I want this Puggle to make a series of workout videos

Another Friday is upon us… let’s get to the linkage! (Don’t worry – the post title will make sense when you get to today’s video.)

  1. Your punny pet name for the week: Bark Linn-Baker. (See #2.)
  2. You know, sometimes the world comes together in a moment of pop culture synergy. On Wednesday, I was catching up on The Good Wife and realized that one of the judges was being played by the same actor who played Cousin Larry on Perfect Strangers. (Anyone else remember that show?) Then, I saw that someone created a Perfect Strangers video game online. What are the odds?
  3. Does your cat like to sleep on your monitor? Then this product is for you.
  4. Leaping lambs! Enough said.
  5. I love this video – the Wampug would be perfect for my production of Star Wags: A New Rope Toy.

In other news, I managed to sprain my ankle while running on Wednesday. Guess there goes that 5K I was going to run next weekend. I doubt I’ll be able to run by then – if not, I’m going to try to walk it. (At a minimum, I’ll be there cheering my team on, but I’d really rather participate.)

Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of introducing today’s video. Perhaps I can hire this pup to train me when I can start working out again. (I recommend watching with the sound on – the music is perfect.)

Happy weekend, friends!

World domination… of the canine persuasion

It’s Friday. So, are you pondering what I’m pondering?

  1. This week’s punny pet name: Fleyonce Knowles.
  2. Bonus punny name for which I cannot take credit: Ermione Granger. Double bonus: Barky Joel and Christopher Crossbreed. Triple bonus: more mouse puns than you can shake a cheese stick at.
  3. You know, I simply don’t feature enough ermines around here. Thus, I give you… one very persistent ermine.
  4. I think Beyonce might be wrong. Who run the world? My money is on these diabolical pets. (If they’re making you nervous, just hold the hand of someone you love.)
  5. Regardless of who is running it, this hamster’s world looks pretty awesome.
  6. Maybe Corgis are running the world? I mean, that guy’s got some convincing arguments.

You know I love a song parody. (I also have a soft spot for videos combining Beyonce tunes with adorable pooches. I don’t know why.) Once this whole “running the world” theme popped into my head, a quick Google search revealed the perfect video for today’s post.

(Runner up: Who run the world? Squirrels!)

I wish I was creative enough to turn some of my parody stylings into actual videos (and that I could sing). I mean, I can’t even pick a favorite line. One Dalmatian can build a nation? Kibble we can devour? It’s just genius.

I, for one, welcome our new canine overlords.


Captain Pug, he’s my hero…

As you may or may not know, I love to share a good video on Earth Day. Last year, I featured a dog kissing the world. (Earth Day also fell on a Friday last year, so it was perfectly timed for a linkathon.)

This year, I’m digging the video I shared on Earth Day 2010 out of the archives – I had just started the blog a few weeks before. Given that I probably had one reader then (counting myself), I figured it was worth sharing again.

So, without further ado, I give you my hero…

To borrow from myself, here’s what I said last time. I think it still applies:

“Captain Pug.  He’s my hero.  Going to take pollution down to zero.  He is cuteness magnified, and he’s fighting on the planet’s side.  (Hat tip to Captain Planet for infiltrating my brain for decades.)   I mean, seriously… how cute and well-trained is this pug?  Also, if anyone knows how I can join that dog’s carpool, please let me know.  Best.  Commute.  Ever.

Earth!  Fire!  Wind!  Water!  Heart!  Puppies!  By your powers combined, he is Captain Pug, the cutest superhero ever.”

As a bonus (and so that I’m not just repeating myself), enjoy these photos I took at the National Zoo yesterday. Lions and flamingos and birds, oh my!

Happy Earth Day, folks.



Black and white and cute all over

I’m in a penguin mood today. It happens from time to time. Guess I just can’t resist a bird that comes equipped with built-in formal wear. (Wouldn’t a penguin make a great prom date?) Anyway, on to the links!

