Animal Odd Couples 2: Eclectic Boogaloo

I like animals who break the mold. Those who refuse to conform to peer pressure and boldly look outside their own species for friends. After all, who am I to argue with generations of Disney movies saluting interspecies friendships?


(And yes, I’m totally aware that I have done way more than two posts about animal odd couples. However, the number three bazillion didn’t yield any catchy rhyming titles with a completely random pop culture reference. I’m sure you understand.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Fawn Luc-Picard and James Flea Kirk.
  2. Never was there a story of more aww than that of Meowliet and her Droolio. (Or Drooliet and her Meowreo if you’re so inclined.)
  3. I wonder if this pair just plays that “let me tell you ’bout my best friend” song on repeat. If not, they should.
  4. I wish I could go back in time and show Tod and Copper that there was hope after all. You could have made it work, guys!
  5. Ever hope that a Rodent of Unusual Size would find love in this crazy world? (I mean, this is a thing that normal people think about, right?) As you wish.
  6. Well, this little guy is basically an odd couple in and of himself. It’s like a chick and a hamster had an unexpected love connection. Or a duck and a gerbil?
  7. Speaking of unexpected combinations… Sir Patrick Stew can moo, can you?
  8. Also rather moo-ving: “At first, it was all about the milk, but then… then I realized I was really just coming here to see you!

Let’s take this to the next level. Coming soon, to a theater near you: in a world of cats and boxes, one cat followed his heart and declared his love… for a bag:

What can we learn from today’s linkage? Follow your heart. The resulting friendship might just be adorable.

Oh, and in case you missed anything, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

Have a great weekend!
