Dream a little dream of links

Getting back into the swing of things means reviving the weekly link roundup, so… here we go!

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Katey Seagull and Mick Wagger. (Also, please enjoy this bonus punny action. You’re welcome.)
  2. This is an old one, but I just can’t with the news this week… so let’s revisit some good news!
  3. Yes… more good news! We need some fuzzy, happy things right now.
  4. For all the times that the world disappoints me, there’s always some good eggs to remind me that there’s still some awesome out there. Thanks, pals.
  5. Let’s make this happen, guys. (Basically… I’m #TeamBob.)
  6. It’s been kind of rainy this week. I need to do this to help me make it through.
  7. It seems weird to finish this post without any holiday-related links. So, here’s a holiday DIY for the dog lovers out there.
  8. Oh, I can’t stop with just one. I also can’t resist sharing this amazing holiday card.

It’s not really holiday-related, but I love everything about this video (including the Hall & Oates soundtrack):

(I’m always on the lookout for these types of videos thanks to this awesome lady.)

In conclusion… meow.


Living on the hedge(hog)

It’s time for another installment of your Friday linkage…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Kenny Hedgehoggins.
  2. Speaking of the king of 80s movie soundtracks, the world needs an all-hedgehog production of Footloose, don’t you think?
  3. This hedgehog seems to be inspired by a different movie legend – Ricky Bobby.
  4. I cannot resist a snaggletooth. I simply can’t.
  5. You know what else I can’t resist? An adorable animal odd couple involving a hedgehog and a kitten.
  6. I call this one “leave it to hedgehog.”

Finally, I give you today’s video. This hedgehog is on a highway to the danger zone, but I’m not sure he’ll get there anytime soon.

That video is a total hole in one. (Sorry, I needed to work in some sort of Caddyshack reference, but I ran out of ideas.)

via giphy.com

Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what was happening on the blog this past week:

Happy Friday! Get out there and enjoy your weekend!


Animal Odd Couples 2: Eclectic Boogaloo

I like animals who break the mold. Those who refuse to conform to peer pressure and boldly look outside their own species for friends. After all, who am I to argue with generations of Disney movies saluting interspecies friendships?

via giphy.com

(And yes, I’m totally aware that I have done way more than two posts about animal odd couples. However, the number three bazillion didn’t yield any catchy rhyming titles with a completely random pop culture reference. I’m sure you understand.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Fawn Luc-Picard and James Flea Kirk.
  2. Never was there a story of more aww than that of Meowliet and her Droolio. (Or Drooliet and her Meowreo if you’re so inclined.)
  3. I wonder if this pair just plays that “let me tell you ’bout my best friend” song on repeat. If not, they should.
  4. I wish I could go back in time and show Tod and Copper that there was hope after all. You could have made it work, guys!
  5. Ever hope that a Rodent of Unusual Size would find love in this crazy world? (I mean, this is a thing that normal people think about, right?) As you wish.
  6. Well, this little guy is basically an odd couple in and of himself. It’s like a chick and a hamster had an unexpected love connection. Or a duck and a gerbil?
  7. Speaking of unexpected combinations… Sir Patrick Stew can moo, can you?
  8. Also rather moo-ving: “At first, it was all about the milk, but then… then I realized I was really just coming here to see you!

Let’s take this to the next level. Coming soon, to a theater near you: in a world of cats and boxes, one cat followed his heart and declared his love… for a bag:


What can we learn from today’s linkage? Follow your heart. The resulting friendship might just be adorable.

Oh, and in case you missed anything, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:

Have a great weekend!


Please don’t stop the music…

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for your weekly (except when I’m being a slacker) dose of linky goodness:

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet names: Flea-ba McEntire and Justin Timbersnake. (Bonus pun: I want to hang a sign like this one in my house.)
  2. Sometimes I just want to take the midnight train going anywhere, don’t you?
  3. Maybe that’s how these cats got to Dream Town.
  4. On an unrelated note, I would totally buy tickets to see Downton Abbey’s boy band. (I think they might even outsell ‘N Sync.)
  5. As you can see, I’ve got music on the mind today. Enjoy this clip of Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs stealing my heart for the millionth time.
  6. I love animal odd couples – and as a bonus, this Corgibun story even comes with a musically inspired title. (Corgibuns is now the name of my hypothetical pet-friendly bakery.)
  7. Dogs know how to rock out.
  8. Did you happen to see Stephen Colbert’s “Get Lucky” video? If this clip doesn’t make you smile, I’m not sure I want to know you.

Speaking of songs that I couldn’t escape this summer…


Sorry… I couldn’t resist.

