When he jumps high, he flies like a wild eagle…

Anyone else remember Snoopy’s foray into the world of dance?  I loved It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown.  My mom taped it for me when it was on TV, and I definitely made good use of that VHS.  While we’re on the subject, I’d like to share a bit of random trivia I just discovered – the voice of Lucy in this special was none other than our very own Stacey “Fergie” Ferguson, she of Kids Incorporated fame (and the Black Eyed Peas, of course… but she’ll always be the girl from Kids Incorporated to me).

So… that’s my roundabout way of introducing the topic for this week’s No Frown Friday.  No… not Fergie.  Today, we’re focusing on Beagles!  It’s half of Bella, after all.  Let’s get to it:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are Beagle-inspired, of course: Colin Howl, Ezra Hound and Bucky Scent.  (I was also about to make a Flock of Beagles joke, but Google revealed that I was far from the first to think of this pun.  Such is life.)
  2. For your Friday amusement, I direct you to this compendium of famous cartoon Beagles.
  3. I love the puppy parties at Paw Nation – click on over to watch a whole bunch of Beagle puppy clips.
  4. Feeling confident about your Beagle IQ?  Test yourself with this PetSugar quiz.

Finally, I’d like to leave you with the following dose of awesome:

Want your own Flashbeagle?  Find your local Beagle rescue – however, be aware that not all Beagles come outfitted with their own pair of leg warmers.

Have a puptastic weekend!


Today, bird really is the word

It’s so… hot.  So very, very hot.  For that reason, today’s No Frown Friday is all about being cool.  You know what’s cool?  Penguins.  Without further ado, I turn this No Frown Friday over to our feathered brethren:

  1. We won’t forgo the punny pet names, even though penguins aren’t really pets.  You could always use these names for that stuffed penguin I know you sleep with at night:  Feathers Locklear, Pengwynneth Paltrow, and Flipper Gore.
  2. Do you have World Cup fever?  (I hear they have doctors for that.)  If so, perhaps you should watch this video of penguins playing soccer.  Keep in mind, I use the term “playing” very loosely.
  3. Check out these photos of some adorable penguin chicks in residence at the Edinburgh Zoo.  (Bonus – learn some trivia about the Gentoo penguin while you’re at it!)
  4. I don’t know what these two penguins are talking about, but I want in on the conversation.
  5. This baby penguin on a scale is what led a friend to coin “cute-o-meter” – terminology I then appropriated for this blog.  Accordingly, what you will see at that link will send your cute-o-meter off the charts.  Seriously.  You’ll probably have to take it into the shop.

Finally, I leave you with a video of baby penguins learning to swim.

(Via Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo)

I hope you enjoyed that penguin moment of Zen – should I call it peng-Zen?  No?  Let’s just pretend that attempted pun never happened… smile and wave, boys.  Just smile and wave…


My puppy, ’tis of thee

In honor of the 4th of July, this week’s No Frown Friday has a patriotic theme.  Here are a few things to get your tail wagging into this red, white & blue weekend:

  1. We’ll begin with patriotic punny pet names, of course: Benji-man Franklin, Thomas Snifferson, James Meowdison, Paw Revere and George Washingbone.  (Another of my favorite patriotic pet names comes courtesy of How I Met Your Mother Tabigail Adams.)
  2. What better way to start the holiday weekend than looking at pictures of cute pets celebrating Independence Day?  Check out the 2010 winners of Martha Stewart’s Patriotic Pet Contest.  (Bonus patriotic pets available here.)
  3. I’m not sure how this next item relates to the upcoming holiday, but who cares?  I am loving this new (albeit inexplicable) trend – lobster dogs!
  4. Although many dog breeds originated elsewhere, did you know that there are some that are truly all-American?  For info on some of these home-grown pooches (and a few kitties), check out this link.  (There’s a more comprehensive list on this site as well.)
  5. The list of all-American breeds includes my beloved Toy Fox Terrier.  In honor of my own childhood best friend, Scotti, I present to you the best terrier tribute out there:

(From the fantastic Best in Show)

Although the song is technically about the Norwich Terrier, I think it works as a tribute to all terriers… when singing along, just substitute the name of your own preferred terrier pal.

