It’s Earth Day, so today’s video has a special message for you. But first…
- I cannot take credit for today’s punny pet name. It is genius: Piggie Smalls. Also genius and not of my creation: Ol’ Birdy Bastard. However, I will add a few more names to the list: Notorious P.I.G. and Dr. Bray (for a donkey, of course).
- You must watch this audition for Britain’s Got Talent. I love this woman. I love her dogs. I love her dog sweater. Love. Her.
- Sometimes, you just need to watch cute animals. Pick your poision: the San Diego Zoo’s Pandacam, the Edinburgh Zoo Penguin Cam, or the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam (it’s back!).
- If you prefer your cute in photos rather than videos, I give you this slideshow of pets snuggling with stuffed animals (includes bonus Gremlins reference – be still, my beating heart).
As you may or may not know, we celebrated Earth Day last year by turning the blog over to Captain Pug (obviously our hero and obviously going to take pollution down to zero – also, in case you were wondering, he is cuteness magnified, and he is fighting on the planet’s side). I don’t know if I can top that… however, I did want to remind you to show the Earth a little extra love today:
(Hat tip to Subroto Bagchi for inspiring the title of today’s post.)
Interested in learning more about going green or celebrating Earth Day with your pet? Ask and ye shall receive… happy Earth Day!