Okay, so I have a confession to make. Be kind…
I like Valentine’s Day. I know that it’s trendy to hate it or something, but I just can’t. So, today’s links are all about the love. Will you join me on the love train?
Okay, so I have a confession to make. Be kind…
I like Valentine’s Day. I know that it’s trendy to hate it or something, but I just can’t. So, today’s links are all about the love. Will you join me on the love train?
Hello, my name is Dog Crazy. (It’s a pretty common name, actually. Even the Queen is a crazy dog lady. For real. She’s one of us.)
And you are?
Grab a cocktail, pull up a patch of the Interwebz, and tell me about yourself. It’s all part of the Meet the Bloggers blog hop – and you’re invited! Continue reading
Today, I have a special treat for you. My friend Peggy Frezon, the author of Dieting with My Dog, is back with a new book. Today, this blog is the next stop on her virtual book tour. Welcome to the Fun & Furry, Fit & Healthy Blog Tour!
I had the chance to ask Peggy a few questions about her new book. While composing the questions, I was engaged in a bout of stress eating (unrelated to that activity). I guess that’s somewhat appropriate. (Seriously folks… if stress eating is ever made into an Olympic event, I will win all the medals. In both the singles and team events. Sad but true.)
Perhaps Peggy – along with her dogs Kelly and Ike – can help me put down the cookies and pick up a leash or a dog toy instead!
Anyway… to the interview! Continue reading
While visiting my in-laws last weekend, I accompanied my sister-in-law on an errand to the teacher supply store. (It was my very own Journey to the Center of Educational Worth.) Have you ever been in one of these places? For my readers who teach, I’m sure it’s old hat. For me, it was like peeking behind the curtain in the Emerald City and seeing the real Wizard of Oz.
I’d never really stopped to consider where all of those bulletin board displays, charts, and classroom signs came from. (Magic? Elves?) Now I know – they come from a store that has every school supply you can imagine, as well as hundreds that you cannot. Continue reading
If I ever have children – and don’t ask if I intend to, because I’m not telling – I hope that my kid is as cool as the one that submitted this homework assignment:
I’d like to give this kid’s parents a high five. Well done, child raisers. I hope that your son got an A+ on this one. (In case you’re wondering, I would have also accepted crossing out the photo of the man hitting the dog and replacing it with a drawing of a tailor measuring a dog for a miniature tuxedo. Either way, score one for the independent thinkers out there.)
Also, the person who wrote these questions in the first place has some serious issues, aside from the whole hitting thing. I wonder if some kid read this assignment and was inspired to put his baby brother in a pot. (That’s on you, mysterious workbook author. I hope you can live with yourself.)
h/t Huffington Post
I know I’ve been remiss with my weekly link roundups lately, so today’s is packed full of linkage to send you smiling into the weekend…
Anyway, putting that important debate aside for a moment (stay tuned), it’s time for this week’s video:
I have the urge to script dialogue for this whole thing. What do puffins talk about?
Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:
That’s all for today, folks. Telling me your favorite word for a group of animals or dreaming up some puffin dialogue in the comments is highly encouraged.
It’s BlogPaws weekend! In the spirit of pet blogger unity, I thought it was the perfect time to share another meow mix link roundup, inspired by F. Scott Fitz-feral:
On another note, I demand a full-length version of this movie immediately:
So we eat on, rats against the purrent, borne back flea-lessly into the cats.
Today, Petfinder is encouraging bloggers to talk about how awesome cats are. Now, don’t tell Bella and Tavish, but I happen to agree. My first pet was actually a pretty cool cat named Buttercup.
Fun fact: pom-poms can double as a cat bed
So, in honor of Buttercup and awesome cats (and cat lovers) everywhere, today’s links are feline-focused. Enjoy some kitty cuteness, and then get out there and adopt a cat! (Let me assure you – I would happily do so if Bella and Tavish were not champion cat chasers. Maybe they need to read this post.)
Seriously though, in spite of all of the silly reasons I listed above, there’s only one reason you really need to know. Cats are awesome.
Also, I give a huge thumbs up to any animal that gives me a reason to make a Lionel Richie reference.
Hello, is it an adorable kitty you’re looking for?
If so, head on over to Petfinder and search for an adoptable cat near you! Then take lots of photos and tell everyone else you know why adopting a cat is the best. The Internet is sorely lacking in cat pictures, after all.
Will wonders never cease? I’m actually delivering your Friday links on Friday!
Finally, that brings us to today’s video. This Mad Dog intro is quite clever:
Sorry for all of the TV talk today. I promise that I don’t just sit around watching TV all the time. Ask my pups. (Although they don’t seem to mind being couch potatoes from time to time.)
Speaking of pups and not sitting around, you should head over to Peggy’s Pet Place and check out the great blogs participating in the first FitDog Friday Blog Hop. (I didn’t have a chance to get a post up for it today, but I hope to participate in the future. It sounds fun!) In addition, it’s almost time for K9 Kamp again – I can’t wait to enjoy the nice weather with the pups.
What are you up to this weekend?