18 more punny pet names

If you’re popping over here from Buzzfeed, welcome! Lovers of puns must stick together, after all.

via giphy.com

(If you’re a regular reader, thanks for not abandoning me. You are, truly, the wind beneath my wings. Or, you would be if I had wings. You get the idea.) Continue reading


Paw & Order: SVMew

Before we dive into today’s links, a quick plug if you live in the northern Virginia/DC area… this Saturday (the 27th), Friends of Homeless Animals (giver of Tavish) is hosting its annual Barktoberfest. Stop by for pet contests, music, food, drinks, fun, puppies, kittens, and more… check it out!

Now… let’s do this.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Rawr-iska Hartigay (star of Paw & Order: SVMew) and Ace Hentura (bird detective, obviously).
  2. Speaking of Olivia Benson, I think Mariska Hartigay is my soul mate. (H/t Hey Love Designs for sending this one my way!)
  3. Move over, Ace Ventura.  This little dude is my new favorite pet detective.
  4. Furry pet detective aside, there appears to be an actual and altruistic pet detective in Canada.
  5. I need a detective (pet or otherwise) to help me solve these mysteries. Anyone?
  6. Is your dog the Hooch to your Turner? Take this quiz and find out which fictional duo you and your pet are most like. (My result? Apparently tiny Tavish is a giant St. Bernard at heart, and I’m a nerdy adolescent boy. Who knew?)

Holy crap, you guys. Agatha Christie’s first dog looked like Tavish. Doggelganger alert!

(I realize that the “holy crap” portion of that sentence might not accurately capture your reaction, but I promise you that was mine. My mom loved Agatha Christie, so I have a soft spot for all things A.C.)

Anyway, check it out:

Fascinating, yes? Authors are kind of like rock stars to me, so I loved that video on many levels.

In closing… take a look, it’s in a book.


Odds and ends and ducks and Friends

Well, that didn’t work.

I thought that my month of blogging in August would reignite the blogging flame… however, I think it resulted in a second wave of blogging burnout.

Never fear, however… I’m working on a plan to get myself back on track. In the meantime, I thought I’d dedicate this edition of Friday* linkage to some things that I have been filling my time with lately:

  1. Before we get started, however, I would be remiss if I failed to share some punny pet names: Hiss Messina (for a snake) and Mindy Meowling.
  2. Those pet names miiiiight have given you a clue to what I’ve been watching lately.  My list of current TV obsessions includes The Mindy Project. (I mean, seriously. Seriously, people.)
  3. I’m also obsessed with Outlander. (You might be noticing a theme in the links, but I promise I’m totally into the rest of the show too. I’ve even read the books!)
  4. I’ve also been loving all of the Friends coverage lately. I’ll never get over it. (Also, this kid is possibly the coolest kid ever. So cute.)
  5. Beyond the pop culture realm, I’ve also been fascinated by the Scottish independence referendum.  (This John Oliver clip is hilarious. This moment on CNN is perfection. Like gum.)
  6. In news that will be surprising to absolutely zero people, I have also been staring at photos of the new baby red pandas.  I think these pandas are my lobsters.
  7. Um, new Dr. Seuss? Epic.
  8. I’m not even sure how words can do this next link justice. I’ll just say that it is my everything and let you enjoy the awesomeness.

Finally, today’s video. I can’t stop watching this:


Speaking of things I can’t seem to stop doing, I probably read this post like ten times and laughed every single time.

Until next time, faithful friends!

*I assume you can forgive me for providing Friday linkage on a Thursday night.


I bet you didn’t think dogs could write headlines. This post will seriously change your mind.

Last night, I was watching TV (a rerun of The Mindy Project, if you must know – seriously, though… how great is The Mindy Project?).  My local news ran a preview during one of the commercial breaks, as is wont to happen.

In the span of thirty seconds, they delivered one of those “X happened – and you won’t believe what happened next!” headlines. So… basically, it felt like I was watching some sort of Upworthy network. (Maybe they just used this handy headline generator?)

Listen, I know that this sort of sensationalized teaser is nothing new.

(Fun fact: I still say “is it peas?” on what seems to be a weekly basis.)

However, cramming two of those similarly constructed headlines into one short preview was more than I could bear.  It was (almost) as bad as the time that I saw this on the Huffington Post:

Journalism! via wantmorepuppies.com

Yeah… that happened.

You can’t put emoticons in your headlines. You just can’t, HuffPo. Get it together.

Anyway… today’s post is inspired by the Judgy Bear stare and epic amounts of shade I directed at my television last night.  In an attempt to make the best of a dumb situation, I present to you… Dogworthy headlines. Just imagine them being delivered to you by Walter Cronkbite, Dan Cather, or Barbara Pawlters:

  • Fido sniffed a fire hydrant – you won’t believe what happened when he tried to pee on it.
  • I used to hate going to the vet. Then I saw this powerful video by a celebrity dog.
  • Some call it bath time. We call it freedom’s worst enemy.
  • This dog’s family named him Rover. Then they found out just how fitting that name was.
  • You will shudder when you see what this Corgi’s person made him wear.
  • A flea bit Fifi on the leg. It ended up changing her life for the better.
  • Peanut thought that finally catching her tail would solve all of her problems. If only she’d known what would really happen.
  • You never thought a cat could inspire a dog. This video will change your mind.

You’re welcome, canine journalists.  I’m totally helping you take it to the next level. Instant click bait. It’s the human equivalent of “squirrel!”

I’m seriously tempted to start using Dogworthy titles on all of my posts, just to see what happens. I’ll try to resist.  If I cave in, I promise to give myself a Judgy Bear Stare in the mirror every now and then.  You have my word.


It’s a hard blog life, for us…

Instead of posting, I just sit. Instead of writing, my brain just quits. It’s a hard blog life.

Friends, it’s been too long. I wish I could tell you that I’ve been productive during my unintentional blogging hiatus.

via giphy.com

However, while I did manage to take a real vacation (woohoo!) and attend a surprise anniversary party for my in-laws, I can’t say that I’ve been a paragon of productivity. (Although I do have a few canine capers to share with you in the coming weeks.) Continue reading


The first rule of Puppy Kiss Club

Okay, so I have a confession to make. Be kind…

via giphy.com

I like Valentine’s Day. I know that it’s trendy to hate it or something, but I just can’t. So, today’s links are all about the love. Will you join me on the love train?

Continue reading


150 punny cat names… and counting

I was browsing the list of terms that bring people to this blog (as you do), and I realized that quite a few people are searching for punny cat names. I’ve shared several on the blog, but I’ve never compiled them into one post. Today, that changes.

Dear Cat Lover:

Thank you for visiting this blog in search of punny cat names, despite the puppy-focused title. Although I’m currently a crazy dog lady, my first love was a cat. I still consider myself one of you. Honestly, a more accurate title for this blog would be “I Still Want More Puppies and a Cat or Two, But My Dogs Would Chase Them so I Can’t Actually Have a Cat.” Catchy, right? I totally should have gone with that one.

someecards.com - There's nothing like watching cat videos to help me pass the time until I can see my cat again.

… or to fill that cat-sized hole in my heart.

I tend to make a lot of puns. One might even say that I make a lot of bad puns. However, if even one of those puns can bring joy to your life – or a punny name to a feline in search of an identity – then all of this punning will be worth it.

Over the years, I’ve shared several punny cat names on this blog. Although last year I shared a list of punny names to date, it wasn’t cat-specific. So, in order to make your life easier, I’ve compiled them all into one comprehensive list below. Continue reading
