A paw in the hand is worth two in the grass

Please excuse the tortured saying in today’s post title. I wanted to share a few photos I shot as part of the Daily Dog Challenge group on Flickr (created by our pals at Tales and Tails and BZ Training), and my brain apparently decided to stop working properly.

Anyway, the Daily Dog Challenge is pretty fun… there are daily prompts that encourage you to take photos of your furry friend.  It’s a great way to get your creative juices flowing while working on your photography skills.  (After all, practice makes perfect).

For example, I took the photo below in response to this prompt: “Take a photo today that shows a paw in a hand.”

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Bella doesn’t really like when people mess with her paws… so I took a rather liberal interpretation of the “hand” part of things. Want to see what other photographers did with this prompt?  Check it out!

Another recent prompt was: “How does your dog react to his reflection? Show us today with a photo!”  I submitted the shot below:

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There were a lot of great photos submitted for this one.

As you can tell, I’ve been experimenting with the mood of my photos lately – these photos were taken with customized settings to create an amber glow.  (Camera settings – and great Nikon D7000 user’s guide – courtesy of Ken Rockwell.  If you want to learn more about photography, check out Mr. Rockwell’s site – you’ll find user’s guides for a variety of cameras as well as some fantastic tips.)

For good measure, here’s one shot outside with a different feel, shot in response to the prompt: “Around the world, the seasons are different. Take a picture today that shows us what it’s like in your corner of the world!”

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You can see the other photos submitted in response to this prompt here.

Feel free to check out my other submissions here, or visit the group pool to see what others have submitted.  I don’t manage to keep up with every challenge, but I really enjoy it! 

Sounds like fun right?  If you’re interested in joining the Daily Dog Challenge, go here to learn more.


Take a cue from the dog and treat yo self

First of all, some good news: Bella’s long national nightmare is over.  Her staples have been removed and she’s gotten clearance to say goodbye to her cone.  (Just in time, too… I think Bella has had enough of my attempts at cone humor.)

Thank goodness for the Comfy Cone, however.  I don’t think Bella would have ever forgiven me had I made her wear that plastic one for two weeks.  They had a good run, Bella and her Comfy Cone.  In fact, Bella’s flashlight costume won her first prize in Comfy Cone’s Halloween contest!  This cone, at least, had a (reflective) silver lining.

Moving on… in honor of Bella’s good news and inspired by Parks and Recreation, I think you should treat yo self this weekend.  Life can really take its toll on you sometimes, so every now and then it’s important to take it easy.  Our dogs seem to know how to live in the moment and enjoy life, and I’m pretty sure Bella doesn’t feel the least bit bad when she decides to treat herself.  Talk about a good role model.  I’ll help get you started…

  1. Your punny pet name for the week: Tom Catterford As a bonus, here’s one for the neighborhood deer: Ron Fawnson.
  2. Start your morning off right.  Play this song when you wake up.  It’s better than coffee. (No joke, I want to wake up to this song every morning. I am confident that I could do anything after listening to it.)
  3. You might consider planning a day trip with your best friend.  Just get out and enjoy the world.  (Note: words cannot even describe how much I love the video linked to here.)
  4. If a trip’s not in the cards, perhaps you should treat yourself to some culture – spend some quality time gazing at these photos from the Water Droplet Zoo. It’ll make you feel like a real aristoquack.
  5. After lunch, take in a classic movie with a real cinema buff.
  6. Don’t worry, your day should include some silly moments too.  Enjoy some comic relief, such as these dogs in wigs.
  7. Why not broaden your horizons and make a new friend today?
  8. Whatever you do this weekend, remind yourself that there’s so much to be happy about if you just know where to look.

You might be wondering how to cap off a nice day of treating yourself.  Never fear, I have it all taken care of. First, find someone to drive you around so you can relax.  Then, if you’re into the arts, might I recommend tickets to the ballet?

Not your style?  That’s okay.  If you’re a sports fan, how about a hockey game?

However you choose to spend your weekend, I hope it’s a good one and that you find some time to treat yourself.  If all else fails, just forget about the world for a while and do your own happy dance.


The accidental Halloween costume

It’s time for the big reveal.  What will Bella be for Halloween? 

To be honest, I don’t have the heart to make Bella wear a Halloween costume when she’s already stuck in a cone.  (She’s not a huge fan of being dressed up even when she’s in a good mood.)

However, the new cone appears to have a silver lining… literally.  This weekend, we discovered that the cone has some reflective qualities.  As a result, photos taken with a flash end up like this:

Have you guessed it yet?   Keep reading…

She’s going as a flashlight!

