Please forgive me for that post title. It was the best of the worst, so just be thankful I spared you the others. Working titles included “the birth of an animation” and “make way for chucklings.” I told you they were bad.
However, the title seemed fitting, in a way. After all, it’s no secret. Over the past year or so, posts here have been infrequent. I can imagine that finding new content here could sometimes feel as unlikely as finding a Golden Ticket in your Special K.
Okay, maybe that’s not the best example. That Golden Ticket was nothing but trouble, unless you relish the idea of turning into a blueberry or almost drowning in a river of chocolate. I’m hoping that new posts here aren’t having that effect on you.
Anyway, I digress. (Big surprise, right?) I wanted to talk a little bit about my absence and let you know that my time away from you has not been in vain. I’ve FINALLY accomplished one of my goals for 2015 (and 2014 and 2013)…
I launched that webcomic I kept talking about! So, I finally followed through on that promise (or made good on that threat, depending on your point of view) and got some of the ideas out of my brain and onto (virtual) paper. It’s out in the world, and it’s just getting started.
It’s called Biological Clockie, and she really wants to be your new BFF (Best Frenemy Forever):
- The webcomic lives here – you’ll find new comics on Mondays and Thursdays.
- You can sign up to get new comics by email using the form in the right sidebar on the BC website.
- If you’re more of a feed reader kind of person, sign up here.
- Biological Clockie has her own Facebook page and Twitter profile too – follow for updates, funny stuff, and more.
So, that’s the big news here. I hope you’ll stop by and check out my new site – I’d love to hear your thoughts! After all, how could you resist finding out more about this face?

She’s waiting for you…
Working on the comic has also helped me start finding my blogging mojo too, so I’ll probably be posting more regularly here as well. It’s win-win (for me at least).