#K9Kamp: What’s your dog’s walking style?

As I mentioned, we’ve been doing a lot of walking for this year’s K9 Kamp. Tavish and I have been supplementing these walks with some fetch and games of tug (with an occasional assist from Bella).

someecards.com - The best part of owning a dog is getting to leave places to go walk it.

Truth. (via sommeecards.com)

There are a lot of benefits to walking the dog, but I’ve come to realize that whether these walks are actually a good workout depends on which dog I’m walking.

Tavish is a speed walker. He’ll stop to sniff something occasionally, but he prefers to walk with all deliberate speed. Bella, on the other hand, prefers a leisurely stroll.

When the two of them are together, things proceed fine for the first few minutes.

Then, Bella starts to slow down, both to sniff things and because she gets tired more easily. She also tends to walk in a zigzag pattern rather than a straight line. If she ends up in front of Tavish, he acts like an impatient driver in traffic, trying to get around the slow-moving vehicle that’s inexplicably hanging out in the fast lane.

Running: I Still Want More Puppies

via giphy.com

Needless to say, walks with Tavish are much more of a workout than ones involving the Bellaface.

So, tell me – what’s your dog’s walking style?


Tail Spin: Adorable pups spin the wheel for animal rescue

Obligatory legal disclosure: BumperPet provided me with two free t-shirts to give away to you, dear readers. The thoughts below, however, are my own. Promise.

Today’s post contains a few key items. Among them? Puppies, a spinning wheel,  adorable adoptables, prizes, and a t-shirt giveaway (at the end of this post). Who could ask for anything more? If you’re still not convinced, I submit the following photo for your consideration:

Dog Lotto

Like a wheel in the sky…


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Follow-Up Friday: Thelma & Louise edition

I’ve got something a little different for you today. Instead of my usual No Frown Friday, I’m changing things up a bit.

This week, I have the pleasure of co-hosting Heart Like a Dog‘s Follow-Up Friday. It’s the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Let’s get to it!

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Bloggers are kind of like cicadas

We’ve talked about cicadas on the blog before. However, while reflecting upon my recent BlogPaws experience, it hit me. While I can’t speak for bloggers in general, I think I’ve stumbled upon an interesting discovery: pet bloggers are kind of like cicadas.

via giphy.com

Now, before you get bent out of shape, obviously there are some differences. None of the pet bloggers that I have met are freaky bugs with orange eyes. (If you are an actual cicada who maintains a pet blog, please give me a call. Or an email. I’m not sure which technology you prefer. However, I have so many questions for you. First, what kind of pet does a cicada have? A fruit fly? How do you type? Do you just hop from key to key? How do you want me to pronounce your name? Did you start life as a cicada or was it some sort of Kafka thing? Oh, and sorry for that “freaky” comment. No hard feelings?)

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Will I meet you at BlogPaws 2013?

In less than a week, BlogPaws 2013 will be here. It just so happens that this year’s conference is (like the 2011 event) in my metaphorical backyard. So, how could I pass up another opportunity to hang out with some of my favorite pet bloggers? Truth be told, I signed up as soon as the location for 2013 was announced last year!

I can’t wait to see some of my blogging buddies again… and to meet some of you in person for the very first time! Will you be there?

I had a wonderful time in 2011, even though I’ll admit that I was a little nervous. (If this year’s conference will be your first, have no fear. As I’m sure you can imagine, this is one fun and welcoming group! If you’d like to read about the 2011 conference through the eyes of a newbie, check out my series of posts about the experience – you might want to scroll down and start with the oldest posts first.)

Keeping an eye on the lawn...

Keeping an eye on the lawn…

(Full disclosure: Bella and Tavish will probably not be attending the conference with me. Although it’s nearby, I’m worried that they might find it a little overwhelming. So, maybe I’ll manage to work something out with Tavish, but Bella will probably have to live vicariously through me. She’s in kind of a “get off my lawn” phase with any other dog she happens to encounter these days.)


The Rhino Force is strong with this one…

I have no words.

The cute is almost too much to handle.

Speaking of rhinos (as one does), you should head over to Tiny n Fit to read her recent post about visiting South Africa. She shares some sobering facts about rhino poaching, as well as some ways that you can help. (Spoiler: you don’t even have to leave your house, although you can if you want.) Finally, you can enter to win a cool Rhino Force bracelet (ends Monday).

What are you waiting for?


7 easy ways to reuse your dog

It’s Earth Day, which means that we should be thinking of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Today, I thought I’d focus on that middle one.

(Why? Well, Tavish is currently on a diet, so he’s got that whole reduce thing covered. With regard to recycling, I had to talk myself out of just posting this video again.)

The EPA has noted that the best way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. One way to create less waste is to reuse what we already have. When I was thinking about things I could reuse, it hit me. I have a dog. (Two, in fact.) Obviously, my dogs provide me with love, companionship, entertainment, and blog fodder. But… can they do more? I bet they can – and I bet your dogs can too.