Poor Coney Island.  The insults never stop coming… I even got some of this snazzy flashlight action on video:

What’s your pet’s Halloween costume this year?

UPDATE: I just got a call from the vet – Bella’s lump was benign!  Yay!

UPDATE 2: It’s a Halloween Parade Blog Hop from afFURmation

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Say "cheese… and adopt me please!"

Last month, I read a post on Jezebel entitled “Pet Photographer Says Better Photos Save Shelter Dogs’ Lives.”  Not long after that, I read another article on FIDO Friendly on the same topic.  Through the FIDO Friendly article, I learned about Second Chance Photos, a non-profit that encourages people to donate their time to take personalized photos of animals in need of a forever home.

I was intrigued – the idea makes perfect sense.  The cuter that furry face looks in the photo on the rescue group or shelter website, the more likely someone looking for a pet is going to fall in love.  Not convinced?  Check out some of these before and after photos.

As someone who’s obsessed with her camera, I couldn’t think of a better way to volunteer!  Inspired by Second Chance Photos, I contacted some local rescue groups to see if they could use my services.  One group, Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA), took me up on the offer.  FOHA is a non-profit, no-kill shelter that operates in the DC/Northern Virginia area.  (Remember Dozer?  He’s a FOHA alumnus.)  According to its website, FOHA typically houses more than 100 dogs and 30 cats on site (as well as more in foster homes).  As you can imagine, that’s a lot of animals that need photos for the website!

This weekend, I visited FOHA to take photos of some of their adoptable pets.  I’m so glad I did.  A friend came along to handle the dogs while I took photos – we spent the afternoon playing with dogs and (fingers crossed) helping them find homes.  It was rewarding and fun  – I hope they’ll be willing to have me back.

Want to see some of the photos?  Allow me to introduce you to my new friends…

Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer

If the slideshow didn’t work for you, check out the set on Flickr.  For more information on these pups, visit Friends of Homeless Animals.

Interested in learning more about volunteering as a shelter pet photographer?  Second Chance Photos has some great tips on how to get started, as well as tips regarding equipment, how to conduct the photo shoot, and editing

You don’t have to be a pro – it just takes a little bit of homework and a lot of practice.  It’s nice to think that all of my time playing pupperazzi has a practical application.

Have you ever taken photos for a rescue group, or are you considering doing so?


You give cats… a bad name

Time for some Friday linkage!  Sadly, I cannot herald the beginning of another three-day weekend.  If only…

  1. We begin, as always, with punny pet names:  Bryan Waggams, Jon Bone Jovi, Richard Barx, and Madogga.
  2. On a related note, have you ever wondered what your favorite ’80s band says about you?  (I kind of hope that one of you is a huge fan of Richard Marx or The Smiths.  Mine wasn’t quite as funny – I’m a big REM fan.)
  3. Speaking of music, artist James Walker does some pretty cool stuff about subjects ranging from border collies to punk rock.
  4. Up next, a rockstar dog: Harbor the Coonhound was just awarded the Guiness World Record for having the longest ears.   
  5. Maybe having a cone of shame is cool now… at least that’s what I have to conclude Dexter thought when creating his own, MacGyver-style.
  6. Apparently Bella’s sock addiction is in no way unique
  7. Puppies in sweaters. I die.
  8. In slightly creepy/unconventional news… would your lap dog like a substitute lap when you’re not available?  
  9. I think a palette cleanser is needed after that last link… sometimes, you just have to share the pretty.

Finally, this week’s video.  If you went to middle school with this cat, he would totally take your lunch money.  And then stuff you in a locker.

(via Jezebel)

Looking for something to do this weekend?  If you’re in the DC metro area, consider checking out the Third Annual Doggie Day Swim tomorrow afternoon or swinging by a happy hour to support the Homeless Animals Rescue Team (HART) tomorrow night.


Prepare for a stampede of cuteness!

This time next week, I’ll be at BlogPaws. So exciting! Must… focus… on… present….

