It’s not a Full House without a pet…

Today, we’re hopping in the Wayback Machine for another dose of nostalgia. (Mr. Peabody would approve.) By now, you should know that I just can’t help myself…

  1. First up, your punny pet name for this week: Lick Carter (see #8 below).
  2. Have you ever wondered what the lyrics to Ice Ice Baby mean? I’m going to guess that you have not. Nonetheless, I recommend that you stop, collaborate, and listen to Adam Scott explain them to you.  (I have now decided that I would like Adam Scott to explain all lyrics to me. Forever.)
  3. Obviously, Fraggles make everything better.  (Speaking of rock…)
  4. Remember Mr. Wizard? Apparently his social skills were not on a par with his science skills.  I kid, I kid
  5. If only I’d held on to a few liters of Crystal Pepsi, I’d be a hundredaire by now.
  6. This next one is not for the easily offended: Kanye’d by the Bell.
  7. Backstreet’s back… all right?

Well, I always knew Dylan McKay wasn’t such a bad boy. In fact, Luke Perry may have just won the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. Bonus: he’s not the only one. I love seeing stars from my youth promoting pet adoption:

On a related note, if Dylan and Kelly develop a sitcom together, I will choose it faster than Kelly chose herself. Or faster than Donna got drunk at prom. You know it.

On a related related note, remember when Brenda was in Heathers?

I’ll stop now.


Vampire Dog is no Bunnicula

I fully realize that the title of this post will make no sense to the majority of people. Such is the life of a pop culture addict.

Anyway, this is the trailer for a real movie:

It looks… not great. However, I may have already added it to my Netflix queue and might secretly watch it one night in the privacy of my living room. Only the dogs will know, and they won’t be telling anyone else about it. (Maybe they should have called it Dogcula instead.)

What it really makes me want to do, however, is revisit the Bunnicula books of my youth. Anyone else remember those?

(Want to read about more crazy canines? Check out the Monday Mischief blog hop!)


A dog’s dilemma: to pee or not to pee?

I didn’t really have a theme in mind for today’s links. However, after I put the list together, I noticed a few common threads: England, philosophical musings, and sharks. (I’m not entirely sure how that last one fits, but there you have it.) So, here we go…

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Romeo Montawoof and Juliet Catulet.
  2. I’m not done yet…  I know that this one is stretching the “pet” part a bit far (though I suppose it could still work for a goldfish), but I couldn’t resist: Shark Wahlberg (or Sharky Shark, if you prefer).
  3. This puppy is the Jack Handey of the canine set. (Oh heck, why not… I made my own. If you make one too, share the link in the comments! Need some inspiration? Start here…)
  4. While he’s busy musing, cats are busy doing… in the arenas of politics and fashion, at least.
  5. Speaking of cats… I had no idea you could patent a method of exercise, but what do I know? (No update on how to properly herd cats, however. Get your patent application ready!)
  6. The Olympics are over, but that won’t stop me from posting a few more London-y type links: enjoy these adorable cards and these cool cakes.
  7. Since we’re talking about England today, did you ever see the great video explaining the difference between England, the United Kingdom, and Great Britain? If not, it’s definitely worth a watch.
  8. If you live every week like it’s Shark Week, then you should decorate your home appropriately. (Speaking of Shark Week…)

Finally, today’s video offering combines British-ness and deep thoughts (a la Henri):

Does sharing this video count as making use of my English degree? I sure hope so.



House cats keep falling on my head…

When I was a kid, my cat Buttercup always found a way to get into the space between the two floors of our house. (Is that called a crawlspace? I have no idea.) Anyway, my room had a dropped ceiling… thus, the video below is a dramatic reenactment of what occasionally happened to me in the middle of the night.

Luckily, I don’t think any of the ceiling panels ever broke. Usually the cat and ceiling just landed on me with a mild thud. If only we’d had the Internet back then. I could have been a viral video sensation.

In a way, I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who has experienced this particular phenomenon. Any others out there? Maybe we can form a support group. At the very lest, share your stories (about house cats falling on your head or other animal-related housing mishaps) in the comments!

(Bonus points if you can guess the song referenced in the title of this post. Hint: it’s from a movie… so, double bonus points if you can know the movie too. Don’t ask me how to redeem these points. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.)


Girls just wanna have pun…

It’s Friday… let’s get to the linkage!

  1. First up, your punny pet names are inspired by this slideshow (oh… hello there, Slide 15): Cullen Bones, Nathan Blue Jaydrian, and Pom Daley. (Seriously, I want to meet a Pomeranian named Pom Daley. It’s my new dream.)
  2. Speaking of punny pet names, this week I learned that Prince Harry owns a racehorse named Usain Colt. How is it possible that I never came up with that one on my own? (Bonus link: Animals with misleading names.)
  3. Emmylou Harris rocks. Check out her new project, Woofstock.
  4. Um, I would watch the heck out of Animals Acting Like Sharks Week.
  5. You know I’m a fan of all things Seussical. Thus, I loved this collection of advertising artwork from Dr. Seuss.
  6. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t love these new ads from Old Navy featuring 90210 actors.
  7. On another nostalgia-related note… moves like Chandler!
  8. Here’s one for the Things Bella and Tavish Will Never Do files. (Oh, Corgis. Always good for a smile.) Yup… I adopt dogs that take their cues from the Gremlins.

