Odds and ends and ducks and Friends

Well, that didn’t work.

I thought that my month of blogging in August would reignite the blogging flame… however, I think it resulted in a second wave of blogging burnout.

Never fear, however… I’m working on a plan to get myself back on track. In the meantime, I thought I’d dedicate this edition of Friday* linkage to some things that I have been filling my time with lately:

  1. Before we get started, however, I would be remiss if I failed to share some punny pet names: Hiss Messina (for a snake) and Mindy Meowling.
  2. Those pet names miiiiight have given you a clue to what I’ve been watching lately.  My list of current TV obsessions includes The Mindy Project. (I mean, seriously. Seriously, people.)
  3. I’m also obsessed with Outlander. (You might be noticing a theme in the links, but I promise I’m totally into the rest of the show too. I’ve even read the books!)
  4. I’ve also been loving all of the Friends coverage lately. I’ll never get over it. (Also, this kid is possibly the coolest kid ever. So cute.)
  5. Beyond the pop culture realm, I’ve also been fascinated by the Scottish independence referendum.  (This John Oliver clip is hilarious. This moment on CNN is perfection. Like gum.)
  6. In news that will be surprising to absolutely zero people, I have also been staring at photos of the new baby red pandas.  I think these pandas are my lobsters.
  7. Um, new Dr. Seuss? Epic.
  8. I’m not even sure how words can do this next link justice. I’ll just say that it is my everything and let you enjoy the awesomeness.

Finally, today’s video. I can’t stop watching this:


Speaking of things I can’t seem to stop doing, I probably read this post like ten times and laughed every single time.

Until next time, faithful friends!

*I assume you can forgive me for providing Friday linkage on a Thursday night.


You are cordially invited to my red panda intervention

It’s time for your Friday linkage. (I’m getting this one in right under the wire. Last minute? Who, me?)

via giphy.com

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Pandalf the Red and Angela Pandasbury. I maaaay have used my good (?) panda puns in the past.
  2. Where did August go? I’m not ready for this yet, no matter how cute it might be.
  3. This one’s old news, but I don’t care. Red panda twins are always timely.  (As are single red panda cubs. I don’t discriminate.)
  4. I cannot stop posting links to photos of tiny red pandas.
  5. I might need a red panda intervention, friends.
  6. Seriously. Here’s a probable reenactment of what would happen if I ever get within snuggling distance of a red panda.  (Can it be a reenactment if it hasn’t happened yet? If not, what should I call it? A preenactment?)
  7. Red panda. (See? I’ve lost control. Forgotten how to form complete sentences.)

I’m not entirely sure what’s happening here, but it’s catchy (and stuck in my head):

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week when I wasn’t ogling red pandas:

(Also, I missed yet another post yesterday. I am really not so good at this whole blogging every day thing! Oh, well…)


PFL: Panda Football League

I’ve been quite remiss in delivering your Friday linkage lately. You may wonder where I’ve been. I promise, I was not off doing this. Some days I have felt like this, however.

In any event, Friday linkage is back. I was going to bust out the formalwear to celebrate the occasion (or just some tiny hats), but I hope you don’t mind that I was too lazy to do so.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Chick Jagger, Sheddie Money, Mane Brady, Drooly Andrews, and Robert Sniffin III.
  2. So, I don’t know about you, but I’d totally cheer for a team named the Washington Redpandas. (Sorry, New York Giants… I’d drop you like a hot potato. No, changing your name to the New York Giant Pandas wouldn’t change my mind. I’m a red panda gal at heart. You should totally do it anyway though. Cleveland Brown Pandas, you’re on notice too.)
  3. In case you were wondering how I feel when I even think of the remote possibility that red pandas could finally get their moment in the sun, this video clip should clear it up. (I’m so excited. So excited.)
  4. I’m trying not to think about the fact that it will probably never happen. It will only break my heart. (Speaking of Calvin & Hobbes…)
  5. On another panda-related note, I’m pretty sure that this was the best thing to come out of that shutdown nonsense.

I’m just going to put it out there – I am in favor of recreating all music videos with dog stars. We can call it DMTV. The videos can air at halftime during PFL (Panda Football League) games:

That’s all for today. In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog since the last Friday link roundup:

Here’s hoping that the next month won’t be as crazy as the last one… I kind of missed my Friday links (whether you did or not)!


Your Friday cute: Red Panda-monium

I realize it’s been somewhat quiet on the blog lately. Unlike the inspiration for today’s post, I didn’t make a run for it. I’ve just been a bit tired lately (although my yawns are nowhere near as adorable as these), so I gave myself permission to slack a little.

Enough rest, however… it’s time for some panda-monium, of the red variety:

  1. First up your punny pet names: Panda Sykes and Bamboo Rawls.
  2. Three words: baby red pandas.
  3. Listen buddy, be careful who you call cute and cuddly. Watch your back.
  4. Confession: sometimes I like to just reread this post and pretend that the pandas really are happy to see me.
  5. Work out? Eh, I would be much more likely to go to the gym if my fellow patrons looked like this.
  6. Red pandas are so expressive. They were made for posts like this one.
  7. I’m not sure if it keeps the doctor away, but I hope that an apple a day makes the red panda stay.
  8. I think this red panda might be Bella’s cousin. (And this one might be Tavish’s. As well as this one. Geez.)
  9. This next link has me thinking that I need to expand Tavish’s wardrobe. (Kidding. Sort of. I do think he could rock this look. I also think he might want to disown me if I tried it.)
  10. Couldn’t we all use a red panda hug?

Finally, today’s video is a concentrated dose of pure cuteness:

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Have a great weekend!


In defense of the not-so-lesser panda

Did you know that the red panda is sometimes known as the lesser panda? I always thought that name was a bit rude. (Apparently I’m not the only one. Wikipedia agrees with me, noting the “pejorative implications” of that moniker, and the San Diego Zoo says we shouldn’t call them lesser.)

Anyway, today I’m giving the not-lesser-but-really-awesome red panda some time in the spotlight. It’s a virtual red panda hug.

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Apanda Bynes and Gloria Panderbilt.
  2. In the battle of red panda versus pumpkin, who will win?
  3. Lesser? Ha! While Stella Luna, a red panda, was busy running for president, the “greater” panda was just sitting around eating bamboo. Not only that, but Stella Luna is a working mom!
  4. Speaking of red panda moms (note to self: great name for a social group), I love these photos of a red panda mom picking up her cub.
  5. I could stare at red panda cubs all day. They’re unbelievably cute. Seriously, they are so very cute.
  6. What’s better than one baby red panda? Twins!
  7. I have a gift for you… it’s in this box. (Those faces are killing me.)
  8. More pandas in action: walking the balance beam, munching on some berries, and just generally being adorable

I’m charmed by today’s video. It’s like They Might Be Giants meets PBS meets the zoo.

It’s entirely possible I’ll be singing that song all weekend.
