Dogs of future (and Futurama) past

This week, I said goodbye to one of my favorite shows (for the third time). That’s right, today’s link roundup is inspired by Futurama.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Turanga Fleala, Phillip J. Fly, Bender Codriguez, Hermes Conrat, Professor Mewbert Farnsworth, Amy Pawng, and Dr. Zoidbird.
  2. In addition to being one of my favorite shows, Futurama also delivered one of my favorite television episodes ever. (Seriously – I’m obsessed.) It’s titled “Jurassic Bark” – and I consider it mandatory viewing for anyone with a dog (or a heart). (Why did I let myself watch the ending again? Why? So many tears.)
  3. The canine star of “Jurassic Bark” is named Seymour. His full name is a pun. I love him unapologetically. (“His name was Seymour. He was once intimate with the leg of a wandering saxophonist. He had wet dog smell, even when dry. And he was not above chasing the Number 29 bus.”)
  4. I just want to hug him (and kiss him).


  5. Seymour popped up in some of the direct-to-DVD movies, and recently reappeared in an episode during the final season of Futurama. (By the way, if someone could provide me with a pocket-sized Seymour of my own, I’d be on cloud K9. See what I did there?)
  6. Dogs and space. We’ve talked about it before. What we haven’t talked about, however, is the similarities between dogs and Darth Vader.
  7. Anyway, enough about Seymour and space dogs (for now). Enjoy the cast of Futurama in sloth form.
  8. I wonder if these punny robots will be made by MomCorp.
  9. This dollhouse is amazing. Can someone make a similar one for Planet Express?

I guess the dog in today’s video is not a Star Trek fan. Maybe he would have enjoyed the Futurama theme song instead. It always makes me smile. (Jennifer Aniston gets it.)

When I was a kid, our Chihuahua Kandi would sometimes howl when I sang. As Randy Jackson might say… I guess I was pitchy, dawg.

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, friends. Commence two hour yipping session (but don’t mistreat your Robo Puppies or I’ll have to track you down).


Pup culture confession: I like the dog from Duck Hunt

It’s time for another Friday link roundup. Today’s theme? Video games.

(Before we get started, however, a quick disclaimer. Looking back, I’m mildly horrified that I played a video game in which the objective was to shoot computerized ducks. However, I do have a certain fondness for that laughing dog. I can’t help it.)

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet name: Carmen Sandi-dog-o.
  2. Speaking of puns, this blog is filled entirely with recipes bearing punny titles of the legal variety. It is therefore amazing. I rest my case.
  3. Puns are not my only love. (Sorry, puns.) Given the format of this and many other posts, you are probably already aware that I love lists. Thus, this post about obsessive list making was a home run for me.
  4. Video games let you live out fantasies. Depending on the game, you can be a warrior, a dinosaur, a pilot, a hedgehog with a dye job, or even a plumber with an overactive imagination. Maybe you can even pretend you’re a dog?
  5. Now that I think about it, perhaps dogs are already living la vida video game.
  6. Apparently there’s a game coming out about a dog in space. (Yes, I’m fighting the urge to make that same dog… in… space joke again.)
  7. Who am I kidding? Will any video game dog ever top this guy?


  8. I mean, these cynical hedgehogs know what I’m talking about. Totally skeptical.

Today’s video reminded me of that old Mortal Kombat game. (Or maybe Punch Out, although this video is more akin to a boxing game.) (On a tangentially related note, I now want to start a band and name it Mortal Wombat.) (On a note related to that tangentially-related note, a Google search quickly revealed that I am far from the first person to utter that pun.)

(h/t Cute Overload)

Anyway, here’s what we’ve been up to this week on the blog:

Have anything fun planned this weekend? I’ve got a few things on my to do list, the least exciting of which might involve laundry. Wild and crazy? Check.


6 basic things to look for when choosing a new veterinarian

I cannot overstate the importance of having a good veterinarian. Nor can I overstate the importance of developing a relationship with your vet before there’s an emergency. After all, do you really want to entrust your precious pup with someone you barely know?

Friends... no!


So, how do you avoid this predicament? Find a good veterinarian for your regular checkups, and then you’ll have someone to count on when times get tough.

Trust me, it’s worth it… even if it means you will have a few awkward conversations about whether you’re brushing your pup’s teeth or giving her too many treats.

Not eating right


You may be wondering how to choose the right veterinarian. After all, how do you know when you’ve found a good one? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when you’ve got a keeper or when it’s time to move on.

