Tonight we’re gonna party like we’re ninety-nine canines…

It’s that time again… here’s your weekly linkage:

  1. First up, your punny pet name:  Cyndi Pawper.
  2. Did you know that you can take your dog stand up paddleboarding? Hey Love Designs tells all. (Tavish the water hater would like you to know that he does not approve this message.)
  3. Dear everyone – please throw this party for me. (It’s totally for adults too, right? I’m so cool. I’ll just keep telling myself that.)
  4. Also, please invite these adorable creatures to said party.
  5. Oh, and these kittens too!  (The costumes are not optional.) Best party ever.

Even though I shared the water thing above, please don’t get the wrong idea. We take care of our aquaphobic friends – at Tavish’s request, water balloons will not be allowed at the party.  (He’s already hired a bouncer and everything.)

Also, contrary to the request of our feline guests, owl burritos will not be on the menu.

That’s all for today, my friends. In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Until next time… stay dry!


Living on the hedge(hog)

It’s time for another installment of your Friday linkage…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Kenny Hedgehoggins.
  2. Speaking of the king of 80s movie soundtracks, the world needs an all-hedgehog production of Footloose, don’t you think?
  3. This hedgehog seems to be inspired by a different movie legend – Ricky Bobby.
  4. I cannot resist a snaggletooth. I simply can’t.
  5. You know what else I can’t resist? An adorable animal odd couple involving a hedgehog and a kitten.
  6. I call this one “leave it to hedgehog.”

Finally, I give you today’s video. This hedgehog is on a highway to the danger zone, but I’m not sure he’ll get there anytime soon.

That video is a total hole in one. (Sorry, I needed to work in some sort of Caddyshack reference, but I ran out of ideas.)


Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what was happening on the blog this past week:

Happy Friday! Get out there and enjoy your weekend!


On procrastination, armadillos, and more…

I was going to post this week’s links on Friday, as usual… but I didn’t. Then I was going to post them on Saturday… but I didn’t. So, you’re getting this week’s links on Sunday evening instead. - I even postpone procrastination.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Derek Moolander and Billy Goat Zane.
  2. Speaking of puns, this joke is simply meowvelous.
  3. If you’re in need of advice, never fear – musicals are here!
  4. This hedgehog shall not be named.
  5. I’m not sure what distracted me on Friday (something shiny?), but Saturday was devoted to hanging out with some fantastic pet bloggers.
  6. Warning: if you’re a perfectionist like me, you might get sucked into this quiz. (I did – thanks my pal from to The Dog Park, who shared this link with me and distracted me today.) How many countries can you name?

Today’s video is one of my favorites of all time.

That armadillo is my everything.

In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog this week:

Happy Sunday!


I came in like a hedgehog… or maybe like a tiny dog

I already referenced Miley once this week. I hope you’ll forgive me for doing it again.

(I can’t help it – I cannot seem to get “Wrecking Ball” out of my head, no matter how hard I try. That damn song is everywhere. So, if I can’t get it out of my head, I thought I’d put it into yours. Either there is an minimum number of brains that must be infected with the song at any given time, and I can get out by finding a replacement… or at least I’ll have you for company. It’s win-win.)

Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy today’s videos enough to overlook my nefarious earworm plan. I couldn’t choose a favorite, so you get two videos. First up, the hedgehog:

Then, a tiny dog:

While I’m at it, this is kind of genius.

Once more, for good measure…


That concludes today’s installment of Thing I Wish I Could Get Out of My Head But Can’t. See you next time!


Pup culture confession: I like the dog from Duck Hunt

It’s time for another Friday link roundup. Today’s theme? Video games.

(Before we get started, however, a quick disclaimer. Looking back, I’m mildly horrified that I played a video game in which the objective was to shoot computerized ducks. However, I do have a certain fondness for that laughing dog. I can’t help it.)

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet name: Carmen Sandi-dog-o.
  2. Speaking of puns, this blog is filled entirely with recipes bearing punny titles of the legal variety. It is therefore amazing. I rest my case.
  3. Puns are not my only love. (Sorry, puns.) Given the format of this and many other posts, you are probably already aware that I love lists. Thus, this post about obsessive list making was a home run for me.
  4. Video games let you live out fantasies. Depending on the game, you can be a warrior, a dinosaur, a pilot, a hedgehog with a dye job, or even a plumber with an overactive imagination. Maybe you can even pretend you’re a dog?
  5. Now that I think about it, perhaps dogs are already living la vida video game.
  6. Apparently there’s a game coming out about a dog in space. (Yes, I’m fighting the urge to make that same dog… in… space joke again.)
  7. Who am I kidding? Will any video game dog ever top this guy?


  8. I mean, these cynical hedgehogs know what I’m talking about. Totally skeptical.

Today’s video reminded me of that old Mortal Kombat game. (Or maybe Punch Out, although this video is more akin to a boxing game.) (On a tangentially related note, I now want to start a band and name it Mortal Wombat.) (On a note related to that tangentially-related note, a Google search quickly revealed that I am far from the first person to utter that pun.)

