Today is the first anniversary of I Still Want More Puppies! First, I just want to say a big thank you for reading this blog, commenting on posts, and generally being worthy of the title Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville. Second, I hope you enjoyed the flashback posts this week – if you haven’t read them yet, I hope you’ll take a moment to relive some of the bloggy highlights from the last year. Normal posting will resume tomorrow. Finally, I leave you with the first photo of Bella ever posted on this blog:
At the time, I said that her future was so bright she’d need to buy some shades specially engineered for dogs. Neither she or I could have predicted how awesome this first year of blogging would be. (Keeping it short & sweet today, but visit my Pet Blogger Challenge post from January if you’re just in the mood for navel gazing today.) Most of all, I just want to thank you for being a friend!
In closing… puppies.