It’s almost New Year’s Barkin’ Eve…

It’s the last No Frown Friday of 2011… let’s jump right in, shall we?

  1. Your final punny pet names of 2011 are a nod to a rockin’ New Year’s Eve… Dick Bark and Ryan Fleacreast.
  2. I want this Gizmo cake. A lot.  
  3. Since we’re strolling down Memory Lane yet again, enjoy this collection of ’90s heartthrobs. (I was a Jonathan Brandis girl myself… I wept salty SeaQuest tears when I heard he passed away a few years ago.  On a related note, now I want to write a parody called FleaQuest DSV.)
  4. You know I’m all about all-dog productions, including The Wizard of Oz. Thus, I want to get the pawtograph of these two munchkins.
  5. I bet that most pet lovers can relate to this graph.
  6. It’s no Ham Skillet, but I enjoyed this story about a dog named L.L. Bean.
  7. Speaking of adorable adoptables, did you read yesterday’s interview with my favorite shelter pet photographer?
  8. At this time of year, thoughts naturally turn to New Year’s resolutions. I don’t generally make any, but part of me wants to resolve to enjoy life as much as this cat does.
  9. Maybe you’re just resolving to work out more?  I think this cat would make a good trainer.
  10. This year, I want to do some more decorating around the house. Perhaps I can take some inspiration from these adorable pets in designer rooms.
  11. Ever wonder if dogs make New Year’s resolutions?  Cleo from Grouchy Puppy makes a pretty convincing case against them.
Whatever challenges you may face in the new year, I have four words of advice… 
Be like this puppy.

(via Life With Dogs)

Slay those challenges like a puppy slays a stuffed dragon.  You can do it.


When woofing worlds collide

Bella wasn’t the only furry family member at our holiday celebration. Her “cousins” were also there to open presents and beg for ham.

It’s always nice to have an overload of cuteness on hand Christmas morning, although it can be stressful if the pups decide to engage in some holiday bickering. However, I’m happy to report that last year’s peace treaty was still in effect.  All in all, it was a lovely visit.  


You didn’t think Bella would let me leave her out, did you?

Did your dogs have any “cousins” come to visit?  If so, how did it go?


I saw puppies kissing Santa Claws

More caroldies from the requests file… credit goes to houndstooth from Tales and Tails for today’s inspiration.

I Saw Puppies Kissing Santa Claws

I saw puppies kissing Santa Claws,
over by the scratching post last night.
They didn’t see me sneak
with my camera to have a peek,
they thought that cat would let them play
while he was trying to sleep.
Then I saw puppies start licking Santa Claws,
underneath his chin furry and white.
Oh, how embarrassed he would have been,
if the cat had known I’d seen
all the puppies kissing Santa Claws last night.


On a related note, Santa Claws looks kind of grouchy…

I hope that Santa Claws visits your house tonight!

I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.

It’s time for another holiday edition of No Frown Friday.  I’ve got an overload of awesome linkage for you today… consider it my Festivus gift to you.

  1. Your punny pet name: Yukong Cornelius.
  2. Self-promotion alert!  I updated the baking blog this week.  Check out these candy cane cupcakes. Bella and I were also interviewed at Coffee with a Canine – swing by and say hi!
  3. Hey, girl… this video contains the cutest sleigh full of reindeer ever (although these guys are giving them a run for their money).  It also contains Ryan Gosling.
  4. Two words: puppy Christmas.  (A reminder, however – a pet shouldn’t be an impulse buy or a last-minute gift idea.)
  5. The title of this post is “Light the Meownorah” – that’s just awesome. (While I’m at it, here’s some more Ryan Gosling.)
  6. Speaking of brilliant names… Ham Skillet may be my new favorite dog name.
  7. An easy way to help shelter dogs this Christmas – toss a virtual Angry Bird at your friends.
  8. Still have gifts to wrap?  Maybe your dog can help.  (Be sure to wrap the gifts… not the cat.)
  9. If not, perhaps they can help you with the caroling instead.  (Feel free to go traditional or mix it up a bit.)
  10. Finally, just for fun… here are a few of my favorite pop culture things, including holiday TV, Christmas movies, and the best Christmas special ever.
Maybe next year I should videotape Bella’s Christmas card shoot…
That’s all I have for you today… although I do encourage you to answer the phone all weekend by saying, “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?


Bella the Snowdog

I told you I take requests… so, today I present with “Bella the Snowdog.”  (Hat tip to Pamela from Something Wagging for the suggestion.)

But first… a bonus video from 2010.  (We don’t have snow yet this year, and that’s fine by me!)

Bella the Snowdog

Bella the Snowdog, is a silly, happy pup.
With gigantic ears and a big black nose,
and a tail that’s always up.
Bella the Snowdog is a lazy dog they say,
Sometimes she runs around, but it’s pretty clear
that she likes to snooze all day.
There must be cozy blankets in that doggie bed she found.
For when she goes to take a nap, she doesn’t move around.
O, Bella the Snowdog,
dreams of chasing squirrels up trees.
When she dreams, she runs and barks and plays,
Happy to snooze the day away.