  1. Weekly punny goodness: Pablo Picatso and Salvador Doggie.
  2. To follow up on last week’s post, I implore you to enjoy more cats in hats.
  3. Dear Internet: You are awesome. The Adventures of Milo & Otis totally needed a remix involving Jay-Z.  I humbly request you come up with a similarly entertaining remix for Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, The Fox and the Hound and/or Oliver & Company.  Thanks!
  4. Speaking of dogs named Otis… check out this skydiving dog!
  5. Have you ever wondered why your dog sometimes wants to snuggle, but other times would prefer to be alone?  This handy chart breaks it down for you.
  6. You know Bella’s an art lover (sometimes to a fault).  You know we love The Bloggess.  So I’m sure you’ll understand why this ad over there cracked me up.
  7. Maybe this little guy could be an artist.  Is there a market for mud paintings?
  8. This next link reminded me of the brilliant series “Pet Adoption Videos that Don’t Make Me Want to Kill Myself” over at Will My Dog Hate Me. It’s an adorable video promoting pet adoption… accompanied by a catchy tune and a bonus pup in PJs!  Fantastic.

My favorite part of today’s video might be the guy in the background
saying “puppy puppy puppy puppy.”  Seriously.  It reminds me of that
addictive Puppy Woof Woof video for some reason.  Good times.

(via Jezebel)

That’s all for today, folks.  Have a fantastic weekend, and don’t forget to swing by and Like our new Facebook page!  Bella approves.


No one expects the Corgi-fication

Okay, so I know I’ve focused on Corgis before (they were even the subject of my first breed spotlight and inspired me to dream up a detective show starring a Corgi/Jack Russell named Cojack).  However, the Internet has made it very clear that it’s time for another Corgi roundup.  You wouldn’t believe how much Corgi stuff keeps popping up on my screen.  It’s obvious that the universe wants me to give in to the Corgi-fication.  Who am I to argue?

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Ernest Corgnine.
  2. Corgis are pretty darn cute on their own.  (Need proof?  Visit the Chronicles of Cardigan.)  That being said, Corgi mixes are no slouches either.  Check out this gallery of Corgi mixed breeds.  Still want more?  Here you go.
  3. If I was matriculating at Hogwarts, I’d ask the Sorting Hat to place me in Gryffincorg.
  4. Make way for ducklings… especially when they’re following a Corgi around.
  5. Based on the ears alone, I think I’ve found Bella’s Corgi doppleganger.
  6. I’ve never seen a dog who liked the vacuum as much as this guy.
  7. This Corgi won’t come in without an invitation… is he a vampire or just really polite? 

I can sum up this week’s video in four words.  Those words?  This. Is. The. Life.

(via Cute Overload)

If you’re not as relaxed at that pup, I bet you need a way to unwind.  Might I recommend you enjoy a moment (several moments, actually) of Zen, Corgi style?


PSA: Don’t be fooled by the dog on the label

A little Public Service Announcement for you today… just because something has a fun dog-themed label does not mean that you will like it.  Exhibit #1… no matter how fun you find the following beer label, I suggest you walk away and leave this bottle on the shelf.  It was not good.  Not good at all.

Even though it wasn’t very yummy, I still think the label is pretty darn cute.

That being said, I’m sure I won’t learn from my own mistakes and will fall under the spell of another deceptive dog label in the future.  (Anyone else out there suffer from this problem?)  Don’t be like me, kids…


So You Think You’re a Dog

It’s Friday!  Time to send you into the weekend with some happy, happy, joy, joy!  Let’s get to it…

  1. This week’s punny pet name is only for the most debonair of pups: Spaniel Craig.
  2. Anyone here watch Parks & Recreation?  If so, I have a treat for you: Dogs That Look Like Tom Haverford.  (I think this one might be my favorite.)
  3. Need more? Fine. Here’s some cats that look like Ron Swanson. (I love you, Internet.)
  4. I already shared this link on Twitter… but in case you missed it, I need to share it with you too.  I read it three times yesterday and laughed like a crazy woman each and every time: “And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles” by The Blogess.  I will be quoting this blog post years from now.  My friends will beg me to stop, but I won’t be able to.  Also, she has a cat named Ferris Mewler… could it get any better?
  5. A cat impersonating a dog? Yup, that happened.  A robot impersonating a dog?  That did too.
  6. Now for dessert, enjoy these cakes from the ’80s… er, I mean, ’80s themed cakes. I’m not asking you to stare at desserts that are two decades old, I promise.

From now on, I think we should dance our way into every weekend.  As an additional bonus, this video helps me forget about my dancing-related irritation over this week’s So You Think You Can Dance results show.  Anyone else?

(via Best Week Ever… which I keep accidentally typing as Vest Week Ever.  Note to self – come up with concept for that title.)

I figured I’d give you a quick dose of dancing dogitude to send you into the weekend, but if you’re not satisfied, go watch the world’s preeminent Chihuahua flamenco dancer do his thing.

Have a fantastic weekend (and join the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop, after the jump)!