  1. First up, the traditional sharing of a punny name. Today, I give you: Penguin Stefani. (Bonus: Penguinona Ryder. See #2.)
  2. Also, I have decided I want to remake Heathers using an all-bird cast. The Heathers will be played by penguins (including renowned feathered actress Shannen Do-birdy). I’ll be calling it Feathers. Obviously.
  3. I can’t get enough of these awesome penguin photos. Apparently there are places where you can get up close and personal with penguins. Needless to say, I want to go to there!
  4. Any hockey fans out there? Whether you are currently immersed in the NHL playoffs or bored to tears, I bet you’ll enjoy this adorable sports fan.
  5. This real penguin hanging out with a plush penguin just about did me in.
  6. I would like to go back in time and purchase all the seats on the train of this adorable penguin conductor.
  7. Speaking of penguins with jobs, check out this therapy penguin. No, really. His name is Roast Beef, people. Roast. Beef. I need a minute.
  8. In addition to being adorable, penguins are also hilarious. Exhibit A: a penguin bit Newt Gingrich. Exhibit B: a penguin pretending to be Garfield kicking Odie off the table.

Even fake penguins are hilarious. Observe:

(via Jezebel)
Have a fantastic weekend!

The exquisite beauty of disappointment…

Don’t worry, the title will make sense in a moment. Read on, dear friend:

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Kate Finslet and Jean Renroar.
  2. You’re probably tired of my Downton Abbey obsession by now, but I just had to share this parody from Jimmy Fallon. It’s fantastic.
  3. CasaSugar recently posted some fun finds in honor of National Pet Day. I’m in love with this poster.
  4. This original pitch for The Muppet Show is made of awesome.
  5. Apparently these disappointed animals have not watched that pitch, or they’d be much happier.
  6. Truffle hunting in Italy with an adorable dog? How do I get that gig? (Until then, I’ll be making faces like those of the disappointed animals I shared above. Just kidding – these photos perked me right back up.)
Speaking of disappointed animals, I hereby nominate and bestow upon the following video every film award ever, past and present. (For the full effect, I highly recommend you watch this one with the sound on.)

(Via Best Week Ever – view Part I here. On a loosely related note – these photos from The French Dog are gorgeous. Also, I recommend you check out this tale of a globe-trotting pup who dug up some French culture during his travels.)

Magnificent, no? I am giving the person who made this video a serious slow clap right now. Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

Two years and 215 punny pet names

Today just so happens to be the second anniversary of this blog. In honor of this momentous (to me) occasion, I thought I’d celebrate by sharing all of the punny pet names I’ve dreamed up over the past two years.

As you may know, I reveal a new punny pet name or two (or four) every Friday (and sometimes other days). I haven’t run out of names yet, so stay tuned for more.

Anyway, here are 215 punny pet names for your reading pleasure. They are presented in the order they first appeared on the blog. As a bonus, I’ve illustrated the list with some photos of Bella celebrating this very special day.

