Just because it’s Monday…
This shot is from the early days, when the pumpkins were still waiting to be smashed.
If you’re popping over here from Buzzfeed, welcome! Lovers of puns must stick together, after all.
(If you’re a regular reader, thanks for not abandoning me. You are, truly, the wind beneath my wings. Or, you would be if I had wings. You get the idea.) Continue reading
Getting back into the swing of things means reviving the weekly link roundup, so… here we go!
It’s not really holiday-related, but I love everything about this video (including the Hall & Oates soundtrack):
(I’m always on the lookout for these types of videos thanks to this awesome lady.)
In conclusion… meow.
Last night, I was watching TV (a rerun of The Mindy Project, if you must know – seriously, though… how great is The Mindy Project?). My local news ran a preview during one of the commercial breaks, as is wont to happen.
In the span of thirty seconds, they delivered one of those “X happened – and you won’t believe what happened next!” headlines. So… basically, it felt like I was watching some sort of Upworthy network. (Maybe they just used this handy headline generator?)
Listen, I know that this sort of sensationalized teaser is nothing new.
(Fun fact: I still say “is it peas?” on what seems to be a weekly basis.)
However, cramming two of those similarly constructed headlines into one short preview was more than I could bear. It was (almost) as bad as the time that I saw this on the Huffington Post:
You can’t put emoticons in your headlines. You just can’t, HuffPo. Get it together.
Anyway… today’s post is inspired by the Judgy Bear stare and epic amounts of shade I directed at my television last night. In an attempt to make the best of a dumb situation, I present to you… Dogworthy headlines. Just imagine them being delivered to you by Walter Cronkbite, Dan Cather, or Barbara Pawlters:
You’re welcome, canine journalists. I’m totally helping you take it to the next level. Instant click bait. It’s the human equivalent of “squirrel!”
I’m seriously tempted to start using Dogworthy titles on all of my posts, just to see what happens. I’ll try to resist. If I cave in, I promise to give myself a Judgy Bear Stare in the mirror every now and then. You have my word.
Instead of posting, I just sit. Instead of writing, my brain just quits. It’s a hard blog life.
Friends, it’s been too long. I wish I could tell you that I’ve been productive during my unintentional blogging hiatus.
However, while I did manage to take a real vacation (woohoo!) and attend a surprise anniversary party for my in-laws, I can’t say that I’ve been a paragon of productivity. (Although I do have a few canine capers to share with you in the coming weeks.) Continue reading
It’s time for another link roundup…
Finally, for today’s video, I present a dramatic reenactment of how happy I will be when winter is officially over:
True story.
Oh, and in case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog lately:
I know they’re usually Friday links, but I’m off my schedule lately. I figure you don’t mind too much.
Well, here we are. It’s the first Friday of 2014. I was feeling kind of lazy on the post-drafting front, but it just didn’t seem right to start the year off without some Friday linkage… so, let’s get to it. (Against all odds, the topic of today’s post is science. If you knew me, you’d realize that in and of itself is weird.)
Speaking of important discoveries, scientists have discovered the theory of cute-itivity.
I melt (and I’m not scientifically savvy enough to come up with a theory to share here).
Anyway, in case you missed anything over the holidays, here’s what we’ve been up since the last round of Friday linkage:
That’s all for today, folks. See you next time!
Puns. You want ’em. I’ve got ’em.
It seems that lots of people are searching the Interwebz for punny pet names. I recently did a roundup of the punny cat names that have appeared on this blog (and I’ve done a more general roundup in the past). Today, I’m making your life easier, Internet searchers… I’m listing all of my punny dog names for you in one place.
(As a bonus, I added a few new ones. You’ll also find a few that I thought could work for both dogs and cats. If I found it somewhere else before I thought of it myself, I’ve linked to that source.) Continue reading