Anyway, for all of your music-related needs, I highly recommend that you visit Wesley Ryan’s Music Hub. This blog is written by a dear friend of mine, who has been my musical guru for years. (He also shares my love of misheard lyrics, things that make it rain on my facepop culture, and… well, everything really.)

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all folks… happy Friday!


Your Friday cute: Animal odd couples

I realize that No Frown Friday has been missing of late – but it’s back, baby! Let’s get to it.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Pony Soprano and Duckleberry Finn.
  2. Doug the cat and Charlie the dog could teach us all a thing or two. Citizens of the world, let them guide us to world peace.
  3. I really cannot resist a cat-dog friendship. It’s like catnip. (I couldn’t come up with a dog equivalent… it’s not like there’s some sort of dognip out there.)
  4. Prepare to melt when you read this story about a dog saving a kitten.
  5. Seriously though… perhaps it’s time we rethink that fighting like cats and dogs thing. In some cases, it just means “fighting” in the most adorable way possible.
  6. While we’re changing things up, I suggest we modify Duck, Duck, Goose as well. How about Duck, Duck, Dog?
  7. Up next in the odd couple parade, I present a dog riding a horse.
  8. Considering I cannot actually ride a horse – although I’d love to learn – I’m feeling a bit inadequate right now. Maybe I’ll just snuggle up with a stuffed animal… like this horse and his teddy bear. (Please excuse the rain that has appeared on my face. The teddy bear is his surrogate mama. I can’t even.)
  9. This cat has a stuffed leopard best friend. I am having lots of feelings today.

For today’s video, I thought we’d just overdose on adorable odd couples:


Whew. I hope that this installment of No Frown Friday helps you wag your way into the weekend!


Interspecies baby mama drama

Happy Friday! Let’s get to today’s linkage (which I must admit is not actually filled with baby mama drama… just several animal baby mamas).

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Furman Bates and Bone Crawford.
  2. That’s right. Those are my holiday-themed puns for this week. Okay, fine. Enjoy these photos of cute animal moms. Happy now?
  3. Moving on… this guy gives new meaning to the word sheepdog.
  4. Speaking of interspecies pals (as I almost always am), sometimes an animal adopts a different kind of animal. When that happens, cuteness is the guaranteed result.
  5. No, really. It’s absolutely guaranteed. Adorbs.
  6. Apple Moonbeam is an awesome name. That’s just a fact. (Also a fact? I could never adopt a squirrel in need, as Tavish would simply think I’d finally brought the appetizers inside instead of letting them taunt him from afar.)
  7. Um, guys? I think I’m melting over here.

Finally, we end with a video. I think I could watch this all day:


Still need more? Enjoy:


Obviously, today’s theme was partially inspired by Mother’s Day. This weekend, I’ll be remembering the wonderful lady who made me into the woman I am today. To those of you also making due with a memory, I’m sending you a giant hug.  


Hello, is it a kitty you’re looking for?

Today, Petfinder is encouraging bloggers to talk about how awesome cats are. Now, don’t tell Bella and Tavish, but I happen to agree. My first pet was actually a pretty cool cat named Buttercup.

Fun fact: pom-poms can double as a cat bed

So, in honor of Buttercup and awesome cats (and cat lovers) everywhere, today’s links are feline-focused. Enjoy some kitty cuteness, and then get out there and adopt a cat! (Let me assure you – I would happily do so if Bella and Tavish were not champion cat chasers. Maybe they need to read this post.)

  1. What should you name your new cat? Here are some punny pet names to get you started: Meowie Long, Rachel Scratch, and Meoward Stern.
  2. There are many reasons to adopt a cat. For example, do you need of a skilled goalie in the house?
  3. Or perhaps you just want someone to help you reenact your favorite movies at home? (If you’re not interested in that, I’m going to need you to tell me what your damage is.)
  4. I mean, your cat could even play the role of Simba from The Lion King. Obviously, house cats like to emulate their majestic relatives. (Bonus squee!)
  5. If movies aren’t your style, you could always reenact some classic paintings.
  6. I also hear that cats make great wingmen. They’re total chick magnets. (Duck magnets too, I hear.)
  7. In any event, who wouldn’t want to spend some time having a nice intellectual exchange with their favorite feline?
  8. Cats do have a way with words, after all.

Seriously though, in spite of all of the silly reasons I listed above, there’s only one reason you really need to know. Cats are awesome.

Also, I give a huge thumbs up to any animal that gives me a reason to make a Lionel Richie reference.


Hello, is it an adorable kitty you’re looking for?

If so, head on over to Petfinder and search for an adoptable cat near you! Then take lots of photos and tell everyone else you know why adopting a cat is the best. The Internet is sorely lacking in cat pictures, after all.


