PuGyver: He can fix anything!

It’s time for some Friday linkage… but first, I have a special treat to share with you. I’m honored to have a guest post on Grouchy Puppy today. It’s called “5 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Senior Dog Owner” – head over there and check it out!

Now, to the links:

  1. This week’s punny pet name: Digmund Freud (or Sighound Freud).
  2. You know I love Henri the cat – and now he’s back with a message for this political season. (Includes the phrase “castration without representation” – how could you resist?)
  3. I am unable to resist a good English major joke. And a good catch phrase.
  4. Did you catch the series on Freud and Fido over at Freud’s Butcher? Some very interesting stuff.
  5. Is your dog is a paradox too?
  6. These paintings of Darth Vader and other villains cuddling bunnies are awesome.
  7. A Nutella food truck? I want to go to there. Like right now.
  8. Cookie Monster and Grover parody some recent movies and TV shows. My inner child rejoices. Does yours?
  9. I just can’t stop… it’s TV theme songs galore! They’re all stuck in my head now, but it’s worth it.

Continuing on the TV theme song theme (yup, I said it), I’m sure you’ll understand why I couldn’t resist sharing today’s video:


(Bonus TV theme song – last week, I shared the Game of Thrones theme sung by a cat. In the interest of equal time, here’s a canine version.)


The dog blog days of summer, part II

Since I gave you so much homework during Part I of July’s monthly roundup (you know you love your summer reading assignments), I figured I’d wait a bit before sharing the rest of the links. However, it’s time for part 2. (After all, every dog has his day.)

Here are a few more posts that made me smile during the month of July: Continue reading


7 books I wish my dogs would write

The posts at Something Wagging This Way Comes never fail to get me thinking. This recent post is no exception: 7 Books I Wish Dog Trainers Would Write. (Head on over and check it out… I’ll wait here.) I hope the one about teaching your dog to stop shedding gets written. If I could, I’d reserve a copy now.

Since Pamela’s got the dog training books covered, I thought I’d turn my eye to another segment of the market – books about dog behavior. I’m sure we all have a few mysteries in need of solving (and after all, imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery – I hope Pamela feels sufficiently flattered today). To solve these mysteries, I’m going to the source.

Continue reading


Girls just wanna have pun…

It’s Friday… let’s get to the linkage!

  1. First up, your punny pet names are inspired by this slideshow (oh… hello there, Slide 15): Cullen Bones, Nathan Blue Jaydrian, and Pom Daley. (Seriously, I want to meet a Pomeranian named Pom Daley. It’s my new dream.)
  2. Speaking of punny pet names, this week I learned that Prince Harry owns a racehorse named Usain Colt. How is it possible that I never came up with that one on my own? (Bonus link: Animals with misleading names.)
  3. Emmylou Harris rocks. Check out her new project, Woofstock.
  4. Um, I would watch the heck out of Animals Acting Like Sharks Week.
  5. You know I’m a fan of all things Seussical. Thus, I loved this collection of advertising artwork from Dr. Seuss.
  6. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t love these new ads from Old Navy featuring 90210 actors.
  7. On another nostalgia-related note… moves like Chandler!
  8. Here’s one for the Things Bella and Tavish Will Never Do files. (Oh, Corgis. Always good for a smile.) Yup… I adopt dogs that take their cues from the Gremlins.

You didn’t think I’d make it through this post with only one Olympics reference, did you? As if. Today’s video reveals the results of the Cat Sleeping Position Olympics:

That’s all folks! Hard to believe the Olympics are almost over already. Will you be spicing up your life on Sunday?


Greatest hits from May

I’m almost a month  behind with this monthly roundup… oops! Life has been getting the better of me lately, as you can probably tell. I’ve not been able to get around to as many blogs as I’d like, so here’s hoping I can catch up soon and get the June monthly roundup to you before September.

Anyway, on to the posts! Continue reading


Barking 9 to 5…

It just so happens that today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. It’s also National Dog Party Day. I guess if you’re going to work hard, you should play hard too!

Lucky for me, I usually work from home on Fridays… which means that I can take Bella to work with me today without having to actually take her anywhere. Given that Bella gets carsick in a rocking chair, this situation is ideal. We’ll have our own version of Paw-fice Space right here at home – Bella takes her Floor Patrol duties very seriously.

Now, to the Linkmobile!

