No real theme today… unless “cute” counts as a theme:
- This week’s punny pet name is inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Collie Golightly (played by the beautiful and talented Pawdrey Hepburn).
- Recipe: 1 part puppy, 1 part Kong. Mix and enjoy the cute.
- I just stumbled across a collection of dogs dressed as Harry Potter. Thank you, Internet. (Although it’s too late too include in my Harry Potter post, I’m still loving it.)
I don’t even know how to introduce the following video. We’ve talked about odd couples before, but this trio may take the cake:
(via Jezebel)
Speaking of cute, I love that the news team captioned them “adoptive parents” and embraced the idea that these animals are family.
Speaking of becoming an adoptive pet parent, I want to direct you to a wonderful post from Rachel Lauren Photography. It’s called “Before you buy that Christmas puppy…” and it should be required reading for anyone considering walking into a pet store.
Happy Friday, folks… say hi to your puppy for me.