That’s all for this week… I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


Supplemental Saturday

Technically, my Friday was yesterday because I will not be heading into the office today.  Whenever those wonderfully short work weeks arise, I tend to refer to the pre-weekend Thursday as my Functional Friday.  Until today, I’d never considered what to call actual Friday under these circumstances.  After a few attempts (Second Friday and First Saturday are in the reject pile), I’ve decided to go with Supplemental Saturday.  Never fear, your No Frown Friday is still being delivered as scheduled:

  1. It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day.  Thus, today’s punny pet name is office-related:  Bill Lumbfurg.  Better make sure you use the right cover sheet on your TPS reports.
  2. If you start taking your dog to work, then does your dog start to accrue vacation time?  If so, then I guess you better plan to take your pup with you on vacation.  I’m sure he’d appreciate visiting one of these dog-friendly beaches.
  3. If it only takes a few of the sun’s rays to send you on a one-way trip to sunburn city, I do have other suggestions.  Check out a winery with your dog – some wineries actually encourage you to bring your real hound in addition to your inner booze hound.  In addition, some wineries take their love of dog to the next level – for example, Chateau Morrisette, a winery in Virginia, has an entire line of wines called Dogs 4 a Cause.  (Apparently, Virginia is for dog lovers.)


Need me to do any work?

(Dug out of the Bella archives just for TYDTWDay)

Finally, I do feel a little bad for only giving you one punny pet name this week.  Luckily, it was apparently a punny week out there on the Interwebs… so if I didn’t meet your pun quotient this week, I urge you to check out these canine literary luminaries. (My personal favorite?  Kurt Vonnemutt.)  The puns don’t stop there – not all of these unusual pet names are puns, but I think Bing Clawsby deserves a mention.  Have a puptastic weekend!


Peas and carrots

It’s time for another No Frown Friday!  To paraphrase Forrest Gump, this week we’re talking about animals that go together like peas and carrots…

  1. This week’s punny pet names would be perfect for your very own feline-canine odd couple:  Felix Ungrrrr and Oscar Meowdison.
  2. Speaking of odd couples, I enjoyed this slideshow of unlikely animal friendships.  Some of these stories are familiar.  Others are new.  All are sweet.  My personal favorite is the tale of Tarra the elephant and Bella the dog (not my Bella, but I do enjoy the coincidence).  These two friends have even inspired a children’s book (link via Pet Project).
  3. Sometimes animals take the odd friendship to the next level – forming an odd animal family.  I got a little misty reading this sweet tale of a chihuahua who adopted nine kittens.  (The mama dog’s name is Buttercup… double coincidence alert!  That was the name of my first kitty.)
  4. It seems that animal odd couples are everywhere – here are more photos for you to check out.  It’s always good to have extra cute on hand, after all.  The face on this pup alone will keep my cute-o-meter full for days.

In closing, I leave you with the following video… it’s the story of a dog-cat odd couple set to a rockin’ soundtrack:

(Another video of this pair can be found here.)

Who says only birds of a feather stick together?  These odd couples have the right idea – it’s what’s on the inside that counts.  Have a great weekend, darlings!

Bella’s back… tell a friend

This week’s No Frown Friday is brought to you without commercial interruption by Bella.  Bella: your number one source for cute since 2002.

Moving on:

  1. Today’s punny pet names were inspired by some of the nominees (and one honoree) for this year’s Tony Awards:  Jude Paw, Sean Jayes (for your feathered friend who seems like he’d make a good awards show host), Catherine Zeta-Bones, and David Rawhide Pierce.
  2. Will you be watching the Tony Awards on Sunday?  (As both an awards show addict and a theater fan, I can’t wait.)  If you’re not up on the theater scene, the Washington Post has come up with five reasons you should watch the Tony Awards anyway.  If you’re a Glee fan, you should know that Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison (who were Broadway vets before they became our very own Rachel and Mr. Schue) will be performing on Sunday’s telecast.
  3. Speaking of Glee, the season finale aired on Tuesday.  I have to say, I loved it – it was funny, touching, and hit all of the right notes.  (Pun actually not intended.)  Anyway, if you’re not quite ready to say goodbye for the summer, TWOP has put together a list of the best musical moments from the first season.  While I agree with the moments that made the list, there are a few others that I loved.  (Expect those moments to appear on this blog in the near future.)
  4. Okay, that’s enough about how I love shows that allow me to pretend it is totally acceptable to break into song at any given moment.  Let’s shift our focus… it’s time for some cute!  These photos from the Dachshund U.N. illustrate what it would be like if walking hot dogs ran the world.  I have a feeling that calling them “wiener dogs” would be a punishable offense.  Show some respect.  (Link courtesy of my favorite globe-trotting librarian.  Thanks for the tip!)

