As is tradition around these parts, it’s time for the annual unveiling of our holiday card. Continue reading
Tag Archives: holiday tip
Tavish holiday tip #47
I know I’ve been notably light on the caroldies (and the blogging in general) this year, but I couldn’t let the holidays pass without sharing our traditional holiday tip. So, without further ado…

I’m Tavish S. Penguins!
Tavish Holiday Tip #47
This year, do your own thing. Make reindeer part of it. Any questions?
The best part of this year’s card distribution was the conversation with someone who was unfamiliar with the inspiration for this year’s card. He thanked me for the card, mentioned that it was cute, and asked me what was up with the reindeer.
Best day ever.
Also, I’ve got some plans to get back on the blogging wagon in the new year. Although the comic (which I would very much like you to check out) keeps me busy, I’m going to start posting at least a few times a month here. I miss this space… and you, friends.
Happy holidays!
Yule thank him later: Tavish Holiday Tip #23
As some of our longtime readers might know, our canine collaborators are in the habit of sharing a holiday tip in our holiday card every year. Accordingly, it’s time to reveal this year’s card… Continue reading
From all of us to all of you: Bella Holiday Tip #56
Here’s a sneak peek at our holiday card this year, which is finally making its way through the mail to some of our friends. (I was a bit behind this year, obviously.) As usual, Bella’s sharing an essential holiday tip. She’s a fount of holiday wisdom. Continue reading
Bella Holiday Tip #42
You may not know this about Bella, but she loves to give advice during the holidays. Our annual holiday card contains a handy tip from the dog herself, and this year’s is no exception. I’ve shown you a few outtakes from our photo shoot, but are you ready to see the final product?
Here’s the front:
Inside, you’re greeted by this photo, and some sage advice:
Bella Holiday Tip #42
If you want to stay off the Naughty List, adopt a little brother and blame everything on him.
Finally, we added this photo on the back:
He’s got the egg… who’s got the nog?
That last one isn’t the best quality, but it sure is funny. I can’t resist a holiday photobomb.
Want to hear some more wise holiday advice from Bella? Check out her past tips from 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008.
Do you send out holiday cards with your dogs (or cats) on them? If so, do you do a special photo shoot or use candid pictures you took throughout the year?
Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s Notes, PupLove, Rescued Insanity, Woof Woof Mama & I Still Want More Puppies!
Today’s giveaway is sponsored by Chuckle Hounds. Click here to enter to win an adorable collar with a bow tie or flower accent, plus be entered to win a Grand Prize package worth more than $1000!
Bella’s 2011 Holiday Tip… revealed!
Drumroll, please… you made your guesses last week, and now it’s time to reveal Bella’s 2011 Holiday Tip!
This face greets you on the front of the card:
Inside, you get another dose of Bella and this year’s tip:
Even if you look good in antlers, you probably won’t be invited to join in the Reindeer Games. Take a nap instead.
Finally, Bella leaves you with some additional advice on the back of the card:
Can you guess Bella’s holiday tip?
It will probably not surprise you to learn that Bella is always the star of my holiday cards. You may remember that Bella is also full of holiday wisdom – as usual, she’ll be sharing a Bella Holiday Tip this year.
I’m not quite ready to reveal this year’s photos and tip – if I did, it wouldn’t be a surprise when people open their mailboxes! However, today I’m sharing a few photos from our holiday photo shoot. (I took over 155 photos that day – so this will probably not be the last of them I share with you.)
Think you can guess Bella’s 2011 holiday tip? (Hint: it involves antlers.) Give it your best shot in the comments!
Bella Holiday Tip #38
We’ve covered 2008 and 2009. Without further ado, I present to you this year’s holiday card:
It’s not a crime to impersonate Santa.
Exploit this legal loophole to score enough milk and cookies to last until February.
Bella Holiday Tip #19
It’s been a busy week… so instead of your regularly scheduled No Frown Friday, I’m going to go ahead and share another Bella holiday tip. Enjoy!
I already showed you our 2008 holiday card. Last year, we moved into a new house a few weeks before Christmas. Bella used this experience as inspiration. She advised us to send out our 2009 holiday wishes and our new address at the same time. She’s a resourceful one:
Bella Holiday Tip #27
A few years ago, we ditched the traditional holiday card in favor of one with Bella on it. Each year, Bella shares a holiday tip with the lucky recipients. Before I unveil this year’s photo and tip, a walk down memory lane seemed appropriate. First up, 2008’s card…
If you can’t find a festive outfit for your holiday party, accessorize any old outfit with a few shiny bows.