The three amigos

No real theme today… unless “cute” counts as a theme:

  1. This week’s punny pet name is inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Collie Golightly (played by the beautiful and talented Pawdrey Hepburn).
  2. Recipe: 1 part puppy, 1 part Kong. Mix and enjoy the cute.
  3. I just stumbled across a collection of dogs dressed as Harry Potter.  Thank you, Internet. (Although it’s too late too include in my Harry Potter post, I’m still loving it.)

I don’t even know how to introduce the following video.  We’ve talked about odd couples before, but this trio may take the cake:

(via Jezebel)

Speaking of cute, I love that the news team captioned them “adoptive parents” and embraced the idea that these animals are family.

Speaking of becoming an adoptive pet parent, I want to direct you to a wonderful post from Rachel Lauren Photography.  It’s called “Before you buy that Christmas puppy…” and it should be required reading for anyone considering walking into a pet store.

Happy Friday, folks… say hi to your puppy for me.


So… now what?

(via Peanuts)

I think Snoopy’s predicament above accurately represents how I feel the day after a big holiday. Planning, preparation, anticipation… and then it’s over, just like that.  I made some yummy cranberry sauce muffins this morning to help fill the void.  Now I need a new project…

In the meantime, it’s time for this week’s No Frown Friday:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week reveal that I still haven’t accepted the fact that Thanksgiving is over: Myles Foodish and William Labford.  (For my fellow pun lovers, you simply must read last Sunday’s Pearls Before Swine. Can you figure it out?)
  2. Want to see something amazingly adorable? Check out these photos of dogs dressed as turkeys.  All will seem right with the world after you do.
  3. Don’t eat too many leftovers… or else this might be your fate.  (Not sure what to do with all of those leftovers?  Serious Eats has some ideas.)
  4. Did you cook a turkey yesterday? I hope that you weren’t the one that asked these stupid questions of the Butterball hotline.

Speaking of turkey, this puppy would really appreciate it if you could send some her way:

(For more videos of dogs who want turkey, go here.)

Anyway, I’m finally going to see the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tomorrow.  I know… after my recent Potter-themed post, I bet you thought I’d be first in line on opening day.  Unfortunately, things have just been too busy.  In honor of my pending movie trip, I made my own butterbeer to go with dessert last  night – it was a hit (and unlike Universal Studios, I offered an alcoholic version as well). 

As I write this post, the peace talks between Roscoe and Bella have reached a new level – they’re both sleeping on the couch at the same time (dreaming of turkey, no doubt).  Expect some photos and a recap after Bella’s hostessing duties are done.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


Give ’em a rake

Dog eat Doug
via Dog Eat Doug

After last week’s hiatus, No Frown Friday is back!  This week’s theme is inspired by an activity that is in my near future – raking leaves!  (Harry Potter was also in contention, but we just did that.)

Pets and leaves… they kind of go together like peas and carrots, if you ask me.

  1. Coming up with punny pet names to fit the theme wasn’t easy, but I did manage to come up with one: Leif Ericsbone.  After that, the pun-center of my brain went on its own vacation.  Any other pun masters out there?
  2. Check out these photos of some canines who love to play in the leaves.  (Number 6 reminds me of Scotti.  She used to love jumping around in big piles of leaves.)
  3. Feline friends, don’t feel left out.  
  4. Have you ever been leaf peeping?  Here’s a guide to leaf peeping destinations from Bocci’s Beefs (guest post by Fido Friendly‘s Carol Bryant).

Let’s move beyond photos… time to see a pup in action:

(Bonus points to my hub for sending this one my way – don’t you just love the soundtrack?)

Leaves aren’t just for playing – if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can decorate your home with them.  Or even a cake (the cake topper at the end of that post is to die for).

In any event, I’ll be spending at least part of my weekend removing the leaves from my yard.  Perhaps I’ll ask Bella to check out these tips from another leaf-removing canine and give me a hand.