Finally, Bella informed me that she’s a bit disappointed in her lack of face time on this blog lately.  I’ve promised to remedy that problem, starting now:

Bella also wanted me to tell you to have a great weekend.  She’s thoughtful like that.


Meow mix

It’s National Donut Day, people.  Let us rejoice, and bask in the sugary glow.  It’s also time for another No Frown Friday – feel free to bask in its non-sugary but still lovely glow.

This week’s NFF has an unlikely (and non-donut related) theme… cats!  That’s right… even a self-proclaimed puppy fan can appreciate our feline friends.  After all, I’ve always had a soft spot for Garfield.

  1. First up, your punny pet names:  Madelion Albright and Gerard Leopardu.
  2. These photos of a tiny lion being raised by tiny humans have my
    cute-o-meter going crazy.
  3. Kitty parents and puppy parents alike should be able to appreciate this lint roller cat.
  4. Check out this heartwarming tale of three kitties who were rescued by a U.S. Marine.  Rumor has it these cats will only agree to live in places that begin with the letter J.  Cats are always so finicky.
  5. Here are some shots of the National Zoo’s new clouded leopard cubs.  I think they broke the aforementioned cute-o-meter.
  6. Finally, are you wise to the wonder that is Winston the cat?  Allow me to introduce you to this banana connoisseur:

(Via fourfour.  If you want to see more Winston – and I know you do – go here.)

Although today’s post is dedicated to cute kitties, I would be remiss if I did not include some safety tips.  Behind that cuteness lurks the heart of a warrior.  (Tigers and lions and tabbies, oh my!)  Is your cat trying to kill you?  Know the warning signs.

Have a good weekend, and be careful out there.


Going to the chapel…

It’s almost June, and wedding season is upon us. In fact, I’ll be attending my first wedding of the season this weekend. With that in mind, this week’s No Frown Friday has a matrimonial theme:

  1. This week’s punny pet names are inspired by famous wedding dress designers: Vera Fang and Monique Droolier.
  2. Maybe our two esteemed dogsigners (dog designers?) above made the clothing for these puppy wedding photos (complete with tips for any budding dog wedding photographers out there).  These pups are all decked out for the big day; however, if your dog’s not the formal type, there’s always this tuxedo t-shirt.
  3. Can I go back in time and use one of these dog wedding cake toppers on my wedding cake?  I am kind of amazed that I didn’t realize these were out there, and even more amazed that I didn’t insist our cake have mini-Bellas on top.  (Bonus:  Here’s another slideshow of 15 adorable cake toppers – only one of which is pup-related.)
  4. Weddings are beautiful… the supreme expression of that beautiful sentiment that one must put rings on things one likes.  Ergo, here’s a puppy doing the Single Ladies dance.

I love how bored he looks.

What have we learned?  Always carry a supply of those rings from the carnival ring toss game, and throw them at things you like.  (For larger items, consider hula hoops.)  Under the Sasha Fierce Accord of 2008, those things are then yours.  Anyway, have a fantastic weekend, my fellow pup fans.


Lost weekend

Lost ends this Sunday… crazy, right?  In honor of the last (often frustrating) six seasons, this week’s No Frown Friday has a Lost theme.  As John Locke might say, “don’t tell me what I can’t blog!”  Let’s get to it…