Lucky for you, I’ve got a few tips to share. Continue reading


Dogs and (not in) space!

We’ve already covered dogs (and rocks and Corgis and Ryan Gosling) in space on this blog. Today, we’re just talking about dogs… and then talking about space.

First up, a Bella glamour shot. (Better than these glamour shots, right? Fun fact: I used to work in a one-hour photo joint and occasionally helped out with glamour shoots in our small town portrait studio.)

Anyway, I just love this photo of Bella. I think it’s the ears…

Speaking of photos, it was a big day in DC yesterday. The space shuttle Discovery was flown over DC on the back of a 747 before landing at Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia. The shuttle will soon be on display at the the National Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center. It was a bittersweet day, but it definitely made for a cool photo op.

People all over the DC metro area were outside, trying to catch a glimpse of Discovery. Here’s one of my photos from the big day – if you want to see more, check out my set on Flickr.



Corgis (and Ryan Gosling)… in… space!

Before we get into the usual Friday linkage, I wanted to take a moment to thank the veterans who have served our country.  We owe them a great deal.  As always on this holiday, my thoughts go to the poem “In Flanders Field” – those verses say so very much.  If you have a chance, I also recommend you check out these amazing and inspiring photos from a new book on canine soldiers.

Now, it’s time for your usual installment of No Frown Friday…

  1. We begin, as always, with punny pet names, this time with a farming twist: Billy Goat Idol.
  2. Take an iconic album cover.  Insert adorable kitten(s).  Achieve awesomeness.  (Bonus punny pet name: David Meowie.)
  3. Also awesome?  Puppies running in slow motion.  You know I can’t resist puppies having a Chariots of Fire moment.
  4. Apparently the Internet is all about giving me plenty of slow-mo dogs this week.  Thanks, Internet.
  5. This next one’s not slow-mo, but it’s fantastic… talk about a unique dog.
  6. Now it’s time to answer an age-old question.  Forget puppies versus babies, the real cute-off is between puppies and Ryan Gosling. (I’m beginning to think Gosling needs his own category on the blog.  Oh, fine – here you go.)

Another topic that makes frequent appearances?  Space.  So, without further ado, I give you this week’s video:  Corgis… in… space!

 (If you can’t get enough space, go watch Nyan Cat too.  Someone should come up with Nyan Gosling Cat.  Get on it, Internet.)

That concludes your regularly scheduled linkage.  Before I go, you should know that a pretty cool event is going on in blogland this weekend – it’s a Blogpocalypse!  A group of wonderful bloggers will be participating in a blogathon to raise support for various causes.  I hope you’ll check them out.  (If you do, you might even see a guest post from me over at My Brown Newfies!)


How I met your tortoise… and some Muppets

Another Friday is upon us… so you know what that means.  It’s time to send you into the weekend with a smile!

  1. As always, we begin with a punny pet name.  (It’s tradition, after all.)  This week: Jason Beagle and Marshowl Erickson (see #5 below).
  2. I’ve decided to follow that up with a little shameless self-promotion.  Check out the newest creation over at I Still Want Cupcakes.  I’m considering a whole summer series inspired by ice cream… suggestions are welcome!
  3. Ice cream got me thinking about ice cream cones, which then led to me thinking about the cone of shame.  So, um, what happens if your dog forgets he’s wearing a cone?  Hilarity.  (Cone of shame jokes are never going to get old, are they?  Seriously, that stuff is timeless.)
  4. Stick with me here… it’s random train of thought day.  (As are most days for me.)  This video of a dog (and cat) on a scooter caused me to exclaim “Dogs… on… wheels!” when I saw it.  (This video produced a similar reaction.)  Which of course got me thinking about Dogs… in… Space, followed by Pigs in Space, which ended with me looking up the premiere date for the new Muppet movie.  (November 23… I’m so there.  Who’s with me?  If you haven’t seen the trailers, I recommend you treat yourself by doing so now.  The Muppets plus Jason Segal… I could not ask for more.)
  5. Talking about Jason Segal reminded me how much I loved his performance of “Dracula’s Lament” in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  Of course someone made it into a video with the Count from Sesame Street… it’s things like this that give me faith in humanity.  Okay, not really…. but I do have a particular fondness for the Count.  In college my roommate and I would often just start counting Count-style (that was an odd phrase to type) for no reason whatsoever and break into fits of laughter.  Those were the days.
  6. Whew… sorry for all the randomness.  This is almost as bad as that day I shared my ramblings about Waldo the cat.