Chamber of Treats

If you’re like me, you’ve been counting down the days until you can see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  It’s just around the corner now – November 19.  With that in mind, today’s No Frown Friday is dedicated to my favorite wizards:

  1. As always, we begin with punny pet names: Hairy Plotthound, Grrr-mione Granger, and Ron Fleasley. (Of course, they study at Dogwarts with headmaster Albus Puppledore and were placed into Gryffindor by the Sorting Cat.)
  2. If you’d prefer a non-punny name, you can find inspiration in the books. (Even more available here.)
  3. There are some gorgeous Harry Potter cakes on display at Cake Wrecks – enjoy the eye candy.  (Eye confections?)
  4. Thinking of throwing a Harry Potter-themed party?  Check out these cool party ideas – for that extra something, you could also ask your dog to dress as Fang or Hedwig.
  5. Speaking of the animal stars of these films, check out this quiz about the wild stars of Oscar-nominated films.

Have you ever watched the Starz Bunnies version of Harry Potter?  I present to you the crew’s first five years at Hogwarts:

Want more?  Go watch Part II.  After that, have some fun with these Sorting Hat Out-Takes.

Have a woofy wizarding weekend!  (One option? Get your pup his own invisibility cloak.)


Happy Howl-o-ween!

Dog eat Doug
(From Dog eat Doug – want more? Two more great Halloween strips here and here.)
Trick or treat!  It’s a Halloween-themed No Frown Friday, just for you:
  1. We begin, as always, with punny pet names: Ichabark Crane and The Great Pupkin.
  2. Speaking of names, this dog’s name is Boo, and he’s adorable.  Perfect for Halloween weekend, right?
  3. You must check out this collection of awesome canine costumes from the Annual Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade in New York.  Trust me.  (If that doesn’t satisfy your costume needs, check out the entrants in FIDO Friendly’s costume contest and then find out what Winston the cat is wearing this year.)
  4. Do you have a jack-o-lantern this year?  You could make one of these ambitious fantasy pumpkins.  Or perhaps you can create a tribute to your favorite dog breed using one of these stencils.  (If you’re not feeling up to pumpkin carving, you could always pick up one of these cakes.  Or maybe not…)
  5. Stuck with a cone of shame this holiday season?  Follow the example of Noodles the Pug and make it into an awesome Halloween costume.

Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope it’s a wonderful one.  If nothing else, I plan to schedule a showing of my two favorite Halloween specials –It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield in Disguise (though I think it’s now called Garfield’s Halloween Adventure).  It’s an annual tradition. I even have the book version of the Garfield special (in addition to tons of other Garfield books… was something of a childhood obsession).

With that in mind, I want to share this inspired video combining scenes from the Garfield special with the theme from Halloween:

That music can make anything scary.

Have a fantastic Halloween (and remember to keep your pets safe)!


Dogson’s Creek

As you may know, this week I have Dawson’s Creek on the brain.  I’m not quite ready to move on.  After all, we already saluted the Bev-Niner, so it’s only fair that Dawson’s Creek gets its due. 

  1. This week’s punny pet names come to you straight from Capeside:  Dogson Leery, Jen Brindley, Pacey Litter (or for a bird – Pacey Twitter), Crow-y Potter, and Jack McFlea.  (Dogson’s Creek… the next project from my punny production company?)
  2. The show should have just been named after Pacey instead.  If you’re a Pacey fan, you owe it to your 1999 self to watch this hilarious video about Pacey-Con 2010.
  3. I decided to see if there were any animals with Creek-related names available for adoption on Petfinder.  Allow me to introduce you to Dawson, Pacey, and Joey… they’re looking for homes!
  4. So, when I searched for “dawson’s creek puppy” (I do it for you, dear readers), I found this video.  It’s a dog… swimming in a creek for the first time.

As you may have gathered from the last item above, my search for an animal-themed Creek video for today was not so successful. So instead, I give you dogs watching TV (the commentary by the person filming amused me, and I apparently like to watch animals watch things):

For some reason, these two terriers just made me smile (and not just because they are terriers… though I’m sure that helped).  Anyway, I’m going to pretend it still relates to the Creek because they are the future dog version of Joey & Pacey… or something.

