You already lost an hour this past weekend to Daylight Saving Time… so, it’s probably best to just declare this week a total loss and spend some more hours wasting time on the Internet, right? Continue reading
Tag Archives: no dog about it
11 pleasing pet posts you’ll love (unless you’re Grumpy Cat)
It’s time for another monthly roundup. Please enjoy these phenomenally pleasing posts that I loved in the month of January. Continue reading
Why should you step out from behind that camera? Here’s why.
If you scour my blog, you might find one photo of me. That’s pretty much it.
I was having a conversation with a few blogging friends the other day, and it turns out that I’m not alone on that front.
As bloggers – particularly pet bloggers – we spend a lot of time behind the camera, but not that much in front of it. We post countless photos of our furballs and share all sorts of personal stories, but – for some of us, at least – it’s pretty rare that our faces grace the hallowed HTML of our own blogs.
11 posts to read to your dog…
… or you know, to have your dog read to you. (Seriously though, if your dog can read to you, please send video footage. I’d like to be your manager.)
Anyway, It’s time for another monthly roundup. Here are eleven posts that made me smile during the month of October:
- Guest Post: Why I Approved 1 Border Collie’s Adoption to 1 Particular Family from Champion of My Heart – I love the idea behind this post, and I love hearing how it all began.
- Jemma, The Ohio Puppy Mill Chihuahua, Rescued and Healed! from Dog House Adoptions – Success stories always warm the cockles of my heart, whatever those are. (Anyone? Bueller?)
- Favorite Video Friday – Sheltie Puppy Zoomies from No Dog About It – The cuteness. It is too much. I swoon.
- Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: My Favorite Videos – from Talking Dogs – Take that, Sarah McLachlan. You’re not ruining my day.
- If Dogs Wrote Advice Columns from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Tavish would probably just advise me to give him a treat.
- Bark & Bites – Dog Baby Decor from My Life in Blog Years – Would it be weird if I made it my decor too? I mean, I’m just saying…
- Our trip home – A Journey to Adoption from Wag the Dog UK – A sweet tale, for sure. I love a happy ending.
- The Story of How I Rescued Jen from Rumpydog – Do you ever wonder how your dogs would tell this story about you?
- Oh Lord, My Water Broke from Heart Like a Dog – It’s not what you think.
- Funny Bone Monday, 44 – the Llama Edition from the Jones Natural Chews blog – All I can think about is The Emperor’s New Groove. That is not a bad thing.
- Service Dog Training: The Things a Dog Trainer Learns from Her Dogs from Smart Dog University – What do you learn from your dogs?
Did I miss any of your favorites? Share them in the comments!
If our pets ever learn to read, we’re all in big trouble…
You know, if our pets could read what we say about them online, they might be both flattered and horrified. After all, we sometimes share their most embarrassing moments on the Internet for all to see.
I’m pretty sure that if Bella and Tavish could type, they’d start a blog about me in retaliation. I shudder to think of the photos they would post for Wordless Wednesday. (They’re cute when they sleep, but I’m a drooling mess.)
Let’s just all be thankful that our pets can’t read, okay? Here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of July. Feel free to read them aloud to your illiterate pets:
- True Love from BZ Training – I’m pretty sure Bella’s true love is the air vent in our bedroom. I’m not sure about Tavish though.
- The Unbearable Cuteness of Being Free from Chronicles of Cardigan – An overload of amazing (and amusing) photos.
- 10 Funniest Reasons To Not Let Your Dog Go Along In Your Car This Summer from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I’ve often wished that my dog would count when I want to take the HOV lane.
- Get the ducks in a row from Rumblebum – The captions had me giggling like a fool. I’m okay with that.
- Accommodating Your Dog’s Feelings: I’m Just Going Out With The Garbage, Honey from Dawg Business – The things we do for our beloved pups…
- 10 Things My Anxious Dog Does That I Wish Were Socially Acceptable for Me to Do from A Brave Face – I’m especially keen on numbers 4 and 7.
- Favorite Friday Video – Best Friends, Border Collie Style from No Dog About It – I adore this video!
- Abandon All Hope, Ye Dog Toys Who Enter Here from Tales and Tails – Oh no, Mr. Bill… for the love of dog, oh no!
- My day as a dog from 24 Paws of Love – Not a bad idea at all.
- I Vow to My Foster Dog from Dog House Adoptions – Are you ready to say “I do”? (As to why this has resulted in me serenading the pups with Madonna, I do not know. “Cherish is the word I use to remind me of… your love.”)
- How do we benefit from loving an older dog? from Grouchy Puppy – As I’ve said before, senior dogs rock!
