105 punny bird names… and counting

Lately, I’ve been thinking that it’s time to expand the roundups of punny pet names beyond the current canine and feline collections.  After all, puns appear to be a perennial favorite around here – punny pet names in particular.

I wasn’t sure which species to focus on next, but Valentine’s Day got me thinking about lovebirds… so, the next punny name collection focuses on our feathered friends.  Continue reading


Tonight we’re gonna party like we’re ninety-nine canines…

It’s that time again… here’s your weekly linkage:

  1. First up, your punny pet name:  Cyndi Pawper.
  2. Did you know that you can take your dog stand up paddleboarding? Hey Love Designs tells all. (Tavish the water hater would like you to know that he does not approve this message.)
  3. Dear everyone – please throw this party for me. (It’s totally for adults too, right? I’m so cool. I’ll just keep telling myself that.)
  4. Also, please invite these adorable creatures to said party.
  5. Oh, and these kittens too!  (The costumes are not optional.) Best party ever.

Even though I shared the water thing above, please don’t get the wrong idea. We take care of our aquaphobic friends – at Tavish’s request, water balloons will not be allowed at the party.  (He’s already hired a bouncer and everything.)

Also, contrary to the request of our feline guests, owl burritos will not be on the menu.

That’s all for today, my friends. In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Until next time… stay dry!


A definitive ranking of the 50 best names for a group of animals

So, I recently discovered that a group of ferrets is called a business. I found this fact utterly delightful, and it inspired me to find out what other delightful denominations I’ve been missing out on.

Today, I give you my definitive ranking of the coolest names for a group of animals. Obviously, no boring herds or packs need apply. (I’m looking at you, antelope, caribou, bison, wolves, and the like.) No troops, pods or flocks either. (Sorry, monkeys, whales and seagulls.) I showed a gaggle of geese and a murder of crows the door too. No mercy.  Continue reading


Your Friday cute: Double or puffin?

I know I’ve been remiss with my weekly link roundups lately, so today’s is packed full of linkage to send you smiling into the weekend…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Thorin Croakenshield and Bilbo Waggins. (Bonus: Meowly Cyrus and J.R.R. Tolkitten, courtesy of this pun-filled link. I won’t lie – I’m kind of annoyed at myself for not coming up with the latter.)
  2. Speaking of puns, please enjoy the whole enchihuahua!
  3. I want to throw a puppy party. I don’t know what the occasion will be, but the theme will (of course) be puppies. Who’s in?
  4. I have a tendency to declare that something is my spirit animal quite often. Like once a week. Or twice a day. Anyway, I would declare this frog my spirit animal, but I think it would be more appropriate to appoint him my new life coach.
  5. Take note: this is how you make an entrance.
  6. Holy cuteness, Batman! It’s a puffin chick! I wonder what they’ll name her. Perhaps Arianna Puffington? Or Hillary Puff? (Note: I decided to Google “Puffington Post” to see if it such a thing existed, and if so, if it was a blog dedicated to puffins. In case you’re wondering, the answers are: yes… and a resounding NO.  It’s more likely to appeal to hardcore fans of this movie. I naively did not see that coming.)
  7. Speaking of baby puffins, apparently they’re actually known as pufflings. Amazing. (From this same link, I also learned that a group of ferrets is called a business, which may be the coolest name for a group of animals ever. It might even edge out a grumble of pugs. I need to think on it.)

Anyway, putting that important debate aside for a moment (stay tuned), it’s time for this week’s video:

I have the urge to script dialogue for this whole thing. What do puffins talk about?

Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, folks. Telling me your favorite word for a group of animals or dreaming up some puffin dialogue in the comments is highly encouraged.


Your Friday cute: Animal odd couples

I realize that No Frown Friday has been missing of late – but it’s back, baby! Let’s get to it.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Pony Soprano and Duckleberry Finn.
  2. Doug the cat and Charlie the dog could teach us all a thing or two. Citizens of the world, let them guide us to world peace.
  3. I really cannot resist a cat-dog friendship. It’s like catnip. (I couldn’t come up with a dog equivalent… it’s not like there’s some sort of dognip out there.)
  4. Prepare to melt when you read this story about a dog saving a kitten.
  5. Seriously though… perhaps it’s time we rethink that fighting like cats and dogs thing. In some cases, it just means “fighting” in the most adorable way possible.
  6. While we’re changing things up, I suggest we modify Duck, Duck, Goose as well. How about Duck, Duck, Dog?
  7. Up next in the odd couple parade, I present a dog riding a horse.
  8. Considering I cannot actually ride a horse – although I’d love to learn – I’m feeling a bit inadequate right now. Maybe I’ll just snuggle up with a stuffed animal… like this horse and his teddy bear. (Please excuse the rain that has appeared on my face. The teddy bear is his surrogate mama. I can’t even.)
  9. This cat has a stuffed leopard best friend. I am having lots of feelings today.