Oh, and since No Frown Friday was on hiatus last week, here’s a bonus link to some more illustrations and punny pet names from Chet Phillips (including two quizzes – check out the one at the bottom of the post for a real challenge).  You may remember the two installments of his literary pets series that I shared before – this time, the theme is artists.  Enjoy!


Back in black

That’s right… I’m starting you off with an AC/DC reference before the holiday weekend.  Originally, I was thinking that this post might have a Columbus Day theme, but it was not to be…Instead, our focus today is on the one of the less adoptable groups in the pet world – black dogs and cats.  Today (thanks to our friend Lily Danel) I saw a great article about how one shelter is attempting to help black cats overcome their undeserved reputation as bearers of bad luck.  The Loudoun County Animal Shelter in Virginia is hosting Black Cat Weekend on October 16th and 17th (all black cats adopted from the shelter will be spayed/neutered for free).

In honor of this great idea, I dedicate this post to all of the less adoptable black pets out there:

  1. As always, your punny pet name for the week: Blackeared the Pirate.
  2. Pawcurious has the right idea: Black is the New Black.
  3. I know it’s No Frown Friday, but I promised nothing with regard to tears. Check out this moving video about black dog syndrome via Of Cows’ Tails and Chew Toys.
  4. Here are a few lighthearted reasons to adopt a black dog or cat.
  5. Check out the crew over at Life with 5 Dogs… how could anyone pass up cute dogs like these?

Growing up, I had four dogs that would qualify for the black dog club – a German Shepherd (Shadow), a mutt named Pedro, and two Flat-Coated Retrievers (Sparkle and Bourbon).  Here are a few photos of my loves:



Sparkle & Bourbon (during their puppyhood)

Fun fact: while looking for photos for this post, I dug out one of my old photo albums.  When I put the album together (maybe 10 years ago), I apparently decided to ditch any chronological order and organized it by dog photos first, then family. I couldn’t stop laughing.  (To any family reading this post… no offense!)

If you or someone you know is looking for a pet, make sure you don’t overlook the black dogs and cats out there.  (Adopt a less adoptable pet… all the cool kids are doing it.)  Visit the Black Dog Rescue Project, Start Seeing Black Dogs and to learn about other ways to help.  Don’t worry – we didn’t forget about the kitties!  Check out Black Cat Rescue and read about helping black cats here.


In the mood for food

It’s been pretty dreary and rainy lately, and that’s got me thinking about comfort food.  So… today’s No Frown Friday is food-related.  (And pet-related, of course.)

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are inspired by famous chefs: Tom Colickio, Barko DiSpirito and Woofgang Puck. (Cat Cora needed no alterations.  My favorite chef?  The Swedish Chef, of course.)
  2. Check out this dog named Dumpling… eating a dumpling.  Very meta.
  3. Quick math lesson: tiny kitten + tiny hat + tiny ice cream come = awesome commercial. (Congratulations! Simply by reading the preceding sentence, you’ve passed Cute Math 101.)
  4. Remember when Bella ate ice cream?
  5. Cats and dogs eating popsicles and peanut butter. (Serious Eats really has all of your needs covered when it comes to cute animals eating.)

Hmmm… not a lot of healthy foods in that list above.  Might I recommend you stop by Gardening with Wyatt?  The gorgeous photos of Wyatt the dog and the yummy food from his garden will inspire you to get that diet back on track.  In addition to eating better, you’ll need to hit the treadmill:

No, not like that! Try it this way:

(via Cute Overload)

Seriously though, if your pet is overweight, that’s not a good thing.  Bella’s had her battles with weight in the past, but on our vet’s advice we reduced the amount we were feeding her.  These days she’s slim and trim.  (Don’t get me wrong… she still licks the empty bowl – repeatedly – and looks at me forlornly when she finishes her meal.  She’s like a canine Oliver Twist.)

Given her druthers, I’m sure Bella would eat until she couldn’t move.  Luckily, our dogs have us to exercise self-control on their behalf – they can only eat what we feed them.  (Unlike humans – the blame for that extra cookie is all mine.) Hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!