Did I miss any of your favorite posts from last month? It happens – although I’d like to do nothing but read all the blogs, that pesky job thing gets in the way. Also, as I mentioned above, it’s not like the pups can help by reading a few for me. Anyway, feel free share your favorite July posts in the comments so that we can all enjoy them!
Fifteen posts to beat the Monday blues: No Dogs Allowed edition
It’s always hard to go back to work after a long weekend. Why not ease in with a few fantastic posts? For June’s monthly roundup, I thought I’d try a different theme…
Just kidding. Today, I’m sharing fifteen posts that made me smile last month. Get to clicking and find some post-holiday cheer! Continue reading
Spam comments I have known, loved, and been confused by
Never underestimate the enjoyment you can get from occasionally reading your spam comments. I know – we’re all pretty busy, and it’s hard enough to find the energy to check to see if a real comment was mistakenly imprisoned in spam jail.
As some of our friends have demonstrated in the past, however, these comments can provide a needed chuckle. The extra effort is sometimes worth it.
There was once an extended time period during which a spammer (or two) kept leaving me spam comments in the form of Harry Potter quotes. For example:
“I thought there was a Ministry of Magic?” asked Vernon Dursley abruptly.”
I was so charmed that I almost approved all of those comments. Almost.
In any event, I miss them now. Come back, literary spammers!
I guess I’ll have to make do with this spam instead… Continue reading
20 posts you should read right now (instead of doing that whole job thing)
It’s time for another monthly roundup! May was full of fantastic posts. I’ve pulled together a list of twenty that I really enjoyed, but I easily could have kept going. Stop being so awesome, pet bloggers.
Anyway, here are some posts that will likely prove more fun than doing your job, unless your job happens to involve lying in the grass while being licked by puppies.
(If that is your job, please contact me. I would like to send you my resume. Said resume will just include a video of me getting licked by Tavish and a portfolio of dog photos. The video portion will kind of look like this:
However, Tavish is nowhere near this calm about it, reinforcing the entry on my resume that says I have advanced skills in dog licking acceptance.)
Moving on… let’s get back to those blog posts I mentioned. Continue reading
Seventeen reasons to smile
Today’s mischief is all mine, not the dog’s… I confess that I’m far behind in sharing my monthly post roundups. Today, I’m bringing you the best from September… these posts are guaranteed to put a smile on your face: Continue reading
Revisiting the dog days of summer
Well, it’s November, so I’m only three months behind with August’s monthly roundup. Here are sixteen sensational posts I enjoyed during the dog days of summer…
- Peas in a Pod from Poochie Project – I love seeing two pups snuggled up together. (One of these days, Bella and Tavish!)
- Guarding the Toys from Peggy’s Pet Place – Kelly and Bella have a lot in common.
- 3 Ways I’d Really Change Dog Adoptions from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Yet another thought-provoking post from this fantastic blog. It really had me pondering the role of good communication in improving the process.
- Why I’ve decided it’s nice to have a sister from Roxy the Traveling Dog – I hope that one day Bella will pen a similar post about having a brother.
- Favorite Video Friday – Lost Pet Reunions from No Dog About It – Not going to lie, it’s totally raining on my face right now.
- Keeping a New Year’s Resolution: Volunteer Leslie Forte from City Dogs Rescue – Can’t go wrong with the tale of an inspiring volunteer.
- Happy Birthday, Ty! from Take Paws – I love Ty’s life lessons.
- I am Genetically Altered – Given that the title of this blog was inspired because of my response to the “when are you having kids” question, I absolutely adored this post. I’m much more likely to turn into mush at the sight of a puppy than a baby. How about you?
- If Dogs Spoke English from Something Wagging This Way Comes – It’s a good question. What do you wish you could tell your dog?
- How did YOU Name Your Dog? from Dakota’s Den – You guys were full of good questions that month, huh?
- What Would Your Name Be If Your Dog Had Chosen It? from My Brown Newfies – See what I mean? So many good questions!
- I wish I could be more like my dog from The Daily Dog Blog – Me too, my friend.
- I Kept Him Because His Breath Burns My Nostrils, and a Few Other Counterintuitive Reasons from Chronicles of Cardigan – Foster failure!
- Pancake Catching Fail from Pooch Smooches – The title says it all.
- Cat Immersion Project Eases Teen’s Loneliness from Bunny’s Blog – It’ll rain on your face again, but it’s worth it.
- If Dogs Talked About Us from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I do wonder sometimes…
I’ll try not to be so delinquent with future link roundups. Enjoy!