For today’s video, I thought we’d just overdose on adorable odd couples:


Whew. I hope that this installment of No Frown Friday helps you wag your way into the weekend!


Animal odd couples are the best kind of couples

It’s time for another No Frown Friday. (I also hope that this post heralds the return of regular posting. I’ve been down with the count due to allergies this week. Allergies in February. What is this world coming to?)

  1. First up, your punny pet names are Grammy-inspired: TayRoar Swift, Hairy Underwood, and LL Drool J.
  2. The Grammy performances occasionally include some surprising duos… so, today’s theme is odd couples. We can learn so much from these unconventional pairings.
  3. Let’s kick it off with a dog and a kangaroo. Maybe I’ll give some of them a celebrity couple name too, like Brangelina. I’ll call these two… Dogaroo. (Not to be confused with the Lemaroo, of course.)
  4. Speaking of Brangelina, this Swiss Shepherd took a cue from Angelina and adopted some tiger cubs. Squee.
  5. Now this… this is friendship.
  6. Is this video an example of what they call sitting in the catbird seat?
  7. I heard that this cat and rabbit (Cabbit) are wearing matching BFF necklaces. (I wonder if kids these days still wear those.)
  8. The owl and the pussycat are on Facebook. Everyone’s getting into the social media game. They shall dance by the light of the computer monitor.
  9. A dog hanging out with a lamb? There’s mutton weird about that. (Groan.)
  10. It’s like a Disney classic come to life. Behold, the fox… and the cat?
  11. This clip of a leopard and a baby baboon (Leopaboon) is sweet, yet rather sad (especially considering the backstory). Insert tissue warning here.
  12. Quoth the raven, “Why is this crow feeding a cat and a dog?”

The dog below is a true hero. The look he gives the camera reminds me of the look Bella gives me when she’s putting up Tavish.

Adorbs. You just know that those kittens are going to be this cat when they grow up. It’s all in good fun, right?


Smiling’s my favorite!

As I recently mentioned, I’m well behind on my monthly roundups. However, let’s just consider this belated October installment an early Christmas gift. (By that logic, I’m actually ahead of the game.)

Anyway, I believe that Buddy the Elf would totally support me sharing these posts guaranteed to make you smile. Enjoy. If you need me, I’ll be enjoying selections from the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup. Continue reading


Penguins & prizes for the howlidays…

Happy Friday! Ready for some holiday linkage?

  1. Your punny pet names: Frank Catra and Ebefleazer Scrooge.
  2. I’m in the process of creating my holiday card this year – wrangling two dogs is much more difficult than one! This year, the pups will be rocking some sweaters, so stay tuned for the final card as well as some outtakes. Until then, enjoy these penguins, cats, and dogs wearing sweaters.
  3. Speaking of penguins… hop, hop, hop! I could watch them all day.
  4. Seriously, penguins are awesome.
  5. Have you decorated yet? We haven’t put up our tree yet – I wonder what Tavish will think of his first Christmas with us. Maybe he will take a hint from Bo.
  6. Ah, the holidays. Although I love the holidays, I don’t like snow. Watching this adorable guy makes me hate it just a little less, however.
  7. I have some fun holiday news for you – starting tomorrow, you’ll have the chance to win some great prizes. It’s the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers, and I’m thrilled to be joining Kol’s Notes for such a cool event.

Given that I was kind of on a penguin kick today, this video seemed the perfect choice:


Can you believe it will be December tomorrow? Time flies when you’re making puns!


Paw Night Long

Yesterday, I promised you some Saturday Night Links. It’s time for me to deliver…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Nigel Lythgrowle and Whinin’ L. Richie. (Also, enjoy this bonus punny action and the next installment of my continuing Lionel Richie obsession.)
  2. Speaking of puns (because I always am), I’m loving these street fliers… pages and pages of tearable puns!
  3. Possible new reality show: So You Think You Can See Puppies at a Dance Festival.
  4. It’s time for some pretty – enjoy these Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners.
  5. You know what else you need today? Puppies playing. You’re welcome.
  6. I bet this cat has some pointers on how to pick up chicks. Once you’ve mastered the art of the pickup, these dogs will teach you to take your date for a drive.

As always, we end with a video. With all apologies to Jewel, this video was meant for me, and I was meant for it.

Dancing Dog – watch more funny videos