Facts about today’s post: (1) Bella likes to snuggle with a flowerpot; (2) I wish she would snuggle with Tavish instead; and (3) I couldn’t decide whether to go with a Mannequin joke, or some sort of doggelganger thing.
(The latter just makes me think of the Vampire Diaries – eventually, all the roles will just be played by Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev, right? That seems to be where we’re headed.They better keep Ian Sommerhalder around though – I think that the viewing public would heartily approve of some Damon doppelgangers* walking around.)
Anyway, moving on…

She’s starring in an all-canine remake of Mannequin.
Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!
* I could not figure out how to make an umlaut. Please take a pencil** and draw one*** on your screen.
** I’m recommending a pencil so that you can erase it when you’re done, lest you find yourself with a rogue umlaut permanently terrorizing your screen.
*** Don’t actually do that. Use your imagination, silly.