Regular fonts can be so boring sometimes (except when they’re cats, of course). I mean, haven’t you ever written something and thought that it would be so much better if you could say it with puppies instead of with letters? You’ll never have to make that choice again – now you can say it with puppies that are letters.
(Note to self: create TV show inspired by The Letter People, but involving puppies.)
Now, before you decide that I’ve gone completely off the deep end, let me explain. I’m not suggesting you corral an infinite number of puppies and train them to lay in various letter formations. Someone else has already done that and used the resulting photos to create a puppy font.

It’s too bad that you cannot start typing all of your Word docs in this font. I don’t know about you, but the quality of my memos at work would instantly be improved.
I bet you’re wondering how you can start delivering all news in puppy form. Well, you can visit the Puppy Text website to send puppy-fied messages to your friends. There’s also an iPhone app, which I downloaded it within three minutes of my husband bringing it to my attention.
(Seriously, why couldn’t I have come up with this idea?)