  1. Today’s punny pet names take their inspiration from 9 to 5: Polly Parton (for a bird), Dane Fonda (for a Great Dane pup), and Gilly Tomlin (for a fish).
  2. Oh, I can’t help myself. Here are a few more: Molly Parton (for a fish), Jane Fawnda (for a deer), Lily Tomcatlin, and Billy Tomlin (for a goat).
  3. Next, check out this great slideshow of dogs participating in today’s festivities.
  4. Among the offices celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day? The gang at Richmond International Raceway. (I bet Bella’s glad that I don’t work there!)
  5. Over at Peggy’s Pet Place, Kelly the pup has taken to the keyboard to tell us about her canine career.
  6. Sugar the Golden Retriever has donned some “office” attire today as well. (Looking good, pal!)
  7. What if your office is a boat? Something Wagging tells us about Schmitty the Weather Dog, and inspires me to watch “I’m on a Boat” too many times.
  8. The Poodle and Dog Blog gets into the act with this interesting story and clever post title: Dog on a Hot Thatched Roof.
  9. Wondering how to work out the logistics of bringing your dog to work? Never fear. The Pet Health Care Gazette has some great tips.

Sure, it sounds cute… but should we be concerned? Will human workers soon be replaced by a cadre of clever canine professionals? It’s happened before.

That deep thought brings us to today’s video. This dog seems to love his job more than most people I know.


Don’t worry cat lovers, I haven’t forgotten you. Bunny’s Blog tells us all about taking your cat to work.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess that I sang “9 to 5” the entire time I was writing this post. It’s going to be in my head all day now. It’s enough to drive me crazy if I let it. (See what I did there?)

So, tell me… have you ever taken your dog (or other pet) to work?


Give me your ears, and I’ll lend you a paw…

As usual, it’s time for some Friday linkage. This week, the theme is helping out. Confused? Stick with me…

  1. Your punny pet name: Corg Clooney. (You know, if George Clooney were a Corgi.)
  2. Check out this post from Oh, Corbin announcing Blogville Pitty Post Day on Monday, June 4. We intend to participate – I hope you’ll join in!
  3. Did you know that Be the Change for Animals (one of my personal blogging inspirations) had a birthday earlier this week? Head on over and wish the team a happy birthday! (There’s even a bit of personal news in there – I’ll be helping out as a staff writer. I can’t wait to get started!)
  4. Because I’m addicted to blogging, I’ve also agreed to help out with the blog for City Dogs Rescue in DC. Here’s my first post!
  5. Is it scattered that I’m helping with two different rescues? I think it’s kind of fun. I also help with the Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) Twitter account (which you should totally follow), and participate in FOHA adoption events. Guess I took my own advice!
  6. I’m actually attending a cool FOHA adoption event this weekend. It’s called Sit, Sip & Stay, and it’s at Bluemont Vineyard in Bluemont, VA. Attendees can taste wine while helping FOHA’s medical fund. Pretty neat, huh?
  7. I totally think that all rescues should steal this calling card idea. Thanks to Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes for sharing this one with me. (Warning: ear worm within. No, not that kind of ear worm. I think that link should earn me some geek cred.)
  8. Speaking of helping animals, here are thirty-five that could use your help.
  9. The chance to help name an otter? On a website called You Otter Know? Obviously, I’m in. I’m pulling for Sam Otterston.
  10. I guess we all find our own ways to help. This little girl has taken it upon herself to help her dog learn a very important life skill.

It’s not a one-way street, however. Dogs help us too. Like this dog helping his baby friend learn to crawl.

I kind of want a series featuring the adventures of this dog and baby as they grow up together. Rated TV-CAA (Cute, Awesome & Adorable).


It’s raining cats and dogs (and awesome blogs)!

Well, a new month is upon us, which means that it’s time for another monthly roundup. In light of the fact that it’s an April roundup, let’s just say I’m showering you with some awesome blog posts. No umbrella needed. Without further ado, here are some of my favorite posts from the last month:

  1. The worst thing my dog destroyed was… from No Dog About It – This post had me strolling down Memory Lane, remembering when my childhood pup Scotti demonstrated what she thought of my reading choices.
  2. The Joys of Stupid Dogs from Doggies and Stuff – I mean, I’m not saying Bella’s stupid… but she’s not really very smart. Remember the treat test?
  3. Random Thoughts from Basset Momma – A fantastic twist on the “this is your brain on drugs” thing from back in the day.
  4. Why You Should Never Use Your Daughter’s Favorite Stuffed Animal as a Dog Prop from My Brown Newfies – A good (and hilarious) lesson for us all.
  5. Dogs in the Movies from under the blanket – These posters are just too cool.
  6. You Can’t Do That! Oh Yeah? Watch Me! from Something Wagging This Way Comes – My new mantra: be the St. Bernard.
  7. Doggy Style Pick-Up Lines, also from Something Wagging – Hilarity doesn’t even begin to describe this one. (Pamela, you need to stop being so awesome. Actually… don’t.)
  8. January is Train Your Dog Month from Bringing Up Bella – Yes, it’s from April. Yes, it’s fantastic. (Bonus points for the perfectly chosen soundtrack.)
  9. You call me a Pit Bull like it’s a bad thing from Oh, Corbin – This post is just plain fantastic.
Gratuitous Bellaface!

And here are nine more!