  1. Mary Puppins
  2. Rose Nylabone
  3. Dorothy Zbornibark
  4. Blanche Deverpaw
  5. Sofeline Petrillo
  6. Julia Sugarbarker
  7. Suzanne Sugarbarker
  8. Johnny Cats-le
  9. Simon LeBone
  10. Olivia Chewton John
  11. Cat Benatar
  12. Mischa Barkton
  13. Billy Corgi-an
  14. Corgi Cox
  15. Snarls Widmore
  16. Vera Fang
  17. Monique Droolier
  18. Madelion Albright
  19. Gerard Leopardu
  20. Jude Paw
  21. Sean Jayes
  22. Catherine Zeta-Bones
  23. David Rawhide Pierce
  24. Felix Ungrrrr
  25. Oscar Meowdison
  26. Bill Lumbfurg
  27. Benji-man Franklin
  28. Thomas Snifferson
  29. James Meowdison
  30. Paw Revere
  31. George Washingbone
  32. Feathers Locklear
  33. Pengwynneth Paltrow
  34. Flipper Gore
  35. Colin Howl
  36. Ezra Hound
  37. Bucky Scent
  38. Barkin’ Robbins
  39. Hairy Queen
  40. Boston Powers
  41. Bark Wahlberg
  42. Fred Flintsbone
  43. Wilma Flintsbone
  44. Dr. Cliff Pupstable
  45. Dr. Chewingsbone (I presume)
  46. Doogie Howler
  47. Doggie Howser
  48. Neil Arf-strong
  49. Fuzz Aldrin
  50. Obi Wag Kenobi
  51. Arf Vader
  52. Slobber the Hutt
  53. Luke Skybarker
  54. Arftoo-D2
  55. Boba Fetch
  56. Lando Abyssinian
  57. Brindle Walsh
  58. Brandog Walsh
  59. David Sil-Bird
  60. Donna Barkin
  61. Kelly Tay-Roar
  62. Steve Salamanders
  63. Houndrea Zuckerman
  64. Dylan Sit-Stay
  65. Terry Bradspaw
  66. Vince Pombardi
  67. Howly Long
  68. Drew Hairymore
  69. Nose-Anne Barr
  70. Roarin’ Beatty
  71. J.K. Howling
  72. Furry Cruise
  73. Tom Colickio
  74. Barko DiSpirito
  75. Woofgang Puck
  76. Blackeared the Pirate
  77. Dogson Leery
  78. Jen Brindley
  79. Pacey Litter
  80. Pacey Twitter
  81. Crow-y Potter
  82. Jack McFlea
  83. Ichabark Crane
  84. The Great Pupkin
  85. Albus Puppledore
  86. Hairy Plotthound
  87. Grrr-mione Granger
  88. Ron Fleasley
  89. The Sorting Cat
  90. Leif Ericsbone
  91. Myles Foodish
  92. William Labford
  93. Collie Golightly
  94. Pawdrey Hepburn
  95. Joel McHowl
  96. Janu-hairy Jones
  97. Husky Springfield
  98. Clay Acorn
  99. Squirrel Haggard
  100. James Squirrel Jones
  101. B. J. Hunnimutt
  102. Elizardbeth Bennett
  103. Bark Darcy
  104. Chester A. Arfur
  105. Rover Cleveland
  106. Dwight D. Eisenbow-wower
  107. Jesse Eisenbark
  108. Colin Furth
  109. Bark Ruffalo
  110. Catalie Portman
  111. Helena Bone-ham Carter
  112. Aardvark Wahlberg
  113. Zack Roarris
  114. Kelly Ka-meowski
  115. Peter O’Drool
  116. Conan O’ Grrrrr-ien
  117. Moose Springsteen
  118. Goose Springsteen
  119. Teri Scratcher
  120. Eat’n Hunt
  121. Shannen Do-birdy
  122. Chasin’ Priestly
  123. Notorious P.I.G.
  124. Dr. Bray
  125. Cat Middleton
  126. Camilla Barker Bowles
  127. Sam Otterston
  128. Otter Preminger
  129. The Great Houndini
  130. Duckleberry Finn
  131. Duckbill Gates
  132. Duck Rodgers
  133. Jack Russell Crowe
  134. Maya Rudog
  135. Kristen Pig
  136. Leopardo DiCatrio
  137. Cheetah Rivera
  138. Jaguar-ren Beatty
  139. Puma Thurman
  140. M. Night Shyamalion
  141. Napawsha Beddingfield
  142. Spaniel Craig
  143. LeVar Purrton
  144. Jason Beagle
  145. Marshowl Erickson
  146. Godric Gryffindog
  147. Helga Hufflepup
  148. Rowena Ravenpaw
  149. Salazar Snifferin
  150. Severus Snake
  151. PetMe White
  152. Jimmy Falhound
  153. Ernest Corgnine
  154. Jessie Spaniel
  155. Elizabeth Barkley
  156. Mary Purrphy
  157. Pablo Picatso
  158. Salvador Doggie
  159. Tina Spay
  160. Catty Griffin
  161. Bryan Waggams
  162. Jon Bone Jovi
  163. Richard Barx
  164. Madogga
  165. Goose Newton
  166. Mike-howl Ian Black
  167. William Snakespeare
  168. Barney Finson
  169. Tyribone Lannister
  170. Lionel Itchy
  171. Conan O’Whinin’
  172. Ichabod Cone
  173. Cone Crawford
  174. The Cone Ranger
  175. Tom Catterford
  176. Ron Fawnson
  177. Billy Goat Idol
  178. Robert Cattinson
  179. Edward Seagullen
  180. Meowrice Sendak
  181. Johann Sebastian Bark
  182. Kitty Ya-meow-guchi
  183. Wing Crosby
  184. Yukong Cornelius
  185. Santa Claws
  186. Dick Bark
  187. Ryan Fleacreast
  188. Meowrio Lopez
  189. Britney Ears
  190. Ricky Grrr-vais
  191. Andy Warhowl
  192. Shelldon Cooper
  193. Amy Farrah Howler
  194. Meowrio Manningham
  195. Emerbill Lagasse 
  196. Wolfgang Duck
  197. Saint Howlentine
  198. Bite D. Eisenhowler
  199. Billy Grrr-ystal
  200. Barkin’ Scorsese
  201. Meryl Cheep
  202. Fleador Seuss Geisel
  203. January Bones
  204. Christina Findricks
  205. Elizardbeth Moss
  206. Collin Furrel
  207. George Bernard Paw
  208. Catnip Everdeen
  209. Peeta Mebark
  210. Primnose Everdeen
  211. Gale Pawthorne
  212. Haymitch Aberwaggy
  213. Effie Trincat
  214. Pug E. Pug
  215. Michael Puglas

