As is tradition around these parts, it’s time for the annual unveiling of our holiday card. Continue reading
Tag Archives: canine couture
Be whine?
I just couldn’t resist.

Why didn’t I buy heart PJs? Missed opportunity.
Happy Valencanine’s Day from PJ Jazzy Tavish! (That’s totally his rap name. Watch out, Lonely Island. Speaking of which… Michael Bolton is our Valentine, y’all.)
Tavish holiday tip #47
I know I’ve been notably light on the caroldies (and the blogging in general) this year, but I couldn’t let the holidays pass without sharing our traditional holiday tip. So, without further ado…

I’m Tavish S. Penguins!
Tavish Holiday Tip #47
This year, do your own thing. Make reindeer part of it. Any questions?
The best part of this year’s card distribution was the conversation with someone who was unfamiliar with the inspiration for this year’s card. He thanked me for the card, mentioned that it was cute, and asked me what was up with the reindeer.
Best day ever.
Also, I’ve got some plans to get back on the blogging wagon in the new year. Although the comic (which I would very much like you to check out) keeps me busy, I’m going to start posting at least a few times a month here. I miss this space… and you, friends.
Happy holidays!
Lists and the women who love them
Last year was a busy blogging year for me… just not on this blog. I launched my webcomic, which – like a shiny, new toy – has gotten the lion’s share of my attention. I’ll admit that I’ve found myself missing this space and hope to give some more attention to my first blog-child in the coming year. (We’ll talk more about that later this month – stay tuned.)
With that in mind, I wanted to start off the new year with a new post. When a friend told me about 50 Happy Things, I just knew that this was the perfect way to kick off 2016 (and to help me find some positivity in a year that seemed to be full of sad news from the world at large). Plus, I love lists. I have a list of the lists that I keep. It’s like list-ception.
You can visit Tales from the Motherland for the full lowdown, but here are the basics:
- Set a timer for ten minutes.
- During those ten minutes, write a list of 50(ish) things that made you happy (or that you were grateful for) in 2015. (After time was up, I went back and added some links, comments, and photos – you know I can’t resist a good link roundup.)
- Add your post to the list of bloggers participating in this flood of gratitude. (Don’t have a blog? That’s okay! You can do this on your own – either just for yourself, or to share with your friends in another format. Also, if you want to tell me some of the things that made you happy in the comments, I’d love to hear them!)
I armed Tavish with a stopwatch, which he promptly ignored in favor of going back to sleep. (Hosting people for New Year’s Eve is exhausting, apparently.) So, looks like I’m on my own. Here we go… Continue reading
It’s a hard blog life, for us…
Instead of posting, I just sit. Instead of writing, my brain just quits. It’s a hard blog life.
Friends, it’s been too long. I wish I could tell you that I’ve been productive during my unintentional blogging hiatus.
However, while I did manage to take a real vacation (woohoo!) and attend a surprise anniversary party for my in-laws, I can’t say that I’ve been a paragon of productivity. (Although I do have a few canine capers to share with you in the coming weeks.) Continue reading
Trend report: What’s the hottest new clothing brand for dogs?
It’s probably an April Fool’s joke, but I’d totally shop at a store called American Beagle Outfitters. I make it a personal goal to patronize pun-loving establishments.
While we’re at it, I demand punny versions of other clothing stores. Coming soon to a mall near you (if I get my way):
- Labercrombie & Bitch
- Barneys Mew York
- Sheddie Bower
- Groomingdale’s
- J. Mew
- Johnston and Purrphy
- Neiman Barkus
Are you listening, American Eagle? I have a feeling that American Beagle Outfitters would actually turn out to be pretty profitable. Have you realized how many crazy dog people are out there? (Present company included, of course.)
Get on it, AE… blaze that trail and usher in a new era of punny pet apparel stores.
Beware the cone o’ shame…
It’s time for your Friday links!
Wait, it’s Monday? I missed Friday again?
Oh, well… to the links! Continue reading
You know you’re a crazy dog lady when…
Sometimes, I almost forget that I’m a crazy dog lady.
Then, something happens that reminds me just how nutty I truly am. This past Friday, I received one of those reminders when I took Tavish to a new groomer. We had the first appointment of the day, so I got up early, tossed on a sweater, and loaded Tavish in the car. It was only after the groomer pointed it out that I realized there was a siimilarity between our respective ensembles.
That’s right. I inadvertently dressed like my dog. I went out in public that way.
I met new people who surely think I’m not quite right in the head, including Tavish’s new groomer. (Between the outfits and my overly detailed instructions, she probably made some sort of notation in our file.)
Crazy dog lady achievement unlocked. I’ve totally leveled up.
(Oh, and this experience has given me some insight into what the fox says. I think the fox would tell me to be thankful that Tavish is a dog – rather than a child – who doesn’t realize that he should be totally embarrassed to be seen in public with me.)
From all of us to all of you: Bella Holiday Tip #56
Here’s a sneak peek at our holiday card this year, which is finally making its way through the mail to some of our friends. (I was a bit behind this year, obviously.) As usual, Bella’s sharing an essential holiday tip. She’s a fount of holiday wisdom. Continue reading
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Snarly Brown!
It’s time for some Friday linkage, Howloween style…
- First up, your punny pet names: Sheddy Krueger, Snarly Brown, Goosey VanPelt, and Peppermint Catty.
- Apparently, all movies are horror movies at heart. Who knew?
- So, what are you dressing up as this year? If you’re in need of an idea, might I recommend one of these options? (Whatever you do, just promise me you’re not going as a sexy antelope or sexy Marie Curie or anything like that. That’s right, I’m giving you the side eye, sexy giraffe and sexy fox.)
- Alternatively, you can’t go wrong with a red panda costume.
- Holy crap, you guys. Someone please start a blog where they do this when their dog takes naps.
- Speaking of dogs in costumes, I did enjoy these funny (and punny) ones.
- Don’t worry, cat lovers, I didn’t forget about you. Your felines can be sweet or salty this year. Your choice.
- Do you like pranks? *Insert disapproving Amy Poehler face here.*
- Anyway, Halloween is an excuse for culinary creativity. You could make these gummy spiders. Or you can just whip up a batch of Halloween sangria.
So wrong, yet so right:
In case you missed any of them, here are last week’s posts:
- PFL: Panda Football League
- Pumpkins + Puppies = Perfect
- LOLCat speek hurts mah brain
- #K9Kamp: The Movie
- 7 for All Dogkind
That’s all for now, pals. Any Howloween plans for the weekend?