  1. First and foremost, it’s your weekly dose of punny pet names.  Keeping with the Lost theme, I give you Snarls Widmore.  (Bonus non-Lost pet name in honor of NPH’s awesome Glee appearance this week: Doggie Howser.)
  2. These Lost audition tapes are interesting and amusing – apparently everyone wanted to be Sawyer.  (Really, who can blame them?)  Speaking of Sawyer, there better be a Juliet reunion in the works for Sunday or I will be one unhappy camper.  Without a doubt, those two are tied with Desmond and Penny as my favorite couple (sorry, Jin & Sun… you were a very close second, promise).
  3. I have no idea how to tie this next item into this week’s theme, but that’s just too bad… anyone know how I can get one of these baby sloths?  (Maybe I could pretend that their nursery is a Dharma outpost.)
  4. Sorry for that tangent… it’s what I do.  Anyway, I’m sure there will be lots of viewing parties for the Lost finale – I’d like to invite these dudes (I’ll miss you, Hurley) to mine:

(via Paw Nation)

Speaking of pups, I wonder if we’ll see Vincent again.  As long as Vincent makes it out okay, at least I can take solace in the fact that the puppy had a happy ending in the Lost-iverse.  (Speaking of, did you know that Vincent is played by a lady dog?)

So, as you settle in with your Dharma popcorn on Sunday night, what questions simply must have answers?  Which characters will you miss the most?  I’m a Ben, Sawyer, and Miles fan myself – perhaps Lost could spin those characters off into a sitcom (special guest star John Locke, non-Smokey edition).  It could be followed by a Desmond/Penny sitcom, for a night of Lost-themed comedy.

Final thoughts… How does the sideways world connect to the island?  Why have I not started calling everyone I know Sawyer-esque nicknames?  What is with that stupid light in the middle of the island, and why did it remind me of a log flume ride when Jacob tossed Smokey in there?  Did Allison Janney and Crazy Claire patronize the same ratty wig shop? Why does everyone in the sideways world still remember their flight number days after they land in L.A.?  I don’t even know my flight number when I’m on the actual flight.

I hope that Sunday night’s finale doesn’t disappoint – if they suddenly cut to black and play a Journey song, I will have to consider swearing off TV forever.  (Though if I had to pick one, I’d suggest Wheel in the Sky.)

Farewell, Lost – and thanks for killing off Boone, which allowed Ian Somerhalder to skip on over to the CW and play Damon on The Vampire Diaries.  For that, I will always be grateful.


Corgi, P.I.

For the first time, No Frown Friday will let one specific breed take the spotlight.  It seemed like I kept encountering Corgis this week.  It’s a fitting breed for my first breed spotlight – although we’ve been told Bella is a cross between a Beagle and a Jack Russell Terrier, we often get asked if she’s part Corgi.  She does have comically large ears and is low to the ground.  So either that combination results in a suspiciously Corgi-like creature, or there’s some Corgi in her family tree.  Anyway, on with the Corgification:

  1. While watching the Daily Show on Monday night, I saw this segment about Britain’s hung Parliament (that’s right, I keep up with non-puppy news as well).  While the Daily Show is reliably funny, this segment had a little something special – punny pet names!  Specifically, Winston Furchill (a Corgi, of course) and Margaret Scratcher.  Classic.  With that in mind, my own punny pet name this week is based upon one of the talented actresses Britain has bestowed upon us: Mischa Barkton.  (I kid, I kid… but did you know she was born in England?)
  2. If you love Corgis, there’s a cute blog out there called the Daily Corgi where  I found this picture of a Corgi rocking Bella’s signature pose.  Or maybe Bella has stolen a signature Corgi pose?  The plot thickens…
  3. Who am I kidding?  As if I could only post one new punny pet name.  In honor of today’s Corgi focus, I give you Billy Corgi-an and Corgi Cox.
  4. I just learned that a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is called a Cojack (info and plethora of adorable pictures here).  I now have an overwhelming urge to adopt one of these dogs, get him hooked on lollipops, and  train him to star in his own police drama.  It seems to me that their short stature makes them the perfect dog detective – they can sniff out clues while staying under the radar.  Also, they are short enough to simply trip bad guys when they try to make a run for it.  However, in order for this police drama to work, Cojack may need a taller dog as a sidekick so that he doesn’t miss any clues that are higher off the ground.
  5. In honor of the future interim Prime Minister, Sir Winston Furchill, here’s another noble Corgi, showing off his kibble dancing skills:

(via Cute Overload)

If you think a short and adorable dog might be for you and are interested in finding a Corgi of your very own, consider rescuing a Corgi.  I hear they are good sports and won’t be offended even if you constantly make fun of their height.  True story.

Have a good weekend, puppy pals!
