DOGma: How to get rid of your guilty pleasures once and for all

Class, please open your self-yelp books to Chapter 7. Today, we’re going to talk about our dirty little secrets – those things that you hate to admit that you really like.

Get your minds out of the gutters, kids. I’m talking about guilty pleasures. Continue reading


Easy like Sunday morning…

These are the faces of dogs who would love to know why I’m bothering them with the iPhone camera before noon on a Sunday:

Easy like Sunday morning: I Still Want More Puppies

At least they don’t mind the constant Lionel Richie references.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


Hello, is it a kitty you’re looking for?

Today, Petfinder is encouraging bloggers to talk about how awesome cats are. Now, don’t tell Bella and Tavish, but I happen to agree. My first pet was actually a pretty cool cat named Buttercup.

Fun fact: pom-poms can double as a cat bed

So, in honor of Buttercup and awesome cats (and cat lovers) everywhere, today’s links are feline-focused. Enjoy some kitty cuteness, and then get out there and adopt a cat! (Let me assure you – I would happily do so if Bella and Tavish were not champion cat chasers. Maybe they need to read this post.)

  1. What should you name your new cat? Here are some punny pet names to get you started: Meowie Long, Rachel Scratch, and Meoward Stern.
  2. There are many reasons to adopt a cat. For example, do you need of a skilled goalie in the house?
  3. Or perhaps you just want someone to help you reenact your favorite movies at home? (If you’re not interested in that, I’m going to need you to tell me what your damage is.)
  4. I mean, your cat could even play the role of Simba from The Lion King. Obviously, house cats like to emulate their majestic relatives. (Bonus squee!)
  5. If movies aren’t your style, you could always reenact some classic paintings.
  6. I also hear that cats make great wingmen. They’re total chick magnets. (Duck magnets too, I hear.)
  7. In any event, who wouldn’t want to spend some time having a nice intellectual exchange with their favorite feline?
  8. Cats do have a way with words, after all.

Seriously though, in spite of all of the silly reasons I listed above, there’s only one reason you really need to know. Cats are awesome.

Also, I give a huge thumbs up to any animal that gives me a reason to make a Lionel Richie reference.

Hello, is it an adorable kitty you’re looking for?

If so, head on over to Petfinder and search for an adoptable cat near you! Then take lots of photos and tell everyone else you know why adopting a cat is the best. The Internet is sorely lacking in cat pictures, after all.


Imitation is the sincerest form of insanity

Today’s post is inspired by my pal Kristine from Rescued Insanity. She recently shared some common search terms that led people to her blog. The results were pretty entertaining. (Go check them out… I’ll wait. Funny, right?)

They (?) say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, I’ve decided to flatter the heck out of Kristine today and steal borrow get inspired by her idea.

Anyway… to the search terms!

In not-shocking news, a lot of people end up here by searching for “punny dog names” or “punny cat names” (and occasionally, for “punny animal names”). One day, I truly hope to become the preeminent website for ridiculously punny names. A gal can dream, after all.

“it’s funny how people twist words” – I hope so, as that’s my bread and butter.

“pet names for hairy men” – I wonder if one of my punny pet names was of use. I’m not sure if I’m flattered or frightened that this searcher ended up here.

“What kind of dog is in the Travelers commercial?” – Apparently, this question has haunted many an Internet searcher. I noticed a ton of variations on this question. Chopper the dog is spreading the word about the awesomeness of the mixed breed. Mutts unite!

“sunshine on my puppy” – Makes me happy…

Vintage Bella

“bella freud and husband” – I’m just going to help you out by leaving this link here.

“frowning quokka” – I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a quokka, but I’m not sure they are capable of frowning.

“same love gay dog” and “gay dog love.blogspot” – Well, I know why these two led you here, although the structure of your search terms puzzles me a bit. (Someone also found this site by searching “gay jude collin the pirata” – I have no idea what that means.)

