Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3

Now, before you get any bright ideas, I want to clear something up. Although the title suggests that two dogs decided to create a puppy, you’ll find no titillating tales of canine copulation in this post.

Anyway, if you saw Friday’s post, you might have an inkling as to what’s going on. If you follow our adventures on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve certainly figured it out by now. (If you’re not our friend on Facebook, why not? Head on over there.) In any event, I wish I had been able to update you here sooner, but I’ve been… otherwise occupied. Let me tell you how I got that way… Continue reading


Go crazy? Don’t mind if I do…

Please stand by… we’re experiencing technical difficulties due to the crazy storms on Friday night. You can’t ask for more fun than a power outage in a massive heat wave.

That's the night that the lights went out (not) in Georgia...

No electricity and no air conditioning make Bella (and me) go something, something…

This brief update has been brought to you courtesy of a local Starbucks that has free WiFi but no ice. (Oh, that’s right… we have an ice shortage here too. What’s next?) Not sure when we’ll be able to return to regular posting…

UPDATE: We finally got power back on Sunday night. Bella has her paws crossed that it stays on. She’ll keep them crossed that yours is on too.


Barking 9 to 5…

It just so happens that today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. It’s also National Dog Party Day. I guess if you’re going to work hard, you should play hard too!

Lucky for me, I usually work from home on Fridays… which means that I can take Bella to work with me today without having to actually take her anywhere. Given that Bella gets carsick in a rocking chair, this situation is ideal. We’ll have our own version of Paw-fice Space right here at home – Bella takes her Floor Patrol duties very seriously.

Now, to the Linkmobile!

  1. Today’s punny pet names take their inspiration from 9 to 5: Polly Parton (for a bird), Dane Fonda (for a Great Dane pup), and Gilly Tomlin (for a fish).
  2. Oh, I can’t help myself. Here are a few more: Molly Parton (for a fish), Jane Fawnda (for a deer), Lily Tomcatlin, and Billy Tomlin (for a goat).
  3. Next, check out this great slideshow of dogs participating in today’s festivities.
  4. Among the offices celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day? The gang at Richmond International Raceway. (I bet Bella’s glad that I don’t work there!)
  5. Over at Peggy’s Pet Place, Kelly the pup has taken to the keyboard to tell us about her canine career.
  6. Sugar the Golden Retriever has donned some “office” attire today as well. (Looking good, pal!)
  7. What if your office is a boat? Something Wagging tells us about Schmitty the Weather Dog, and inspires me to watch “I’m on a Boat” too many times.
  8. The Poodle and Dog Blog gets into the act with this interesting story and clever post title: Dog on a Hot Thatched Roof.
  9. Wondering how to work out the logistics of bringing your dog to work? Never fear. The Pet Health Care Gazette has some great tips.

Sure, it sounds cute… but should we be concerned? Will human workers soon be replaced by a cadre of clever canine professionals? It’s happened before.

That deep thought brings us to today’s video. This dog seems to love his job more than most people I know.

Don’t worry cat lovers, I haven’t forgotten you. Bunny’s Blog tells us all about taking your cat to work.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess that I sang “9 to 5” the entire time I was writing this post. It’s going to be in my head all day now. It’s enough to drive me crazy if I let it. (See what I did there?)

So, tell me… have you ever taken your dog (or other pet) to work?


K9 Kampers Graduate!

The fourth challenge is already here? Kamp’s already over? I would like to protest. “Donna Martin graduates! Donna Martin graduates!

Wait, that’s not right. “Stop the drilling! Stop the oil!

Er… I mean, “More K9 Kamp! More K9 Kamp!”

Anyway, it’s with a heavy heart that I write about the last week of K9 Kamp. The final challenge required me to exercise (wordplay!) some independent judgment (not my strong suit) and choose what to do with Bella this week. That’s right – it was Kamper’s Choice! (I initially typed that Khoice… oops.) Read on to find out how we did.

Continue reading


#K9Kamp: Hold on a doggone minute

Wow… we just finished the third K9 Kamp challenge. How did that happen? I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.

This week’s challenge was called Just One Doggone Minute to Win It. This challenge recognizes that sometimes life gets in the way of staying fit. However, we all have some free minutes in there, so Kampers were encouraged to find a way to make those minutes count! Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading


A dog in a hot car’s just not right…

Today, we’re going with some vintage Bella from 2007 combined with a PSA from the pup herself. (She totally wrote this song.)

Hot dog, summer in the city
Whether a Beagle, Yorkie, or a Pitty.
Why can’t I just nap like a kitty?
It isn’t getting any cooler in the city.

All around people being brain dead
Even though that car is hotter than a match head.

But it’s not hard to be a pearl,
Be smart about the world.
Come on, come on, and see the light
A dog in a hot car’s just not right.

And babe, don’t you know it’s a pity,
Some people just aren’t all that bright
In the summer, in the city
In the country, or the city.

Stay cool, no need for that pity
Just remember this little ditty.
Sure enough, you’ll be sitting pretty
Looking out for dogs in the country and the city.

I’m already filled with dread knowing that the usual hot car stories are just around the corner… as usual, I’m sure the news cycle will bring out my Hulk-ian tendencies. (As in, “Hulk smash idiots who leave their dogs in hot cars.” Hulk smash a lot.)


#K9Kamp: Having a ball… with rope

It’s time for another K9 Kamp update. Today, we’re talking about the second challenge, which was named (drum roll, please)… Play with Your Balls. (In case you’re not as amused as I am – which would make me question our friendship – perhaps the fact that I received an email beginning with “How’d you all do playing with your balls?” yesterday will do the trick. Best email ever.)

Anyway, as you know, Bella and I have been battling against various health issues during this year’s K9 Kamp. (We’re still on the DL, but we’re on the mend.) This week, we also had an additional challenge – the fact that Bella will not play with balls. I guess she doesn’t get the joke.

Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading
