Hold on to August a little longer with these 14 blog posts…

It’s time for another monthly roundup, so set aside some time to catch up on your reading. Here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of August: Continue reading


It’s a good thing my dogs like to watch TV…

Will wonders never cease? I’m actually delivering your Friday links on Friday!

  1. First up, your punny pet name for the week: Sansa Bark for a dog and Roger Starling for a bird. (Here’s some extra punnage for you. The second one on the list cracked me up.)
  2. It just so happens that Mad Men is back on Sunday night. Are you as excited as I am? Ah, the glory days of advertising
  3. Speaking of ads, here are a few funny animal ads for your enjoyment.
  4. In other news, Game of Thrones came back last Sunday, so I’m really in TV nerd heaven right now. If I ever make that Game of Bones parody, I will totally be relying on these casting suggestions. (Jon Snow and Ygritte are my favorite doggelgangers, I think.)
  5. You may have noticed I totally just made up a word. What do you think?A dog doppelgänger would totally be a doggelganger, right? (The word doppelgänger is ripe for wordplay. For example, if you happened to be watching an adult film – or even Game of Thrones – and saw someone who looked like you, then you would have just encountered your doppelbanger. See? It’s so versatile.)
  6. Um, anyway… moving on… I can’t quite decide which of these is my favorite. I mean, you can’t go wrong following the motto of House Swanson, but how can I say no to Professor Farnsworth?
  7. This dragon should be an inspiration to us all. (For good measure, here’s a bonus dragon and a bonus dog imitating a dragon!)
  8. On a completely unrelated note, I feel like this revelation is earth shattering (at least for my younger self, who desperately wanted to be on that show). Speaking of old shows, this post totally took me down memory lane (even though some of the shows were after my time.)

Finally, that brings us to today’s video. This Mad Dog intro is quite clever:


Sorry for all of the TV talk today. I promise that I don’t just sit around watching TV all the time. Ask my pups. (Although they don’t seem to mind being couch potatoes from time to time.)

Speaking of pups and not sitting around, you should head over to Peggy’s Pet Place and check out the great blogs participating in the first FitDog Friday Blog Hop. (I didn’t have a chance to get a post up for it today, but I hope to participate in the future. It sounds fun!) In addition, it’s almost time for K9 Kamp again – I can’t wait to enjoy the nice weather with the pups.

What are you up to this weekend?


Fourteen furry reasons to smile

As usual, my monthly roundup is just a little bit late. (You also may have noticed that No Frown Friday was missing yesterday – I’ve been having some technical difficulties, so you’ll get that soon as well. I promise.)

Anyway, I hope you don’t mind too much. Enjoy this roundup of posts from November that put a big smile on my face:

  1. Dear Fourteen Year Old Me from Rescued Insanity – A beautiful post.
  2. Like Herding Cats from Tales and Tails – Behind the scenes of a canine photo shoot,  humor awaits.
  3. Felix, I Swear the Camera Won’t Steal Your Soul from Kol’s Notes – Speaking of amusing photo shoots…
  4. Brooks Says, Adopt a Senior Dog from Peggy’s Pet Place – Can’t argue with that. (In case you’re not yet convinced, read this post from Something Wagging.)
  5. A Couple of Blondes Take a Thanksgiving Walk from Yikes! Loy Turns 60 – I know that sounds like the opening line to the joke, but this story had me smiling from ear to ear.
  6. Why I’ll Never Own a Dog Again from Something Wagging This Way Comes – You know I love thinking about words. How do you describe your relationship with your dog? (This post in response from Rescued Insanity is pretty interesting too.)
  7. 295/365: Babushka? from Life with LuLu & Wally Too! – Honestly, this one just cracked me up.
  8. Monday Mischief: Christmas List Mischief from My Brown Newfies – Being a reindeer for a day is a totally reasonable request, right?
  9. Live: Turkeys on Ice! More Fun Than in Your Freezer from This One Wild Life – I would like to request a TV channel devoted to the happenings in Kim’s yard.
  10. Six Tips for Photographing Dogs With Any Camera from kate with a camera – Several great tips here… check ’em out!
  11. Dogton Abbey Blog, Things Are Getting Crabby Down At The Abbey Episode 4! from  Molly the Wally – Pamela from Something Wagging turned me on to this one. Go read the whole series!
  12. A Wienerholic Family Christmas from My Life with Wieners – This post makes traveling with Bella sound tame.
  13. Friday Funny! Video: Dog loves automatic ball throwing machine from Dakota’s Den – Tavish totally needs one of these.
  14. If You Give a Nutty Pet Blogger Some Cheap Holiday-Themed Accessories from Target from Chronicles of Cardigan – Hilarious as always.

That’s all, folks! Stay tuned for December – I’ll try to get that one to you before February. No promises, though.


Seventeen reasons to smile

Today’s mischief is all mine, not the dog’s… I confess that I’m far behind in sharing my monthly post roundups. Today, I’m bringing you the best from September… these posts are guaranteed to put a smile on your face: Continue reading
