It’s not a baby blog or an angry blog, but it’s all mine…

So, given the proliferation of blogs lately among my friends & family (hereinafter known as blog-liferation), I have decided that I might as well join the crowd.  However, while I have decided to give in to the blog-liferation, I’m going with the velvet rope model for now.  Invitation only, kittens.*  Consider yourself one of the elite.

We’ll see what I make of this space…  for now, here’s a photo of Bella to tide you over.

Her future’s so bright, she needs to buy some shades specially engineered for dogs.

In closing… puppies.

*In retrospect, I don’t think I want to call you kittens. That’s too pro-cat for this clearly pro-pup blog. Alternate term of endearment is under consideration.
