It’s finally here… the Magical Mystery Mutt Tour! Make sure you also visit my co-hosts Edie (of Will My Dog Hate Me) and Peggy (of Peggy’s Pet Place) today and say hi. Read on, and then join the hop!
Now, time for everyone’s favorite game: Name… That… Breed! Below, I’ve provided some info about the dog behind the blog, Ms. Bella. What breed(s) do you think she is? Leave your best guesses in the comments.
Bella – a dog of very little brain, but a lot of love. I tend to think she’s a bit out of proportion – low to the ground, but in possession of big ears and an even bigger posterior. (Seriously… when she sits, her butt is so big that one of her feet often sticks up in the air.)
She weighs approximately 26 pounds and is roughly 24 inches tall (from her toes to the top of her head). Health quirks? She’s got a few. You’ll frequently hear her reverse sneeze, she gets carsick like a champ, and she gets more than her fair share of ear infections. In addition, she was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
I’ve never heard her howl. She barks on occasion, mostly at doorbells (including TV doorbells and the chime at the vet’s office). She has crazy bursts of energy, but they usually flame out fast. She loves to cuddle, but hates being under a blanket. She does like to sleep under pieces of furniture, however. She hops through the snow like a bunny and loves to run around in the backyard.
Finally, a few photos:

For more photos, well… there’s obviously no Bella shortage on this blog. Let the guessing begin!
Have a mutt? We’d love for you to join the tour! It’s simple:
1. Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below.
(Include on your blog a few pictures of your dog, and specific details to help everyone guess.)
2. Grab our Magical Mystery Mutt Tour Blog Hop Badge and include on your post! (optional)
3. Follow your co-hosts (listed above) and comment on their blogs to let us know you’ve joined the hop!
4. Check out as many of the other blogs on the Linky as you’d like, and guess away!
If you want to put the Linky Tool on your own post, you can get the code on Edie’s blog.
Can’t wait to see your mystery mutt!