Before I go, I wanted to let you know that there’s still time to enter the Social Media for Social Good giveaway… today, the chance to earn entries through Google+ goes live.  I’ve included the Rafflecopter after the jump if you’re interested.  
(If you haven’t entered via Twitter or Facebook yet, you can still do so.  For Facebook, click here.  For Twitter, click here.)  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
Everywhere you go.
Take a look at the tree in the den, a dog under it once again,
With twinkling lights and a puppy all aglow.
It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas,
Soon I’ll hear the puppy snore.
But the prettiest sight I’ll see, is the puppy that will be, 
Relaxing on the floor.

I’m all about the caroldies this week, apparently… any requests?

P.S. Guess who’s featured over at Coffee with a Canine today?

Christmas carols for dogs & dog lovers

The title of this post was almost “Christmas carols, doggie style,” but then I thought better of it.

Anyway, I’ve been promising you some caroldies (a.k.a. carol parodies) for a few days now. It’s finally time to deliver.

There are already some great “12 Dogs of Christmas” songs out there, so I’m not tackling that one today.  I do have a few others for you, however.

Grab a cup of cheer and prepare to learn a few new songs…

Barkin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Barkin’ around the Christmas tree,
because the cat has climbed on top.
She is dropping ornaments on me,
if I bark, perhaps she’ll stop.
Barkin’ around the Christmas tree,
I wish I had some springs.
If I did, I’d jump so high
that the cat would have to flee.
You will learn a fundamental lesson, when you hear
Doggies barking at your folly, as the cat climbs up the holly.
Barkin’ around the Christmas tree,
it’s an eventful holiday.
As the tree comes crashing down,
you’ll wish you had kept the cat away.

Sleigh Ride Revisited

Just hear those dog tags jingling, ring ting tingling too,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a long walk together with you.
Outside the smells are calling and dogs are sniffing them too,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a long walk together with you.
Bark and yap, bark and yap, bark and yap, let’s go,
I want to play in the snow.
Why won’t you just grab the leash so we can go?
Bark and yap, bark and yap, bark and yap, it’s grand,
When the leash is in hand.
I’m ready to bark at the park,
it’s a puppy dog fairyland.
Other dogs may get quite nosy, but comfy cozy are we.
We’re playing fetch together, keep throwing that stick for me.
Let’s take the path before us, and howl a chorus or two.
Come on it’s lovely weather for a long walk together with you.
There’s a dog park near the home of Mr. Gray,
It’ll be the perfect ending to a perfect day.
We’ll be playing the games we love to play, without a single stop,
At the dog park while we watch the puppies hop… hop, hop hop!
There’s a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
when your favorite puppy looks you right in the eye.
It’ll really be such a perfect day, of wags and jumps and dives,

This wonderful day will be one we’ll remember all through our lives!

If that’s not enough for you today, I suggest you swing by Something Wagging and start humming along with “Walking in a Neutered Wonderland.” (Update 12/24/14: full version available here.)  However, you might want to use caution when singing that around your husband or other male friends.

Anyway, more caroldies to come later this week… stay tuned.

P.S.  I take requests.


Jingle Goats is the new Jingle Bells

I haven’t had a chance to post those promised Christmas carol parodies (caroldies?), but the following video should tide you over until then…

(via Cute Overload)

Dashing ’round the farm,
Hoping to eat some hay, 
O’er the stumps they go,
Bleating all the way.
These goats they hop and spring,
Jumping very high,
What fun it is to laugh and watch
The flying goats go by.
Jingle goats, jingle goats, 
Jingle in the hay,
Oh, how these goats make me smile,
Even though it is Monday.

A holiday bonus for you & for the animal charity of your choice

As I mentioned the other day, I’m taking part in a fantastic event this holiday season – Social Media for Social Good.  (Thanks to Two Little Cavaliers for the opportunity to be involved!)

The winner of this event will win cash and the chance to donate cash to the animal charity of his or her choice.  Pretty cool, right?  (For more specifics, check out my earlier post or visit Two Little Cavaliers.)

Today, I’m here to share another opportunity to enter.  Have a Twitter account? All you need to do is follow me on Twitter using the Rafflecopter below.  (If you’re already a follower, you can still earn an entry by confirming that you already follow me – just click on the Rafflecopter for instructions.)  You can earn additional entries by following the Twitter accounts of the other bloggers participating in this great event or doing the other items listed in the Rafflecopter.

Don’t have a Twitter account?  You can also enter using your Facebook account – please check out last week’s post to do so.  (Even if you have a Twitter account, feel free to do both!)

I loved hearing about the organizations some of you wanted to donate the prize to, and I’d love to hear from more of you.  If I won, I’d donate to a great local rescue like Friends of Homeless Animals. Check out some of their adorable adoptables looking for homes this holiday season in the video below, then scroll down to enter!

Such an adorable group…

Ready to get your entries on?  Here you go…

a Rafflecopter giveaway