(h/t Cute Overload)

Anyway, here’s what we’ve been up to this week on the blog:

Have anything fun planned this weekend? I’ve got a few things on my to do list, the least exciting of which might involve laundry. Wild and crazy? Check.


No Frown Friday: “What is a weekend?” edition

It’s time for another Friday link roundup, although I’m sure the Dowager Countess would wonder what makes that so darn special.

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Waggy Smith and Kelly Barkson. (Have I used that last one before? I don’t think so, but that is surprising. I’m a huge Kelly fan.)
  2. Speaking of puns, I can’t decide which is my favorite of these. (Though I think it might be #9.)
  3. Dog or lion? You be the judge.
  4. I’ll be watching the Golden Globes and spending my Sunday evening with my imaginary best friends Tina and Amy. (Not that they are imaginary… just that my being best friends with them is a figment of my overactive imagination.) What about you?
  5. If MTV ever makes True Life: I’m Addicted to Awards Shows, they should totally give me a call. Anyway… enjoy these honest titles for Oscar-nominated movies.
  6. You know, I always wondered where kittens came from. Now I know.
  7. Say hi to your weather forecast for me.
  8. On an unrelated note (as if the others were actually related), I want all of these cakes. All of them. Bring them to me!
  9. I’m beginning to think that I’ll never get tired of hilarious auto-corrects. Perhaps it’s a new addiction to add to my awards show one.
  10. Houndton Tabby? Yes, please.

Speaking of Downton Abbey, I feel like the following parody would make a great cat food commercial.

I also have a fun bit of news to share with you today. Much like these dogs, I’m already thinking about the Super Bowl (and our annual Super Bowl party). In related news, did you know that the Puppy Bowl includes hedgehogs this year? Hedgehogs. Amazing.

Anyway… in years past, I’ve participated in the Super Dog Sunday blog hop. This year, I’ve been invited to be a member of the Cheer Team to promote this year’s Super Dog Sunday photo contest, which will benefit the Petfinder Foundtion. I’ll be posting more info soon, but you can go here to get a little preview if you just can’t wait. Stay tuned…


Put a meerkat on it

It’s Friday once again… time for your weekly linkage!

  1. Your punny pet name: Wil Fleaton.
  2. Speaking of Wesley Crusher, here’s yet another reason to love Wil Wheaton.
  3. I may be wrong, but this video has convinced me that hedgehogs should start doing Dos Equis commercials.
  4. This chameleon is a neat freak after my own heart.
  5. Maybe put a cat on it will be the new put a bird on it… or maybe put a cat in it?
  6. I wish that Birdwalk Empire was a real show. (However, I would suggest naming the main character Ducky Thompson instead of Nucky Ducky Thompson, but that’s just me. Yes, these are the things I think about. Also, I’m beginning to think that my love of puns began with Sesame Street.)
  7. Goats on a seesaw! Enough said.
  8. I’m just going to say it. These baby meerkats complete me.

This meerkat is so me. And so Bella. And Tavish. Heck, this meerkat is all of us.

Am I right?

Also, any other baseball fans out there? I’ll be settling in to watch the Braves game tonight. My fingers are crossed that they win the Wild Card playoff game!


I like big mutts and I cannot lie…

First off, happy National Mutt Day!  I’d like to dedicate today’s post to all of the awesome mutts out there, including my own.  (Considering adopting your own mutt? Check out a really cool way to announce it and help other shelter pets, courtesy of Bocci’s Beefs.)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled linkage:

  1. Your punny pet name: Johann Sebastian Bark. (Also, this week’s award for awesome punnage goes to… Goatzart.)
  2. It seems that one local law school has taken a cue from the extremely awesome TV show Community – George Mason University has enlisted some cuddly puppies from a local rescue group to help law students relax during exams.  (Perhaps they got the idea from Yale, but in my mind the administrators are just big Community fans.)
  3. Speaking of TV, I really enjoy that the worried dog from that insurance commercial is starring in a happier commercial.
  4. So, has anyone seen the new Muppets movie yet? I really want to see it this weekend. After all, I can’t wait to see the next stage in Ms. Piggy’s style evolution.
  5. This next video has the perfect soundtrack… and it made me giggle, alot (typo intentional).
  6. I think we can all agree that dogs are cute. (If not, how did you end up reading this blog? Go watch this video and then come back.)  Today, let’s also appreciate some cute from off the beaten path.
  7. Um… on a related note, hedgehog bathtime is awesome.

I think this week’s video really ties it all together…

(via Paw Nation)

You know, I had to give Bella a bath last week in preparation for her holiday photo shoot.  Why couldn’t she be into it like that guy?

I’ve been battling a sinus infection this week – however, new research shows that the doctor should prescribe a glass of wine and a bubble bath.  Now that’s medicine I can get behind.  (See how it all relates? My mind works in odd ways.)

Don’t forget – if you have any questions that you’d like to ask a professional pet photographer who also photographs shelter pets, send them my way.  I hope to have some answers for you in the near future.

Have a great weekend!

