It’s time to spring fur-ward!

It’s time for another link roundup…

  1. First up, your punny pet name for the week: Lickey Mantle. (Bonus Pisces pun!)
  2. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I just adore when the clocks spring forward. I’ve been doing my own Care Bear Countdown, waiting for those extra hours of evening daylight to appear. - The hour we lose this weekend was the one when I was planning to go to the gym.


  3. Seriously, if I wasn’t so lazy, I’d be celebrating like these party animals right now. (If I’m being honest, I’m super jealous of this crew.)
  4. Daylight Saving Time also means that spring is on its way. After this never-ending winter, I’m ready for some warmth… and perhaps a glass of wine or two. Or maybe a picnic?
  5. I’m not picky. I’ll happily accept a beer instead, especially if baseball is involved.
  6. Wineries, ballparks, dance studios… puppies are everywhere these days!

Finally, for today’s video, I present a dramatic reenactment of how happy I will be when winter is officially over:

True story.

Oh, and in case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

I know they’re usually Friday links, but I’m off my schedule lately. I figure you don’t mind too much.


To do: buy Bella a Braves jersey

Yesterday, I watched the Braves lose to the Nationals… heartbreaking!  I also forgot my camera, so I didn’t even get to take any pictures.  Bummer all the way around.

Anyway, in lieu of some good pictures of my own, I found these photos of Atlanta’s recent Bark in the Park event.  I like the idea of sporting events with puppy spectators… Bella wouldn’t even interrupt the game, since she doesn’t care for balls.  (Now if the sport was played with rope bones, that would be a different matter.)

I also realized today that I have neglected to order a Braves jersey for
Bellakins.  She does own a few jerseys – as you can see from these photos, they are both for New York teams (our
household bridges both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line).

It’s something of a travesty that I’ve yet to get her a Braves one as
well, so I’m adding that to my to do list.  Once I do, expect a photo.
