In 2013, you wanted more puppies, more puns, and… more cats?

Today, on the last day of the year, I’m taking the totally original approach of reflecting on 2013. I don’t see a lot of this out there, which I find surprising – I mean, you’d think it would be a natural fit. I can only hope that my trailblazing example will inspire more reflection in the future as one year passes the torch to the next.

Sarcasm duly noted? Good. Because I know every website on Earth (and perhaps Mars?) is doing the same thing… and I don’t care. Nostalgia is my absolute favorite kind of -algia, and I finally put down a deposit on a nice little bungalow on Memory Lane. (It just makes good financial sense.) Let the reflecting begin! Continue reading


14 posts to remember from November

It’s time for yet another monthly roundup. Well, technically it’s past time. Anyway… today, I give you fourteen posts that made me smile in the month of November:

  1. Mirth Watch Thursday: We Are the Furred from Pooch Smooches – You know I can’t resist a song parody.
  2. Tips For Traveling with a Cat from Rescued Insanity – I know that it sounds like a straightforward post. It is not.
  3. Things You Say to Dogs That Would Be Creepy If You Said to People from Bunny’s Blog – Can’t argue with that.
  4. If my dogs were kittens. And they had a box. from Oh My Dog! – I’m a sucker for cats in boxes. True story.
  5. Why I Took Leaves From My Parents And Now I’m Taking Them Back from My Brown Newfies – It’s genius. Weird genius.
  6. Misconceptions about Gay People and Dogs from Fidose of Reality – This is a truly fantastic post, but the line about the dog with the video camera might just be my favorite part.
  7. Monday Mischief: Mischief-less In 7 Letters or Less from Pooch Smooches – I love this idea. What would your dog’s vanity plate say?

    Tell me more via

    Inquiring Tavishes want to know…

  8. Ty and Buster: How the Boys Got Their Names from Take Paws – I’m still giggling about the Rancid suggestion.
  9. FitDog Friday: Overcoming Obstacles from Beagles and Bargains – I can relate.
  10. The Rival in My Bed from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Between the post and the comments, it’s got your Daily Laugh Requirement (DLR) covered.
  11. Dog Nose Wisdom from Raising a Super Dog – I think Jager should be my new life coach. How do I make that happen?
  12. Getting to Know My Dog’s Brush (In Which the Dog’s Brush Can Speak and I Interview It) from The Chronicles of Cardigan – Where does she come up with this stuff? Love it.
  13. I Write More and More Letters from Rescued Insanity – I cannot get enough of these. (Also, Food Network? I hope you were listening to this wise woman.)
  14. Dogs in the heat of the night from A slightly R-rated dog blog – Let’s end on a joke, shall we? We shall.

There you have it – did I miss any of your favorite posts from November? (It’s possible – I only have two eyes and one laptop, after all.) If so, please share them in the comments. (Or, if you have some from December, send them my way for the next list!)


The creatures are stirring…

Given that we’re knee-deep in December, I’m embracing the holidays today:

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Patrick Mewart and Andrew Mice Clay.
  2. Holy crap. It’s a blind dog painting Christmas ornaments.
  3. Um, speaking of painting… puppies, you’re doing it wrong.
  4. Best Christmas photo ever? It’s possible.
  5. Also, this might be the best Christmas ad ever.
  6. Move over, Mariah. These guys just threw down the gauntlet with a fantastic cover of a Christmas classic.
  7. I love a good Cativity scene.
  8. However, I’d prefer if we don’t let it snow. Make it so.

Finally, here’s today’s video:

Folks, don’t try this at home. Instead, check out what we were up to on the blog this week (if you missed it the first time around):

That’s all for today. I need to do some decorating this weekend, but I have a feeling that my lazy pups will not be helping. Not a creature will be stirring to help me unless that mouse comes to visit.

Not my house. (via

Are you ready for the holidays, or are you behind like me?


A definitive ranking of the 50 best names for a group of animals

So, I recently discovered that a group of ferrets is called a business. I found this fact utterly delightful, and it inspired me to find out what other delightful denominations I’ve been missing out on.

Today, I give you my definitive ranking of the coolest names for a group of animals. Obviously, no boring herds or packs need apply. (I’m looking at you, antelope, caribou, bison, wolves, and the like.) No troops, pods or flocks either. (Sorry, monkeys, whales and seagulls.) I showed a gaggle of geese and a murder of crows the door too. No mercy.  Continue reading


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Snarly Brown!

It’s time for some Friday linkage, Howloween style…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Sheddy Krueger, Snarly Brown, Goosey VanPelt, and Peppermint Catty.
  2. Apparently, all movies are horror movies at heart. Who knew?
  3. So, what are you dressing up as this year? If you’re in need of an idea, might I recommend one of these options? (Whatever you do, just promise me you’re not going as a sexy antelope or sexy Marie Curie or anything like that. That’s right, I’m giving you the side eye, sexy giraffe and sexy fox.)
  4. Alternatively, you can’t go wrong with a red panda costume.
  5. Holy crap, you guys. Someone please start a blog where they do this when their dog takes naps.
  6. Speaking of dogs in costumes, I did enjoy these funny (and punny) ones.
  7. Don’t worry, cat lovers, I didn’t forget about you. Your felines can be sweet or salty this year. Your choice.
  8. Do you like pranks? *Insert disapproving Amy Poehler face here.*
  9. Anyway, Halloween is an excuse for culinary creativity. You could make these gummy spiders. Or you can just whip up a batch of Halloween sangria.

So wrong, yet so right:

In case you missed any of them, here are last week’s posts:

That’s all for now, pals. Any Howloween plans for the weekend?


LOLCat speek hurts mah brain

I’m puzzled.

Cats. They’re the kings of the jungle. The aloof animals who will let you pet them… but only on their terms. Basically, cats are just too cool for everything. They’re kind of the original hipsters.


Growing up, I was fairly certain that cats were the smartest creatures out there. Take Garfield, for example. He might be fat and lazy, but he’s also clever and well-spoken. (Well thought-bubbled?) In contrast to sweet, lovable, dim Odie (and hopeless Jon), Garfield was clearly the brains of the operation.


My first cat, Buttercup, also gave off an air of superiority. She seemed pretty sure that she was… the cat’s pajamas. I wasn’t quite sure where the dogs and I fell on the intelligence continuum, but I knew that it was somewhere below the cat.

So, why did the Internet decide that cats have poor grammar and spelling skills? Honestly, it wouldn’t really surprise me to learn that cats actually speak in Elizabethan English. I’m not joking. Cats probably judge our grammar. (I’m pretty sure that this cat does. And this one just judges us. For everything. I told you cats were hipsters.)

I’m genuinely curious. Who decided that if adorable animals could talk, they’d sound like they recently suffered some sort of head injury? It’s fascinating that lolcat has become its own weird language. You can even translate regular English into lolcat (and it seems that lolcat has its own set of rules) – hence the grammatically tortured title of this post. (You can also read the Bible in lolcat, if that’s your jam.)

Don’t get me wrong… I’m as charmed by emoticats as the next gal. However, this whole phenomenon is beyond my comprehension. I know that some of you out there may be more comfortable with lolcat speak than I am – if so, care to enlighten me? (I mean, the guy who founded that Cheezburger site is obviously doing pretty well for himself, so perhaps I’m the one who is missing something here.)

Maybe cats are actually behind this whole LOLCat thing… they’re lulling us into a false sense of security. Then they’ll make their move.


You’ve been warned.

Do you speak lolcat? I’d love to hear why it appeals to you. If you’re not a fan, why not? What do you think cats would sound like if they could talk to us?