Finally, in conclusion… here’s a dancing tortoise:

(via Paw Nation)

After all that randomness, it just didn’t seem right to give you a video that was even remotely related to the disjointed ramblings above.  (Besides, who doesn’t love a tortoise video set to a catchy tune?)  Happy weekend!


    Flashback: Celebrating the cone of shame

    It’s almost the first anniversary of I Still Want More Puppies, so
    I’m sharing some of my favorite posts with you this week.  The post
    below originally appeared on August 13, 2010.  Hope you enjoy!

    Speed Bump
    (Speed Bump via
    Ah, the cone of shame.  Immortalized by Dug, that awesome dog in Up.  Speaking of, how awesome was Up in general?  So much fun, and so many quotable lines in that movie.  (One of my faves?  “My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.”  Very dog-appropriate.)  Anyway, it seems like someone I know mentions the cone of shame at least once a week.  Although Bella’s never had to wear one, the mere mention makes me smile.  For that reason, it’s the theme of today’s No Frown Friday.  Here we go…
    1. As always on Friday, I bring you punny pet names.  Given this post’s medical undertone, this week’s names are doctor-inspired:  Dr. Cliff Pupstable, Dr. Chewingsbone (I presume), and Doogie Howler.  You should be proud… I didn’t go for the more obvious Doggie Howser joke.  Oh wait, just did…
    2. Looking to spice up your decor?  You can even decorate with the cone of shame.  Check out this awesome dog bowl from me me me.  (Thanks to under the blanket for the link!)  Perhaps you’d prefer this cone of shame nightlight.  Want something a little more cozy?  How about these cone of shame pillows?
    3. You can even wear your own cone of shame – in t-shirt form.  Check out this cute shirt featured on PetSugar.
    The pup in the video below battles his cone of shame, then battles a water bottle.  The result is magic.

    (Seriously… how could that not make you smile?  If that’s not enough cuteness for you, go check out another fun cone of shame video over on phetched.)

    Because this post was inspired by Dug, I’ll leave you with a joke from the movie:  “Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, ‘I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead.’ Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.”

    Tell it to your dog – I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.


    These are a few of my favorite posts…

    and doggies in spacesuits, rescuing puppies and cats that are so cute… the cone of shame and the amusement it brings… these are a few of my favorite things. (I adore The Sound of Music, and it just seemed like a perfect fit today.)  When I saw that Dr. V did a post highlighting her top 10 posts from 2010, I really liked the idea.  Even better, she’s hosting a blog hop for those who want to join the fun.  Time for a blast to the (fairly recent) past!

    Dogs eating ice cream and punny pet names, attempting to test my pup’s IQ with a brain game, having a party for Bella to host… these are a few of my favorite posts (in no particular order):

    She’s cute, but…
    I administered an IQ test to dear Bella… the results were not promising.

    Celebrating the cone of shame
    The name says it all.  (It was one of my favorite No Frown Friday posts.)

    To all the dogs (and cats) I’ve loved before
    For my 100th post, I took a stroll down memory lane.

    Corgi, P.I.
    The very first breed spotlight.

    Protecting people and their pets
    A post about the Pets and Women’s Shelter Program (and my contribution to October’s Blog the Change).

    My favorite flavor? Neopawlitan
    The epic battle of Bella vs. ice cream.

    Head of the class
    Dogs… in… school!

    When he jumps high he flies like a wild eagle
    One word: Flashbeagle.

    Horrible woman does terrible thing, and now I’m angry
    In which I got very, very angry at people who leave their dogs in hot cars.

    Case of the Mondays?
    Try my guaranteed cure.

    I tried not to pick any that were too recent… I figured it would be more fun to dig around in the archives.  Did I miss any of your favorites?


    Lick the moon

    The comic below made me think of Bella, who likes to lick things. And by things, I mean any and all things she encounters.  (Seriously… everything.)

    Little Dog Lost
    (Trouble reading? Go here for a larger version.)

    Due to the convoluted workings of my mind, I now have “Kiss the Rain” stuck in my head.  As a result (and due to the convoluted workings of the Internet), I found this gem to share with you.  (Hint: it involves the song above… and the Creek.  Yes, that Creek.)

    I should probably stop now.
