Picture this pun: Hamela Anderson

I’m trying something new today.  It appears that punny pet names are this blog’s most popular content.  (There’s no accounting for taste, I suppose. Yours or mine.)

So, I present to you the first in a (possible) series… illustrated punny pet names!  Our first fur-lebrity to get the picture treatment?

Everyone’s favorite lifeguard, the star of Haywatch… Ms. Hamela Anderson!  Please enjoy this autographed photo from the lady hamster herself:

Hamela Anderson via wantmorepuppies.com

Fun fact (or… just a fact): this is my first time drawing a hamster.  I have a feeling that this news will not surprise you.

So, tell me… is this feature a keeper?  (Be honest.)  If so, any suggestions for a possible title?  (In addition to “Picture this Pun,” I briefly considered “Profiles in Punnage” as an alternate.)


Sometimes, it’s better to be stirring

The news lately has been pretty upsetting, infuriating, and depressing. (I’ll leave it to you to decide which bucket you put each story in.  However, it seems to me that they all fit neatly – and horribly – into all three.)  It’s tempting to bury yourself in cute animal videos, holiday shopping, and other distractions. I know I’ve been tempted.

However, while I was putting up my Christmas tree the other night, I happened to pop in the DVD of one of my favorite specials – ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Surprisingly, the animated tale of some mice breaking tradition and stirring on Christmas Eve inspired some deep thoughts.  In particular, this song proved quite relevant to my state of mind:

Frankly put, sometimes the world kind of sucks.  (I’ll leave the eloquence to this brilliant lady.)  It can seem kind of hopeless and that it will never change.

I can’t believe that.  I can’t let myself believe that.  One of my biggest pet peeves is when people let the world happen to them and claim they have no agency in the situation.  Obviously, sometimes terrible things happen that are out of our control.  However, we can’t just sit around waiting for a miracle to fix our problems, whether personal or societal.  After all, even a miracle needs a hand, right?

I mean, does your dog just sit in the kitchen hoping that food will magically fall to the floor? Okay, bad example.  He probably does. BUT… he probably also considers counter surfing when he sees an opportunity to make his own gastronomical miracle happen.  I prefer to keep an eye out for chances to give those needed miracles a boost, rather than waiting for them to just happen.  I aspire to be a counter surfer for change… or something like that.

I’ll return to our regular scheduled goofiness with my next post… just felt the need to get this one out there.  Can you think of any other lessons from holiday specials that we can take to heart during these times of trouble?  Share in the comments!


Dream a little dream of links

Getting back into the swing of things means reviving the weekly link roundup, so… here we go!

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Katey Seagull and Mick Wagger. (Also, please enjoy this bonus punny action. You’re welcome.)
  2. This is an old one, but I just can’t with the news this week… so let’s revisit some good news!
  3. Yes… more good news! We need some fuzzy, happy things right now.
  4. For all the times that the world disappoints me, there’s always some good eggs to remind me that there’s still some awesome out there. Thanks, pals.
  5. Let’s make this happen, guys. (Basically… I’m #TeamBob.)
  6. It’s been kind of rainy this week. I need to do this to help me make it through.
  7. It seems weird to finish this post without any holiday-related links. So, here’s a holiday DIY for the dog lovers out there.
  8. Oh, I can’t stop with just one. I also can’t resist sharing this amazing holiday card.

It’s not really holiday-related, but I love everything about this video (including the Hall & Oates soundtrack):

(I’m always on the lookout for these types of videos thanks to this awesome lady.)

In conclusion… meow.


Odds and ends and ducks and Friends

Well, that didn’t work.

I thought that my month of blogging in August would reignite the blogging flame… however, I think it resulted in a second wave of blogging burnout.

Never fear, however… I’m working on a plan to get myself back on track. In the meantime, I thought I’d dedicate this edition of Friday* linkage to some things that I have been filling my time with lately:

  1. Before we get started, however, I would be remiss if I failed to share some punny pet names: Hiss Messina (for a snake) and Mindy Meowling.
  2. Those pet names miiiiight have given you a clue to what I’ve been watching lately.  My list of current TV obsessions includes The Mindy Project. (I mean, seriously. Seriously, people.)
  3. I’m also obsessed with Outlander. (You might be noticing a theme in the links, but I promise I’m totally into the rest of the show too. I’ve even read the books!)
  4. I’ve also been loving all of the Friends coverage lately. I’ll never get over it. (Also, this kid is possibly the coolest kid ever. So cute.)
  5. Beyond the pop culture realm, I’ve also been fascinated by the Scottish independence referendum.  (This John Oliver clip is hilarious. This moment on CNN is perfection. Like gum.)
  6. In news that will be surprising to absolutely zero people, I have also been staring at photos of the new baby red pandas.  I think these pandas are my lobsters.
  7. Um, new Dr. Seuss? Epic.
  8. I’m not even sure how words can do this next link justice. I’ll just say that it is my everything and let you enjoy the awesomeness.

Finally, today’s video. I can’t stop watching this:


Speaking of things I can’t seem to stop doing, I probably read this post like ten times and laughed every single time.

Until next time, faithful friends!

*I assume you can forgive me for providing Friday linkage on a Thursday night.


