Are you ready for some football?

If I had to guess, I’d say that Bella is not a football fan (jersey photos notwithstanding).  Although she loves rope bones and plush toys, balls have never been her thing.  Seeing Bella playing with a tennis ball is kind of like finding a four-leaf clover.  It’s an extremely rare occurrence.

Anyway, football season is here!  It’s my first year participating in the confusing world of fantasy football – I may not know what I’m doing, but I do think my team name is pretty awesome.  (Go Rush Puppies!)  Accordingly, today’s No Frown Friday takes us to the gridiron…

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are inspired by some Hall of Famers: Terry Bradspaw, Vince Pombardi (for your Pomeranian football fan), and Howly Long.
  2. Check out this cool football gear for your dog over at Phetched.
  3. Speaking of dogs playing sports, even the Canine in Chief enjoys a game of football every now and then.
  4. Got some time to kill before the games start this weekend?  You can watch full episodes of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show – including this episode about Snoopy’s football career

In my quest to find the perfect video for today’s post, I came across the very talented dog below.   He’s not playing football in the American sense of the word… but he’s cute so we can overlook that, right?

He makes me smile.

In other dog news, next week you can help dogs simply by writing a post on your blog. For every blogger that posts about the Pedigree Adoption Drive between now and September 19, Pedigree will donate a bag of dog food to shelter dogs.  Cosmo Havanese over at To Dog With Love has all the details.  Go check it out!  We’ll be doing a dedicated post on the subject next week – hope you will too.

More of a blog reader than a blog writer?  That’s okay – for every new person that likes the Pedigree Adoption Drive on Facebook, Pedigree will donate a bowl of food to shelter dogs.  It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Happy weekend!


Inglewood, 90310

As you know, yesterday was 9-02-10.  What you may not know is that many people, including myself, found this particular date very exciting.  Obviously, the calendar wanted us all to reminisce about Beverly Hills, 90210.  Right?

It’s obviously no longer 90210 day… however, I don’t have fond memories of a show called Inglewood, 90310.  Thus, even though it’s a day late, the theme of today’s No Frown Friday is 90210. (Though let’s be honest… that show could have used more puppies.)

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Brindle and Brandog Walsh (littermates, of course), David Sil-Bird, Donna Barkin, Kelly Tay-Roar, Steve Salamanders, Houndrea Zuckerman and Dylan Sit-Stay.  (Though it’s non-punny, I also think Mrs. Teasley would be a good pet name.)
  2. Looking back at the fashion of 90210 is a surreal experience.  To think I thought that these outfits were so stylish… eek.  Speaking of fashion, have you ever visited Fashionista Puppies?  If not… do so immediately.
  3. I enjoyed this comparison of Mad Men and 90210 characters.
  4. Finally, check out a compilation of the other 90210 celebrations that happened on the Interwebs.

You may have seen the standard credits over the years, but did you ever see the pilot sequence?  Brandon’s mullet is amazing.

Da na na na, da na na na, tsh tsh… now I’ll be humming the theme song for days.

To bring it back to puppies (as I must)… if you live in or near the Bev Niner and want to adopt a dog like Donna and Brenda did that one time, my Google-fu also revealed that there’s a program in Los Angeles called Pets 90210.  It’s sponsored by the Beverly Hills Pet Care Foundation, and features pets for adoption from L.A. Animal Services.  You know David would have totally volunteered to host…

The Hope for Paws rescue group is also based in L.A. – you may have seen some of the videos from this group.  I urge you to check them out – they do great things!

Happy weekend!



Luke, I am your puppy

This photo over at Dogs in Duds (love the name) inspired today’s No Frown Friday.  We talked about real space travel last week, so let’s talk about some fictional space travel today.  That’s right, it’s time for Star Wars… puppy style!

  1. First up, punny pet names: Obi Wag Kenobi, Arf Vader, Slobber the Hutt, Luke Skybarker, Arftoo-D2, Boba Fetch, and Lando Abyssinian.
  2. In case the list above didn’t tip you off, Star Wags: A New Rope Toy is next on my imaginary movie producer list as soon as I wrap up Golden Retriever Girls and Seven Dogs for Seven Brothers.  Perhaps I’ll call the next episodes The American Shorthair Strikes Back and The Return of the Pedi-Paws. I should probably move on now…
  3. Speaking of felines, is this cat Jabba the Hutt’s stunt double?
  4. Not really pup related, but still worth a sniff… cool Star Wars cakes.
  5. This chihuahua will teach you the ways of the Force.
  6. You know you want a shirt in Chewbacca Pink.