So, there you have it. Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments or entertain me with your own flights of punny genius! Have you ever had a pet with a punny name?

It’s Monday, so don’t forget to check out the Monday Mischief Pet Bloghop!


The pugs will see you at the crossroads…

Happy Friday! On to the links:

  1. Your punny pet names: Pug E. Pug and Michael Puglas. (These were obviously inspired by #2 on today’s list.)
  2. Bone Pugs-N-Harmony. Seriously, you guys… I can’t even. This offering rendered me speechless for about five minutes. Pug Life!
  3. Once you’ve watched that, the occasional expletives over at Text from Dog will probably not phase you too much. This one might be my favorite. (Thanks to Katherine from Life with Arie for sharing this one on Twitter!)
  4. I can’t get enough… enjoy May the Ads Be Ever in Your Favor. (It’s no May the Kibble Be Ever in Your Flavor, but I’m probably just biased.)
  5. Speaking of ads, I could play with this Gendered Advertising Remixer for hours, I think.
  6. I’m not a huge April Fool’s Day fan, but I did enjoy this one involving dogs in glasses. (Bonus non-April Fool’s links – Cats in Clothes! Or at cafes!)
  7. I love baseball. In honor of Opening Day, enjoy some team-related cute.
  8. I plan to do some baking for Easter brunch on Sunday – although I’m not sure I’ll be feeling this ambitious, I cannot deny that these bunny cake pops are extremely charming.
  9. Having a rough day? These thirteen simple steps will get you through it. I honestly can’t decide which one is my favorite. (Great minds think alike – Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes shared this one on Facebook yesterday too.)
Finally, this week’s video reminded me of The Big Bang Theory:

The look on the face of the other cat says it all.
So tell me, what are you up to this weekend?  I will be allowing my heart to go on tonight, while revisiting Titanic on the big screen. I did promise them I’d never let go, after all.

May the kibble be ever in your flavor…

Apologies for the post title… I couldn’t resist. (Also, it will make much more sense when you reach the end of today’s post.)

I did see The Hunger Games last weekend, and it’s been on my mind ever since. I took a dystopian lit class in college – so when I read the book (and again when I saw the movie), it activated that English major side of me that absolutely loves analyzing literature. Yes, I’m aware that I am a dork.