You didn’t think I’d make it through this post with only one Olympics reference, did you? As if. Today’s video reveals the results of the Cat Sleeping Position Olympics:

That’s all folks! Hard to believe the Olympics are almost over already. Will you be spicing up your life on Sunday?


7 wonders of the dog blogging world

The other day, I was cleaning and started singing “Whistle While You Work” (as one does), and then it turned into a mash-up of that song and “I’m Late” from Alice in Wonderland. That factoid has very little to do with today’s post, other than the fact that the June monthly roundup is rather late. In any event, here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of June…

Continue reading


Make of our paws one paw…

I’m using the term “paw” quite loosely here, as you’ll see…

First, I’m happy to tell you that (currently) the knots in my stomach have loosened a little. I’m still not back to normal, but I think I’m taking steps in that direction.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled linkage. Today’s theme? Odd couples.

  1. Your punny pet names: Mutt Abbott and Mew Costello. (Or, if you prefer: Bud Rabbit and Lou Dogstello. Also, here’s a bonus pun for you.)
  2. You guys. This dog and cheetah are just… Internet, you have outdone yourself.
  3. In other spot-related news, can someone please explain to me why this piglet looks so much like the aforementioned cheetah?
  4. Apparently baa-baa-bird is now the word.
  5. Speaking of things I’ve heard, it seems that chicks really dig cats. (I’m officially declaring this one a trend. You know, because I have authority to do that.)
  6. Crabs: friends or toys that don’t require batteries? You be the judge.
  7. This bunny, lion & dog trio are just too much to handle. (But are they Super Golden Friends? We may never know.)
  8. Next movie pitch: The Fawn & the Hound. (This time, I demand a happy ending.)
  9. Finally, I’m also a sucker for a good game of tug. This one’s pretty fun.

I chose today’s featured video in large part due to the commenter who referred to them as Rovermeo & Gentooliet. (Also, due to the commenter who made up a punny song about it.) I’m not going to lie, I’m somewhat confused as to how this scene occurred and I’m not about to suggest these two actually get to hang out, but still…

So there you have it… happy Friday! (Unrelated Friday the 13th link: in spite of my rural upbringing, this one is so me.) I hope I’ve made up for last week’s hiatus!


Barking 9 to 5…

It just so happens that today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. It’s also National Dog Party Day. I guess if you’re going to work hard, you should play hard too!

Lucky for me, I usually work from home on Fridays… which means that I can take Bella to work with me today without having to actually take her anywhere. Given that Bella gets carsick in a rocking chair, this situation is ideal. We’ll have our own version of Paw-fice Space right here at home – Bella takes her Floor Patrol duties very seriously.

Now, to the Linkmobile!

  1. Today’s punny pet names take their inspiration from 9 to 5: Polly Parton (for a bird), Dane Fonda (for a Great Dane pup), and Gilly Tomlin (for a fish).
  2. Oh, I can’t help myself. Here are a few more: Molly Parton (for a fish), Jane Fawnda (for a deer), Lily Tomcatlin, and Billy Tomlin (for a goat).
  3. Next, check out this great slideshow of dogs participating in today’s festivities.
  4. Among the offices celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day? The gang at Richmond International Raceway. (I bet Bella’s glad that I don’t work there!)
  5. Over at Peggy’s Pet Place, Kelly the pup has taken to the keyboard to tell us about her canine career.
  6. Sugar the Golden Retriever has donned some “office” attire today as well. (Looking good, pal!)
  7. What if your office is a boat? Something Wagging tells us about Schmitty the Weather Dog, and inspires me to watch “I’m on a Boat” too many times.
  8. The Poodle and Dog Blog gets into the act with this interesting story and clever post title: Dog on a Hot Thatched Roof.
  9. Wondering how to work out the logistics of bringing your dog to work? Never fear. The Pet Health Care Gazette has some great tips.

Sure, it sounds cute… but should we be concerned? Will human workers soon be replaced by a cadre of clever canine professionals? It’s happened before.

That deep thought brings us to today’s video. This dog seems to love his job more than most people I know.

Don’t worry cat lovers, I haven’t forgotten you. Bunny’s Blog tells us all about taking your cat to work.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess that I sang “9 to 5” the entire time I was writing this post. It’s going to be in my head all day now. It’s enough to drive me crazy if I let it. (See what I did there?)

So, tell me… have you ever taken your dog (or other pet) to work?