Without further ado, here are five alternate uses for your dog:

  1. Foot warmer – Are your toes cold? Don’t invest in a space heater. Just ask your canine companion to curl up on your feet.

    Foot warmer

  2. Footrest – Why should you spend a pretty penny on a designer ottoman? The perfect footrest may already be under your nose… er, feet. (Obviously, please take the size and temperament of your dog into account. Not all dogs will be willing to put up with your nonsense.)
  3. Bookmark – If you saw it, then you should have put a paw on it.Daily Dog Challenge #82
  4. Shredder – If you simply must shred some documents (before you recycle the paper, of course), don’t invest in a pricey machine. Save your money and conserve electricity by giving your paper to the dog, nature’s shredder.
  5. Doorstop – Pesky door won’t stay open? Perhaps your dog can help. They’re probably going to curl up and take a nap anyway – why not hold that door open while they snooze away? If your dogs, like mine, would never agree to sit still for that long, try using a dog toy instead:Dog toys have many uses
  6. Exercise equipment – Don’t buy a treadmill or an elliptical machine. Just clip a leash onto your furry beast and get moving.
  7. Alarm clock – Don’t buy a new clock. Your dogs can wake you up each morning. Unfortunately, the canine alarm clock does not allow you to choose what time you’d like to wake up. It’s also missing a snooze button.After-market snooze button for your dog

There you have it – seven easy ways you can reuse your dog. Have some ideas to add to the list? Thought of some new ways to go green? Share them in the comments!


8 reasons to smile today

I’m pretty far behind on my monthly roundups (and on everything else lately). So, before May is upon us, I thought I’d share my favorite posts from the month of February. (See? Really far behind.)

Anyway, enjoy these posts that made me smile during my least favorite month:

  1. {This Moment} See Beautiful – Sometimes she’s just a normal dog from Bringing Up Bella – This post makes my heart smile.
  2. Wordless Wednesday 2/13 – You Have To Kiss A Lot Of Frogs from Tales and Tails – Dogs. Frogs. Rhymes. Good times. (I am such a nerd.)
  3. Monday Mischief from Heart Like a Dog – This one reminds me of the time Bella decided to go snow swimming.
  4. Wondering what “single” cats are doing for Valentine’s Day? from Cat Chat – I couldn’t stop laughing.
  5. It’s Never the Dog’s Fault: A Felix-y Flashback from Kol’s Notes – A sweet story and one that focuses on Felix? Awesome.
  6. Where’s Momo? from The Poodle (and Dog) Blog – I think I just found my new favorite game.
  7. Speaking to Dogs So They Don’t Understand You from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I know I tend to spell around the d-o-g-s so that they don’t know what I’m talking about. Do you?
  8. Why My Rottweiler Let My Pomeranian Beat Her Up – And Other Important Questions from Rescued Insanity – Simply genius.

I should be back to a regular posting schedule soon… bear with me, dear readers.


Hello, is it a kitty you’re looking for?

Today, Petfinder is encouraging bloggers to talk about how awesome cats are. Now, don’t tell Bella and Tavish, but I happen to agree. My first pet was actually a pretty cool cat named Buttercup.

Fun fact: pom-poms can double as a cat bed

So, in honor of Buttercup and awesome cats (and cat lovers) everywhere, today’s links are feline-focused. Enjoy some kitty cuteness, and then get out there and adopt a cat! (Let me assure you – I would happily do so if Bella and Tavish were not champion cat chasers. Maybe they need to read this post.)

  1. What should you name your new cat? Here are some punny pet names to get you started: Meowie Long, Rachel Scratch, and Meoward Stern.
  2. There are many reasons to adopt a cat. For example, do you need of a skilled goalie in the house?
  3. Or perhaps you just want someone to help you reenact your favorite movies at home? (If you’re not interested in that, I’m going to need you to tell me what your damage is.)
  4. I mean, your cat could even play the role of Simba from The Lion King. Obviously, house cats like to emulate their majestic relatives. (Bonus squee!)
  5. If movies aren’t your style, you could always reenact some classic paintings.
  6. I also hear that cats make great wingmen. They’re total chick magnets. (Duck magnets too, I hear.)
  7. In any event, who wouldn’t want to spend some time having a nice intellectual exchange with their favorite feline?
  8. Cats do have a way with words, after all.

Seriously though, in spite of all of the silly reasons I listed above, there’s only one reason you really need to know. Cats are awesome.

Also, I give a huge thumbs up to any animal that gives me a reason to make a Lionel Richie reference.


Hello, is it an adorable kitty you’re looking for?

If so, head on over to Petfinder and search for an adoptable cat near you! Then take lots of photos and tell everyone else you know why adopting a cat is the best. The Internet is sorely lacking in cat pictures, after all.