Animal odd couples are the best kind of couples

It’s time for another No Frown Friday. (I also hope that this post heralds the return of regular posting. I’ve been down with the count due to allergies this week. Allergies in February. What is this world coming to?)

  1. First up, your punny pet names are Grammy-inspired: TayRoar Swift, Hairy Underwood, and LL Drool J.
  2. The Grammy performances occasionally include some surprising duos… so, today’s theme is odd couples. We can learn so much from these unconventional pairings.
  3. Let’s kick it off with a dog and a kangaroo. Maybe I’ll give some of them a celebrity couple name too, like Brangelina. I’ll call these two… Dogaroo. (Not to be confused with the Lemaroo, of course.)
  4. Speaking of Brangelina, this Swiss Shepherd took a cue from Angelina and adopted some tiger cubs. Squee.
  5. Now this… this is friendship.
  6. Is this video an example of what they call sitting in the catbird seat?
  7. I heard that this cat and rabbit (Cabbit) are wearing matching BFF necklaces. (I wonder if kids these days still wear those.)
  8. The owl and the pussycat are on Facebook. Everyone’s getting into the social media game. They shall dance by the light of the computer monitor.
  9. A dog hanging out with a lamb? There’s mutton weird about that. (Groan.)
  10. It’s like a Disney classic come to life. Behold, the fox… and the cat?
  11. This clip of a leopard and a baby baboon (Leopaboon) is sweet, yet rather sad (especially considering the backstory). Insert tissue warning here.
  12. Quoth the raven, “Why is this crow feeding a cat and a dog?”

The dog below is a true hero. The look he gives the camera reminds me of the look Bella gives me when she’s putting up Tavish.

Adorbs. You just know that those kittens are going to be this cat when they grow up. It’s all in good fun, right?


That’s what (odd) friends are for…

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I have a weakness for animal odd couples. Today, I have quite the assortment of crazy combinations for you:

  1. Your punny pet names: Heidi Plume (for a bird) & Tim Bunn (for a rabbit).
  2. Maybe Bella and Tavish should watch this kangaroo and lemur at play – it could provide some inspiration!
  3. Speaking of kangaroos, these photos of a baby kangaroo and a baby wombat sharing a pouch (seriously) sent my cute-o-meter off the charts. Did you know that the babies of both species are called joeys? No, not like that Joey. (Although… how you doin’?)
  4. Now, for a few odd couples involving pups. First up, these two… I mean, Mango and Milkshake? Those names are amazing. I melt.
  5. This guy has some pretty rocking bodyguards. (I’m totally fighting the urge to play The Bodyguard soundtrack right now.)
  6. Oh you know… it’s just a turtle and a Bulldog hanging out. Eating cereal.
  7. This next odd couple was meant to be. What are the odds that a Dalmatian will adopt her very own black & white spotted lamb?
  8. This baby sloth (also known as a pup!) is besties with a teddy bear. I now want to hug a baby sloth.

Finally, it’s time for this week’s video. You can’t go wrong with a dog and some dolphins, right?

What do you have planned for the weekend?


Make of our paws one paw…

I’m using the term “paw” quite loosely here, as you’ll see…

First, I’m happy to tell you that (currently) the knots in my stomach have loosened a little. I’m still not back to normal, but I think I’m taking steps in that direction.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled linkage. Today’s theme? Odd couples.

  1. Your punny pet names: Mutt Abbott and Mew Costello. (Or, if you prefer: Bud Rabbit and Lou Dogstello. Also, here’s a bonus pun for you.)
  2. You guys. This dog and cheetah are just… Internet, you have outdone yourself.
  3. In other spot-related news, can someone please explain to me why this piglet looks so much like the aforementioned cheetah?
  4. Apparently baa-baa-bird is now the word.
  5. Speaking of things I’ve heard, it seems that chicks really dig cats. (I’m officially declaring this one a trend. You know, because I have authority to do that.)
  6. Crabs: friends or toys that don’t require batteries? You be the judge.
  7. This bunny, lion & dog trio are just too much to handle. (But are they Super Golden Friends? We may never know.)
  8. Next movie pitch: The Fawn & the Hound. (This time, I demand a happy ending.)
  9. Finally, I’m also a sucker for a good game of tug. This one’s pretty fun.

I chose today’s featured video in large part due to the commenter who referred to them as Rovermeo & Gentooliet. (Also, due to the commenter who made up a punny song about it.) I’m not going to lie, I’m somewhat confused as to how this scene occurred and I’m not about to suggest these two actually get to hang out, but still…


So there you have it… happy Friday! (Unrelated Friday the 13th link: in spite of my rural upbringing, this one is so me.) I hope I’ve made up for last week’s hiatus!