The legend of Puppy Stampede

Once upon a time*, a blogger in need of a break took a trip to Las Vegas with her bestie.  These two intrepid friends made the arduous** journey to the desert in order to meet some musical royalty. As they navigated the byzantine maze that was their hotel, the blogger spotted a slot machine with an intriguing title:

Puppy Stampede via wantmorepuppies.com

You can’t make this stuff up.

Puppy. Freaking. Stampede.  Continue reading


Nic Cage’s Easter advice: Put the bunny idea back in the box

Blog the Change

Okay, users of the Internet… it’s time for some real talk. I know that Easter is right around the corner. Your head is filled with visions of adorable bunnies (or chicks and ducks, depending on what your particular brand of cute catnip is – the post below is applicable to all categories). You’re tempted to bring one home.

I get it. They’re cute. They’re cuddly. They win first prize every single year in the Cutest Way to Eat Lettuce Contest.

via giphy.com

As the proud aunt to several bunny nieces and nephews, I’m not immune to their charms. However, I’m going to give it to you straight. If you’re thinking of bringing home a baby bunny for Easter, stop.

Continue reading


How is this blog like Molly Ringwald?

(Before you get too excited, the answer is not that my blog spent a Saturday morning in detention leading to romance with a young Judd Nelson.)

You might have noticed that it’s been quiet around here lately.

I’m not quite sure why, but I’ve been suffering from an epic case of writer’s block. When I can convince myself to sit down in front of the laptop (which is a challenge in and of itself), I can’t seem to find the motivation to write a post.  Continue reading


How much is that doggie falling out of the car window?

Once upon a time, I was not aware of the many options for restraining your dog in the car. In fact, the idea of getting a seatbelt or other restraint for Bella never even crossed my mind.

(Hey, back in the day people didn’t even use car seats for their kids. A friend’s mom once told me that she brought her infant son home from the hospital in a drawer. Like an actual drawer removed from a dresser. Strapped into a car. With a baby inside. It was a different time. I bet if you told people in the ’70s that the future would include seat belts for dogs, they’d have laughed you out of the room.)

Anyway, when I was a kid, we never restrained our dogs in the car. Our Chihuahua rode in my mom’s lap, while my Toy Fox Terrier rode with my sister and me in the backseat. Maybe on the seat itself, maybe on the floor… wherever she decided to nest. Sometimes our Chihuahua would even take a nap in the back window. I even remember taking a trip in my parents’ Datsun – the back seats were folded down, creating a giant playpen for me and one of our bigger dogs. (Needless to say, we were lucky that the years passed without incident.)

When we adopted Bella in 2002, it didn’t even occur to me to restrain her in the car. We took a few local trips, which went as well as possible considering that she managed to get carsick on all of them. Then, we piled into the car to go visit my parents. That’s when it all went downhill…

We were driving down the interstate in my oh-so-stylish Dodge Neon – a fetching gold color, no less – when the following scene ensued…

Bella in Window via wantmorepuppies.com

Bella decided that she really needed to see what was happening outside. Not only did she need to see it, but she needed to see it from the back window. So, our not-so-graceful pup decided to scale the backseat like a mountain range.

As she scrambled her way up the face of Mount Backseat, the humans in the car began to panic. We were barreling down the highway at sixty-five miles per hour while our new dog decided to perform her own stunts. Surely, this would not end well.

And it didn’t. After grabbing at the edge of the window as if she was Wile E. Coyote hanging on to a cliff, she eventually plummeted towards the back seat. Like so…

Bella proving the theory of gravity via wantmorepuppies.com

By this time, we’d managed to find a place to pull over and assess the damage. Luckily, no Bellas were harmed in the making of this anecdote (although my nerves were).

We purchased a canine seat belt shortly thereafter. (To learn more about securing your dog in the car, click here.)

So, tell me… have your dogs ever pulled any crazy stunts in the car?


Forget the polar vortex – let’s talk about the Molar Vortex

In light of the recent weather event – affectionately* known as the polar vortex – I’ve made a decision.** In the summer of 2012, shortly after he joined our home, Tavish went in for a dental appointment. On that fateful day, he said farewell to eight teeth.*** In honor of those brave enamel soldiers**** that gave their lives that day, I hereby proclaim the great teeth pulling of 2012… the Molar Vortex.

It would also be a good name for what happened to this guy:

via giphy.com

Oh, Bumble.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

*Affectionately? More like scornfully. Mournfully. I-wish-I-lived-somewhere-warm-fully. (I know, I know… that last one’s just a near rhyme. Call it poetic license. If you can do better, the floor is yours, Wordsworth.)

**I’ve also been plagued by the following cheer, inspired by one I heard in high school: “Brrrr. It’s cold in here! There must be a vortex in the atmosphere!”

***Life on the streets is rough, yo. (Or maybe life on the dirt roads? Those aren’t really streets.) There are no roving dentists offering free dental care to adorable homeless dogs making their way in the world today. It takes everything they’ve got. Taking a break from all their worries sure would help a lot. (Wouldn’t you like to get away… from me and my meandering thoughts? Probably.)

****Martika, I think we found your next big hit song. (I don’t know why I just decided that Martika is a regular reader, but how funny would it be if she was?)