Ok, so I had no idea what an AT-AT was until I saw the video below.  All you need to know is that it’s one of those walker things from Star Wars, and apparently it is awesome (and perfect for today’s post):

AT-AT day afternoon from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo

(via Phetched)

That concludes today’s No Frown Friday… but before I go, I’d like to bark about one of our blogging friends who has a Star Wars connection.  Stop by The Life and Times of Chew the Shih Tzu and say hi! (While you’re there, you can also learn how Chewy got his name.)

Happy weekend… may the pup be with you!


Dogs… in… space!

That’s right.  It’s a Pigs in Space joke.

Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik 5.  Aboard this spacecraft?  Two dogs, named Belka and Strelka.  The Soviet Union sent these pups (along an odd assortment of traveling companions including mice, rats and flies) into space.  This motley (muttley?) crew survived the trip, and proved that living beings could endure space travel.  The dogs became national heroes.  (Other dogs weren’t so lucky.  One of the most famous of these was named Laika.)

While the use of dogs (and other animals) in these sorts of situations is of questionable morality, I won’t delve into that here.  (Although I admit, I have been pondering that issue ever since I read the story.  Some of the background reading I did for this post just made me sad.)

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff… after all, it’s No Frown Friday.  I’ve occasionally posted about space stuff before, but this time it’s all about the pups.

  1. Punny pet names?  Of course.  This week, I give you Neil Arf-strong and Fuzz Aldrin.
  2. I never saw that Space Buddies movie, but I have to admit that the canine stars were pretty cute in their spacesuits.
  3. Speaking of spacesuits, check out what real-life canine cosmonauts wore.
  4. Do you remember Snoopy’s stint as an astronaut? (If you’d like to read the week of strips illustrating Snoopy’s trips to the moon, start here.)  Snoopy has served as a NASA mascot, and NASA even gives out a Silver Snoopy award.  If you’d like to learn more about Snoopy in space, you can find more details and photos in this article.

An animated film about Belka and Strelka was released in Russia earlier this year.  When it is released in the U.S., it will be called Space Dogs 3D.  I was unable to find out much information about when it will be released or where you might be able to see it.  In any event, here’s the trailer:

If you can’t find it in theaters, there’s always the eventual DVD release, right?

Anyway, I hope you and your canine cosmonaut have a weekend that’s out of this world!  (I couldn’t resist.)

P.S. Don’t forget to donate to your local shelter or rescue group tomorrow in honor of International Homeless Animals Day.


Oh, Toto

… and by Toto, I mean the dog.  Not to be confused with the band who blessed the rains down in Africa.  (Full disclosure – I used to think the lyrics were “I miss the rains down in Africa.”  I love a good misheard lyric… aka the mondegreen.)

Anyway… the 71st anniversary of the Wizard of Oz (the film) was Thursday, August 12.  I learned this fact thanks to Google’s cool logo and Life with Dogs.  Man, I was so scared of those flying monkeys as a child.  For years, I couldn’t make it past that part of the movie.

Given the recent anniversary, it seemed like a good time to dig this Wizard of Oz-themed post out of the pup archives and share it with you:

Leonbergers and Terriers and Airedales – oh my!



Celebrating the cone of shame

Speed Bump
(Speed Bump via

Ah, the cone of shame.  Immortalized by Dug, that awesome dog in Up.  Speaking of, how awesome was Up in general?  So much fun, and so many quotable lines in that movie.  (One of my faves?  “My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.”  Very dog-appropriate.)  Anyway, it seems like someone I know mentions the cone of shame at least once a week.  Although Bella’s never had to wear one, the mere mention makes me smile.  For that reason, it’s the theme of today’s No Frown Friday.  Here we go…

  1. As always on Friday, I bring you punny pet names.  Given this post’s medical undertone, this week’s names are doctor-inspired:  Dr. Cliff Pupstable, Dr. Chewingsbone (I presume), and Doogie Howler.  You should be proud… I didn’t go for the more obvious Doggie Howser joke.  Oh wait, just did…
  2. Looking to spice up your decor?  You can even decorate with the cone of shame.  Check out this awesome dog bowl from me me me.  (Thanks to under the blanket for the link!)  Perhaps you’d prefer this cone of shame nightlight.  Want something a little more cozy?  How about these cone of shame pillows?
  3. You can even wear your own cone of shame – in t-shirt form.  Check out this cute shirt featured on PetSugar.

The pup in the video below battles his cone of shame, then battles a water bottle.  The result is magic.

