Another Friday is upon us… so you know what that means. It’s time to send you into the weekend with a smile!
- As always, we begin with a punny pet name. (It’s tradition, after all.) This week: Jason Beagle and Marshowl Erickson (see #5 below).
- I’ve decided to follow that up with a little shameless self-promotion. Check out the newest creation over at I Still Want Cupcakes. I’m considering a whole summer series inspired by ice cream… suggestions are welcome!
- Ice cream got me thinking about ice cream cones, which then led to me thinking about the cone of shame. So, um, what happens if your dog forgets he’s wearing a cone? Hilarity. (Cone of shame jokes are never going to get old, are they? Seriously, that stuff is timeless.)
- Stick with me here… it’s random train of thought day. (As are most days for me.) This video of a dog (and cat) on a scooter caused me to exclaim “Dogs… on… wheels!” when I saw it. (This video produced a similar reaction.) Which of course got me thinking about Dogs… in… Space, followed by Pigs in Space, which ended with me looking up the premiere date for the new Muppet movie. (November 23… I’m so there. Who’s with me? If you haven’t seen the trailers, I recommend you treat yourself by doing so now. The Muppets plus Jason Segal… I could not ask for more.)
- Talking about Jason Segal reminded me how much I loved his performance of “Dracula’s Lament” in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Of course someone made it into a video with the Count from Sesame Street… it’s things like this that give me faith in humanity. Okay, not really…. but I do have a particular fondness for the Count. In college my roommate and I would often just start counting Count-style (that was an odd phrase to type) for no reason whatsoever and break into fits of laughter. Those were the days.
- Whew… sorry for all the randomness. This is almost as bad as that day I shared my ramblings about Waldo the cat.
Finally, in conclusion… here’s a dancing tortoise:
(via Paw Nation)
After all that randomness, it just didn’t seem right to give you a video that was even remotely related to the disjointed ramblings above. (Besides, who doesn’t love a tortoise video set to a catchy tune?) Happy weekend!