“Why do you tilt your head when you are confused” and “why do we tilt our heads when confused to the right” – Because it seems to work for the dogs, so I thought I’d give it a try.

“power stones fan” – In fact, I’m tilting my head right now.

“my mom signs to my dog” – Pics or it didn’t happen.

“dog chewed letters on name tag. can’t read” and “dog walker didn’t show” – I am sorry to hear both of those things, but I’m not sure how I can help you… although I might suggest you get both a new name tag and a new dog walker.

“panties in a bunch better words” – I’m glad to see I’m not the only nerdy person who thinks about this stuff.

“self carrying dog blanket” – I smell a million-dollar idea. Any leads on a self-carrying poop bag? I’m placing my order right now.

“hello is it” – this blog you’re looking for? (I think this search term delighted me the most. I wonder how many confused Lionel Richie fans end up here.)

“buy goose northern Virginia” – All those goose puns are finally catching up with me, I guess. I do not actually run an underground goose market, however.

“northern Virginia bunnies for photographers” – I assume there’s some photographer out there looking for a few good bunny models? Unfortunately, if I do have a bunny modeling agency, it is only imaginary (much like the second season of Models, Inc.).

“massage on Thanksgiving” – You’re barking up the wrong tree, bud.

“professor Garfield” – Given that I only talk about the cat, I have a feeling that this blog was not the professor you were looking for. (I do enjoy the search terms containing some variation on the Garfield “down doobie doo down down” comic.)

list of puns furrever eggcelent” – Now this one makes sense to me.

“why does every kid want a puppy?” – Um, because they’re awesome. Why don’t you just ask me why every kid wants ice cream?

“tell me more about puppies” – Happy to be of service. Pull up a chair and start surfing the archives. You might be here a while.

“no you love puppies and cupcakes” – Why, yes. Yes I do. I never claimed otherwise.

“I still highly want to” – I got nothin’. Follow your dreams. You can reach your goals.

Swing by Rescued Insanity (if you didn’t do so already, even though I told you I’d wait) to see what terms Kristine shared and to check out some funny terms in the comments. Then share your funny search terms below!


The best things happen when a dog & penguin are dancing…

‘Twas the last No Frown Friday before Christmas and all through the blogs, my readers were wondering if I’d still post about dogs.

The answer is yes. Let’s do this.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Bark Griswold and George Tailey.
  2. I guess we made it through that whole apocalypse thing okay, huh? At least it gave me this photo. And this pun. Worth it.
  3. As the world did not end, your weird holiday traditions can continue unabated.
  4. So, what should I watch to get into the holiday spirit this weekend? (Animal Planet totally stole that “pup culture” thing from this blog, right? I kid, I kid… although perhaps they should have hired me as a consultant. I could have provided some high quality puns. For example, they went with Fluffy Phelps, but I would have argued for Michael Whelps. Nailed it.)
  5. Moving on… I’m digging some of these TV-themed Christmas cards.
  6. If you are still not sure what to buy me for Christmas, my Lionel Richie wishlist just grew by one cheesy item.
  7. Do you wrap presents for your furry family members?
  8. Okay, these may not be appropriate for younger audiences, but the 25 Funniest AutoCorrects of 2012 are absolutely hilarious. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Consider it my present to you.

Finally, this week’s video:

Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s NotesPupLoveRescued InsanityWoof Woof Mama & I Still Want More Puppies

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by the Real Meat CompanyClick here to enter to win a prize package of their new freeze-dried real meat dog food and be entered to win a Grand Prize package worth more than $1000!


Paw Night Long

Yesterday, I promised you some Saturday Night Links. It’s time for me to deliver…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Nigel Lythgrowle and Whinin’ L. Richie. (Also, enjoy this bonus punny action and the next installment of my continuing Lionel Richie obsession.)
  2. Speaking of puns (because I always am), I’m loving these street fliers… pages and pages of tearable puns!
  3. Possible new reality show: So You Think You Can See Puppies at a Dance Festival.
  4. It’s time for some pretty – enjoy these Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners.
  5. You know what else you need today? Puppies playing. You’re welcome.
  6. I bet this cat has some pointers on how to pick up chicks. Once you’ve mastered the art of the pickup, these dogs will teach you to take your date for a drive.