(Seriously… how could that not make you smile?  If that’s not enough cuteness for you, go check out another fun cone of shame video over on phetched.)

Because this post was inspired by Dug, I’ll leave you with a joke from the movie:  “Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, ‘I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead.’ Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.”

Tell it to your dog – I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.



Another No Frown Friday is upon us… let’s get to it:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week (meant for a duo):  Fred and Wilma Flintsbone.
  2. Speaking of… it’s almost the weekend, so you should make like Fred Flintstone and slide out the door to freedom.  Not literally, of course, since cartoon physics never seem to translate to the real world and you probably don’t have a brontosaurus handy.  (If you do happen to have one on hand, I hope you’re not thinking of opening your own Jurassic Park… we all know how that ends.)  Anyway, that’s my long-winded way of telling you to go watch these videos of dogs sliding down stairs.  It’s the next best thing to sliding down a brontosaurus on your way out of the office.  (So much cooler than an elevator.)
  3. As you have probably guessed, I’ve got dinosaurs on the brain today.  Believe it or not, that Jurassic Park reference above has a puppy connection – I recently watched the Futurama episode “Jurassic Bark.” (It’s one of my favorites.)  If you haven’t seen this episode, you owe it to yourself as an animal lover to check it out.

Hmmmm… that Futurama episode can inspire the waterworks, so I may be stretching the bounds of No Frown Friday a bit with that one.  I need something silly, stat!  Quick, watch this:

Whew… that’s better.  Have a great weekend!

(Also… weekend TV alert!  The National Geographic Channel is airing a new special called “and Man Created Dog” on Sunday at 9pm.  If you’ve ever wondered how wolves became man’s BFF, then this special may be for you.)


Say hello to your Boston for me

Welcome to this week’s No Frown Friday… it’s time for another breed spotlight!  This week’s focus is on an adorable breed that I like to think of as the James Bond of puppies – always in black tie and ready for a formal occasion – the Boston Terrier.  Given this introduction, I need a video of a penguin and a Boston Terrier hanging out, stat.  Does such a thing exist?  Anyway…

  1. Your punny pet names for the week:  Boston Powers (he’s an international dog of mystery) and Bark Wahlberg (a Boston native… who talks to animals).  (I know, I know… I’ve linked to that clip before. I can’t help myself.)
  2. Enjoy Boston Terrier puppy overload by watching this collection of videos.
  3. I also recommend checking out this adorable Boston Terrier cartoon over at Draw the Dog.
  4. If you’re feeling confident, why not test your Boston Terrier IQ?

And of course, here’s this week’s featured video offering (which inspired the theme of this post):

(via Pet Sugar)

Have you fallen in love with this breed yet?  If so, consider adopting a Boston Terrier – I hear that some pups even come complete with their own built-in formal wear.  (Not all Bostons are black & white… but they are all adorable!)

I have to stray from the theme for a moment… but I cannot wait to share this picture of a zebra/donkey hybrid with you.  It’s called a Zedonk!  (Since zebras are black & white, let’s just all agree it fits into the theme that way, okay?)  Cute, and a pretty awesome name… seemed like the perfect way to close out this post and send you into the weekend.  Hope it’s puptastic!


My favorite flavor? Neopawlitan

Dogs eating ice cream.  They’re everywhere this week.  Including here.  (I like to give the people what they want.)  Without further ado, it’s your No Frown (But Lots of Ice Cream) Friday:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are inspired by ice cream:  Barkin’ Robbins and Hairy Queen.
  2. PetSugar offers many photos of dogs enjoying frosty treats.  There are a few at Best Week Ever as well (in a post entitled “I Bark, You Bark, We All Bark for Ice Cream” – that was totally going to be the title of this post, but I didn’t want to be a copycat).
  3. It’s not just photos… videos too.  I told you it was everywhere – Serious Eats has a host of clips, while Jezebel provides an ice cream eating montage.
  4. While you’ve got ice cream on the brain, you should go take this quiz.  Do you know your Ben & Jerry’s flavors?

These links make me think about Bella’s first ice cream experience.  Like Mr. Owl, Bella didn’t have the patience to find out how many licks it would take to finish her Frosty Paws treat. She must have had some serious puppy brain freeze after that experience.  Although, she is a pup of very little brain, so maybe it wasn’t too bad.  (She’s not exactly a genius, after all.  Remember the treat test?)

Maybe you should share some ice cream with your own pup this weekend… I’m sure he or she would appreciate it.  Have a puptastic weekend!
