How is this blog like Molly Ringwald?

(Before you get too excited, the answer is not that my blog spent a Saturday morning in detention leading to romance with a young Judd Nelson.)

You might have noticed that it’s been quiet around here lately.

I’m not quite sure why, but I’ve been suffering from an epic case of writer’s block. When I can convince myself to sit down in front of the laptop (which is a challenge in and of itself), I can’t seem to find the motivation to write a post.  Continue reading


One year!

Today is the first anniversary of I Still Want More Puppies!  First, I just want to say a big thank you for reading this blog, commenting on posts, and generally being worthy of the title Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville.  Second, I hope you enjoyed the flashback posts this week – if you haven’t read them yet, I hope you’ll take a moment to relive some of the bloggy highlights from the last year.  Normal posting will resume tomorrow.  Finally, I leave you with the first photo of Bella ever posted on this blog:

At the time, I said that her future was so bright she’d need to buy some shades specially engineered for dogs.  Neither she or I could have predicted how awesome this first year of blogging would be.  (Keeping it short & sweet today, but visit my Pet Blogger Challenge post from January if you’re just in the mood for navel gazing today.)  Most of all, I just want to thank you for being a friend!

In closing… puppies.