As always, we end with a video. With all apologies to Jewel, this video was meant for me, and I was meant for it.

Dancing Dog – watch more funny videos

A weekend of puppies & football lies ahead…

It’s Super/Puppy Bowl weekend!  I’m sure today’s theme will not surprise you…

  1. Your punny pet name: Meowrio Manningham.  (I had some trouble coming up with one today – so here are some more punny football names.)
  2. He’s no football player, but Ozzy the balancing dog is the most impressive athlete I’ve seen in a while.
  3. Hello… is it blending you’re looking for?  If so, you’ll enjoy this Super Bowl commercial from Toyota.  (The obsession continues.)
  4. On a loosely related note, here’s a Mister T tea set.
  5. Moving on… I’ll be making some cupcakes for our annual Super Bowl party.  (One of these days, I’ll also update my baking blog again.)  I hope mine turn out better than these.
  6. Puppies predicting the Super Bowl?  I hope they are wrong, but I can’t deny the cute.
  7. Something else important is happening on Sunday too – the Puppy Bowl!  Who is your favorite player?  (See them in action!)
  8. Another great thing about the Puppy Bowl?  It’s encouraging adoption!
  9. No need to focus solely on the puppies – this year, you can check out the equally awesome Elder Bowl!
  10. Don’t worry… there’s a little something for the cat lover too.  Here are your 30 cutest moments from the kitty halftime show.
I can’t wait to watch the game and cheer for the Giants.  However, I doubt there will be any instant replays that use slow-mo as well as the video below…

(via Paw Nation)

So what are your plans for the big game?  Are you participating in Super Dog Sunday?  Bella did last year, and we’ll be joining in the fun yet again.


Hello, is it parody you’re looking for?

My Lionel Richie obsession is well-documented.  It should come as no surprise that when the video below landed in my inbox (courtesy of Pamela from Something Wagging), I was very excited.

Well, first I laughed so hard that I missed half the video, paused it, finished laughing, started it again from the beginning, and then was very excited.

(Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo)

Maybe I really do need to join Lionel Richie Fans Anonymous.  It’s an addiction. (Pamela, that may make you my Lionel Richie dealer or just an enabler… either way, thanks for sending this my way!)


Hello… is it a doggie you’re looking for?

I’ve got lots of linky goodness for you today.  Before we get silly, however, I have some cool information to share with you in honor of Pit Bull Awareness Day, which just so happens to be tomorrow.

Our pals over at love and a six-foot leash have put together a special adoption event with the Montgomery County Humane Society.  For a select group of lovable wonderbulls known as Little Zee’s Fabulous Four, all adoption fees will be sponsored.  Once a dog in the Fabulous Four is adopted, a new one will take his or her place on the list.

If you’re in the DC area, check out the details on how you can bring one of these adorable pups home.  (Even if you’re not looking for another dog right now or aren’t in DC, you can still help by spreading the word!)  For bonus points, head over to Peaceful dog, where a donation will be made to the Washington Humane Society for each comment.  Pretty cool, huh?