Oh, baby…

The combo of kids and dogs seems to be everywhere I turn lately.  Accordingly, they provide the inspiration for today’s post.   

  1. Today’s punny pet name:  Furry Cruise.
  2. Pop quiz, hotshot: can you tell the difference between dog toys and baby toys?  Give it a try – I’ll wait.
  3. Puppies are just baby dogs (or babies are just human puppies… take your pick).  Thus, this video of Marshmellow the white pug puppy (courtesy of The Dog Files) is totally in keeping with the theme.  It’s just two minutes of utter cuteness.
  4. A boy and his dog… epically adorable.
  5. Lots of baby animals in the news lately: lion cubs, komodo dragon hatchlings, and snow leopard cubs have made headlines, just to name a few.  (For breaking news about adorable baby zoo animals, I recommend you check out ZooBorns.)

If you don’t smile while watching the baby and dog below, I’m concerned for your emotional well-being:

(Via The Dog Files – it’s a gold mine.  While there, check out this baby & hungry dog, a dog teaching a baby to high five, and a dog giving a baby crawling lessons.)

Dogs and babies go together like peas and carrots, right?  So… get that kid a pet!  If nothing else, it’s something to consider if you have a child.  Beyond the cute factor, kids with dogs are more active and might even have less trouble with allergies when they get older.  As a kid who grew up with pets galore, let me tell you – having a house full of furry playmates is the best.

In any event, I have a feeling that many of the readers of this blog would have the opposite problem – how to introduce a baby to a house that’s already accustomed to the pitter patter of furry feet.  You’re in luck!  Fido Friendly has some great tips here and here.  Want to learn more?  Check out Dogs&Storks, a program that is all about creating harmony between your furry and non-furry offspring.

Just sticking with dogs?  Then check out Nico & The Bandit for a weekly reason that dogs (and cats) are better than babies.

*Disclaimer: despite the focus of this post, the title of this blog still controls. I just want more puppies. Happy weekend!


Head of the class

Speed Bump
(via Speed Bump)

It’s September… which means school is back in session.  I haven’t been a student in quite some time.  Neither has Ms. Bella.  She did take one obedience course… seven years later, she does sit when asked (most of the time). 

We’ve been lucky – Bella’s a fairly low-maintenance gal who doesn’t get into much trouble.  When we eventually adopt dog number two, we’ll have to be much more diligent! 

If you haven’t already guessed, the topic of today’s No Frown Friday is… school!  Let’s hit the books:

  1. This week’s punny pet names are based on some famous names that chose the School of Life instead of a college degree: Drew Hairymore, Nose-Anne Barr, Roarin’ Beatty, and J.K. Howling.
  2. During college, I often found myself suffering from doggie withdrawal.  Earlier this week, I read that Yale Law School had recognized this epidemic, and offered a solution: if you needed a boost, you could check out Monty the pup for a 30 minute play date.  The circulation listing quoted in that post is so cute it’s out of control.  (A sample… “Subjects: Dogs in libraries; Stress reliever for law students.”)  It turns out that Monty might not have been available, but that’s okay.  A girl can dream.  I would have owed so much in overdue dog fees.
  3. Who needs obedience school? This “” has a college degree!
  4. You may (or may not) remember those great literary punny pet names I shared back in June.  In any event, there’s a second installment – quite a treat!  (Be sure to take the pun-filled quiz… I’m still giggling about Captain A. Lab.)
I’ve pulled today’s video out of the Internet archives, and dusted it off for your amusement.  I remember when I first saw this video last year. It quickly earned a place on my list of favorite things:

Reactions: (1) I would have been so much better at science if it was taught by puppies.  (2) I would like to open a school where all lessons are taught with the help of puppies.  (3)  I’ve already got a foolproof plan for the drama program.

Speaking of smarty pants pups, sometimes well-educated service dogs school others in the Americans with Disabilities Act.  If you want to learn more about the valedictorians of the doggie world – those amazingly smart service dogs – check out Canine Companions for Independence.  CCI spoke at Blog Paws West last weekend, and by all accounts it was amazing!
