dramas that have had a similar effect on me – however, “thrilled to watch over and over again” might not be an accurate description, considering most of those episodes reduce me to a blubbering mess.)

  • Friends, The One with the Embryos – You may remember this one as the episode in which Ross hosts a trivia contest – Rachel and Monica versus Chandler and Joey.  Every time I subscribe to a magazine, I have to resist the urge to request that it be addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong.
  • How I Met Your Mother, Slap Bet (aka Robin Sparkles) – I will never stop singing “Let’s Go to the Mall.”  This episode was brilliant, and the writers still call back to this episode seasons later.  If you are not watching How I Met Your Mother, be warned that I may sit you down and make you watch this episode on DVD.  Consider me a series dealer, trying to get you hooked with a little taste of awesome.
  • Beverly Hills 90210, Something in the Air – They should have just named this episode “Donna Martin Graduates.”
  • Futurama, Jurassic Bark – I can’t even describe this episode.  In fact, every time I attempt to type up my thoughts on it, I can feel the tears forming at the corner of my eyes.  As a dog lover, I apparently cannot even think of this episode without having an emotional reaction.
  • Scrubs, My Screw Up – The first time I watched this episode, I definitely wasn’t expecting the Sixth Sense-ish twist.  However, knowing the twist doesn’t diminish this episode for me at all.  As usual, Scrubs manages to handle a weighty subject like the death of a loved one with humor and grace.  It gets me every time.
  • The Simpsons, I Love Lisa – Ralph Wiggum is my favorite Simpsons character, hands down.  Always beware the power of a Valentine indicating that you choo-choo-choose the recipient.
  • Saved by the Bell, Jessie’s Song – I mean, come on.  This episode is responsible for my (now-forgotten) fear of caffeine pills and for my inability to say “I’m so excited” without “I’m… so… scared!” tacked on to the end of it.  That’s an impact… and perhaps something of a disease.

I’m sure as soon as I publish this list, I’ll think of some gems I left out.  It’s a risk I’ll have to take, since my DVR has thoughtfully recorded enough of Glee so that I can skip the commercials.  That show is required same-night viewing for me.

What episodes make your hall of fame?


Back in St. Olaf…

Another weekend is upon us… meaning that it’s time for another No-Frown Friday.  (That’s right… a week later I still haven’t come up with a better title.  One of these days, inspiration will strike.)  Here’s a list of things designed to get your tail wagging:

  1. This week’s punny pet name is … Rose Nylabone.  (A pet with this name should live in a house in Florida with Dorothy Zbornibark, Blanche Deverpaw and Sofeline Petrillo.  This foursome should be given unlimited access to the lanai, and should be allowed to have cheesecake late at night when discussing their problems.  Under no circumstances should three of them be allowed to go off on their own and purchase a hotel.)
  2. In honor of Roscoe’s visit to Bella, this slideshow showcases pets in pairs.
  3. Has anyone else been following Such Tweet Sorrow?  It’s Romeo and Juliet for the Twitter generation.  Check it out.  It’s Shakespeare’s  “birthday,” after all.
  4. If you enjoyed this week’s punny pet name, you should watch this hilarious tribute to Betty White.  (Warning: it’s catchy and may get stuck in your head, supplanting some other valuable info you have stored in there.  It’s worth the risk.)

In closing, here’s a vintage Bella photo:

Putting the lazy in La-Z-Boy (circa 2004)


I hope this photo inspires you to find some lazy time of your own this weekend. Perhaps you should relax on the couch and watch old episodes of the Golden Girls. You deserve it.


Puppies can celebrate Earth Day too

Happy Earth Day!

I’ve been trying to think of a way to combine Earth Day and my favorite topic, puppies.  (No surprise there, I’m sure.)  However, the wonderful video below just solved that problem for me:

(via Huffington Post)

Captain Pug.  He’s my hero.  Going to take pollution down to zero.  He is cuteness magnified, and he’s fighting on the planet’s side.  (Hat tip to Captain Planet for infiltrating my brain for decades.)   I mean, seriously… how cute and well-trained is this pug?  Also, if anyone knows how I can join that dog’s carpool, please let me know.  Best.  Commute.  Ever.

For those of us whose dogs aren’t well-trained enough to star in their own Earth Day PSAs, there are still plenty of ways to be an eco-friendly pet owner.  Check here for some general tips on how you can go green, and here for a list of green pet toys.

Earth!  Fire!  Wind!  Water!  Heart!  Puppies!  By your powers combined, he is Captain Pug, the cutest superhero ever.