Now, back to your regularly scheduled puns…

  1. Your punny pet name: Lionel Itchy.
  2. Remember how much I loved that Lionel Richie teapot?  Well, here’s an awesome flyer to go with it. I don’t know why he fascinates me so… perhaps I’ve been wooed by his grammar skills.
  3. On a related note, I saw the sign below one day, and it was the highlight of my week.  I’m sure the people who saw me taking this photo thought I was nuts – however, anyone who gets the reference below scores instant awesome points.  (I’m beginning to think I need to join Lionel Richie Fans Anonymous.  Their motto?  “Hello… is it therapy you’re looking for?”)
  4. Lionel Richie crossing
  5. Um… moving on… looking for a treat to make for Halloween? Check out these creepy eyeball cake pops from Bakerella.  (Continuing on that theme… there photos of animals’ eyes up close are pretty cool.)
  6. If that didn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, try these awesome cakes inspired by Tim Burton.  (There might even be some new eye candy on my baking blog… head on over and check it out.)
  7. Last week, I highlighted some dogs in Halloween costumes.  This week, cats get their due.  (Speaking of cats, this diagram should clear up what all the fuss is about.)
  8. Also… I think this might be the best costume ever (although I doubt it’d translate into a pet costume).
  9. Want to see more cute pet costumes (and vote for your favorite)?  Go to All Things Dog Blog to vote for the Most Original Costume, and swing by DogTipper to vote for the Cutest Costume.
  10. I wish I’d read this article about pumpkin carving tips before I tried to carve mine last weekend.  Nonetheless, maybe it’ll help you in your carving endeavors.  (Are you a pumpkin carving savant?  Then you might want to enter this contest.)
  11. This photo looks like it came from some sort of horror movie.

The video below, however, looks like it came from the best movie ever.

It’s like a remake of 8 Seconds only much more fun and without Dylan McKay.

Oh, and I know it’s No Frown Friday, but I want to keep you posted on what’s up with us today.  Bella had to go in for surgery to have a lump removed this morning, and I’ll be picking her up this evening if all goes well.  That being said, we’d appreciate any healing vibes you could send her way.

I’m hoping that it’ll turn out to be nothing, and that the worst part of the whole ordeal will be her displeasure regarding the cone of shame.  (At least we don’t have a doggie door, I suppose…)


Snappy wordplay and a K9 Kamp giveaway!

It’s Friday… thank goodness!  (Now I know why it’s always said the other way. IF…TG is not really as catchy as TGIF.)

As always, it’s time for some fun links to send you into the weekend.  As a bonus, today’s post includes information about a K9 Kamp giveaway!  Read on, friend…

  1. This week’s punny net name: William Snakespeare. (Bonus puns: Mount Ruffmore and “Is it tea you’re looking for?”  That second link will show you my new favorite thing. I want one. Seriously.  It’s possible I wrote a few verses of that song this week… you know I can’t fight the music.)
  2. It’s been a big week for punny songs over here.  Newly added to my catalog?  “Hakuna Manatee” (it means no worries, in the inlets and bays) and “Hakuna Fritatta” (I was at a work brunch and couldn’t stop humming it to myself).  
  3. Also, here’s a special one for you Days of Our Lives fans – “Hakuna Marlena.”  (It does, in fact, involve references to that time she was possessed.  Now she has a “Satan-free… philosophy… Hakuna Marlena.”)
  4. Moving on… here’s Hero, the dog-shaped hot dog steamer.  There are no words.
  5. There are, however, words for these cake pops that look like my favorite cartoon character. Those words? Awesome and adorable. 
  6. Speaking of cake, I finally posted a new recipe on my long-neglected cupcake blog.
  7. I have a friend who has a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Snoop Dogg.  I have a feeling she would appreciate this next link.
  8. Looking for a pet-friendly hotel?  How about a hotel that has dogs on staff and helps pets get adopted?  As you wish.
  9. If you got the Princess Bride reference in that last item, then you’ll love this (fictional) version of Monopoly.  (If it were real, it would be currently fighting that Lionel Richie teapot for the title of my favorite thing.)
  10. This photo just made me smile.  However, this one led to a fit of giggles that I still haven’t quite gotten over. Wordplay!

Photobucket As you know, I’ve been participating in K9 Kamp for the last few weeks.  Today, I’m the featured blogger at Peggy’s Pet Place – swing by to check it out.  In addition, K9 Kamp is giving away a set of hand-crafted, eco-friendly Fetching Sticks from Molly Products. You can enter by heading over to Peggy’s Pet Place or on this blog after the jump…