Moving on, it’s time for your Friday linkage…

  1. This week’s punny pet names: Haymitch Aberwaggy and Effie Trincat.
  2. Check out this video compiling the 50 best (?) “very special episodes” of some favorite TV shows. I have to admit, I thought #2 would score the #1 spot, but I can’t really argue with the one that they chose. (I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face.)
  3. You can’t go wrong with dogs in party hats.
  4. Just because I’m feeling generous, here’s another puppy slideshow.
  5. Forget the Sorcerer’s Apprentice… the mascot’s apprentice is way cuter. (I hope that Jack the bulldog gets well soon – poor pup.)
  6. I’m pretty sure Bella isn’t really qualified to be the mascot for a sports team. Have you seen her catch? (I kid, I kid…)
  7. I love that Jon Hamm is actually kind of a ham. These goofy photos endear him to me even more. (Speaking of Mad Men, surely I’m not the only one who has been singing Zou Bisou Bisou all week? And by singing, I mean singing only those three words, because I do not know the rest)
  8. I’m easily amused – thank goodness the Internet is always there to amuse me. The They Volunteer tumblr is one-note, but still amusing. These two were my favorites. (Apparently I have not recovered from last week’s obsessions. Or my other obsession.)

Time to give cats their due – this week, enjoy a tribute to felines on film. (Also, a warning: there may be one word not for sensitive puppy ears in there. It’s not my fault – blame Brad Pitt. Geez, the nerve of that guy.)

I can’t even decide which one is my favorite, but it’s kind of hard to top Say Anything.Okay, I’m going to go off book here, and share a second video today. Behold, the most adorable hunger games ever played:

I bid you farewell for today, dear readers… may the kibble be ever in your flavor!



A blogger’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love

My apologies to Tennyson

Anyway, I am very excited about the weekend ahead. Dinner with old friends tonight, more March Madness… not to mention The Hunger Games and Mad Men.  Lots to enjoy! For that reason, today’s post has a simple, not-so-much-a-theme theme: stuff I love!

  1. Your punny pet names: Catnip Everdeen, Peeta Mebark, Primnose Everdeen, and Gale Pawthorne.
  2. A few things I love: Downton Abbey, Mad Men, and puppies. It’s hard to decide which is more awesome – imagining the characters of Downton Abbey as different dog breeds (Dogton Abbey lives!) or comparing them to the cast of Mad Men.
  3. A Mad Men choose your own adventure game? Sold! (However, I will be forever loyal to the Saved by the Bell one – it’s first in my heart.) Have I mentioned my childhood obsession with both Choose Your Own Adventure books and fuzzy posters? Where is my Mad Men fuzzy poster? 
  4. You know I love Dr. Seuss… so of course I enjoyed this Dr. Seuss alphabet!
  5. I also love turtles (as you know). This turtle is no exception.
  6. I’m planning to see The Hunger Games this weekend. (Have you read the books? I am always searching for more people to chat with about them, as I have thoughts… lots of thoughts.) Speaking of both games and hunger, these cakes are awesome.
  7. The love doesn’t stop there… I love this song, which I happened to hear on the radio yesterday. It’s been ages since I last heard it, but it’s perfect for the dog lover!
There are many things to love about the following video…

(via Jezebel)

What are you up to this weekend?


One more reason to love a herding dog…

So, another Friday is upon us.  Let’s get to it.

  1. Your punny pet names: Colin Furrell and George Bernard Paw.
  2. Self-promotion alert… I finally updated my oft-neglected baking blog.  Even more surprising?  I updated it twice!  Check out my recipes for Green Beer Cupcakes and Spotted Dog.
  3. Speaking of recipes, I want to try this recipe and make my own Shamrock Shakes.  I do not, however, wish to replicate any of these cakes.
  4. Need a smile today?  Then check out this post about dog people.  Trust me.
  5. March Madness is here once again.  Not into basketball?  No problem! Check out Go Pet Friendly’s Best City for Pet Travelers Tournament instead.
  6. This next one is unrelated to the month of March or St. Patrick’s Day, but I just had to share.  Behold, a basic truth about Nutella.
Finally, here’s your video for the week… I’m loving this ad from Guinness:

What are your plans for St. Patrick’s Day?  I’ll be having a few friends over for dinner and beer.  Can’t go wrong with that, in my opinion. Well, unless you’re this guy.  (Might as well end today’s post on a beer-related note.  So, enjoy these videos of animals burping.  You’re welcome.)
Have a great weekend!