  1. The Optimism of Cats and Dogs from Life with Sampson and Delilah – I love this story. I can picture it all playing out, as clear as day.
  2. Blog the Change: The Kindness of a Stranger from Kol’s Notes – A truly inspirational post.
  3. Be a Billboard for a Good Cause from Daley’s Dog Years – This post inspired me to purchase a shirt. That’s how good it is. (Seriously though – an adorable shirt and spreading a good message? You can’t beat that.)
  4. Cute Welsh Corgis and Guys in Ties from Chronicles of Cardigan – Sounds like a good combo to me.
  5. This is why I don’t travel with family from Pawcurious – This one cracked me up, especially the reference to Dr. Google. I can’t seem to break up with that guy. He’s like a bad boyfriend.
  6. Video Monday: If  you were a dog toy from Grouchy Puppy – Although now I am channeling Beyonce and singing “If I were a boy,” this video has nothing to do with that.
  7. The Top Ten Reasons Why Dog Teens are Better than Human Teens from Arwen’s Pack – Redirecting a sullen teenager using a squeaky toy? If only…
  8. Cats in Space from Bunny’s Blog – You know I love any excuse to reference [insert noun here]… in… space!
  9. Dog Song Saturday: Songs of the Dog Walker from Talking Dogs – You can’t go wrong with this one. (However, I will never be able to reference Wayne Brady without thinking of this moment.)
Did I miss any of your favorites? Share them in the comments!
For previous monthly roundups, click here.

Many marvelous musings from the month of March

It’s time for another monthly roundup… in no particular order, here are seventeen marvelous musings I enjoyed in the month of March:
  1. The hag in the bag gets tagged from Little Dogs on Long Leashes – I bow down to the Seussian brilliance of this post.
  2. Wherein Dewi and I Interpret the Sick-in-Bed Moaning Scene from When Harry Met Sally from The Chronicles of Cardigan – I don’t even have words.  This post is made of hilarity.
  3. Mall Hair from Raising a Super Dog – As a former concessions jockey at a small-town movie theater, this post spoke to me.  (Our popcorn was not pre-popped, though refilling the “butter” was enough to put me off it for life.)
  4. Life with Cush Dogs – Guest Blog Post from Talking Dogs – Something I’ve often pondered, but never had a term for…
  5. Do you have dreams for your dog? from Something Wagging – To paraphrase the Rolling Stones, you can’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get exactly what (and who) you need.
  6. In Search of Spring from The (mis)Adventures of Sage – This one is technically from February, but I fell far behind on my blog reading and didn’t actually read it until March.  However, the photos made me smile!
  7. Some Days You Just Want to Watch a Cute Video from Bunny’s Blog – I totally agree.
  8. The Eye Drop Rodeo from Tales and Tails – Anyone else remember when Rachel hated her eye drops on Friends?  That’s all I could think of while reading this post.
  9. Favorite Video Friday – Let’s Go to The Dog Park! from No Dog About It – You just have to smile when you watch this dog’s eye view of the dog park.
  10. Dog a Day Project – Famous Last Words from Doggie Stylish – Haven’t we all said this one to a pup from time to time?
  11. Summoning Charms from jodistone – I had to share this post. It involves both Harry Potter and irresistibly cute pups!
  12. Dog People from under the blanket – These are just too much fun.
  13. Wordless Wednesday 31 – 14 Years in 4 Minutes from Bringing up Bella – This one made me cry, but in that good way. Then it made me bust out my own photo albums for a stroll down Memory Lane.
  14. bambino vs fido: on loving dogs less from Fido & Wino – A thoughtful post about love and change, and realizing that change doesn’t necessarily mean less love.
  15. A Bedtime Fairytale from Kol’s Notes – The drawings are genius. Genius, I tell you.
  16. Life Without A Dog is No Life For Me from Rescued Insanity – The title says it all, don’t you think?
  17. How Dogs Read Us, Part I from Will My Dog Hate Me? – Fascinating. (The next installment appeared in April, but I’ll share it as a bonus anyway. Here’s Part II.)
These are a bit skewed towards the beginning of the month, as I fell behind on my reading. So there’s the possibility of some March posts on April’s list. (Apparently this is my pattern – see #6 above.) I get to make the rules, right?

Anyway, if you missed my earlier monthly roundups, check out my favorites from February and the ones I loved in January. If that’s still not enough links for you (in which case, I bow before your capacity for linkitude), you can always check out my Friday linkathons for more.Did I miss any of your favorite posts from March? Share them in the comments!


Fifteen favorites from February

Last month, I did a post cataloging a few of my favorite posts from January.  I shared eight posts.  I’m back with another installment, and as you can see, the numbers have increased.  I didn’t mean for it to happen – but before I knew it, I had eleven or twelve posts on my list.  At that point, the nerd in me decided to aim for some alliteration… so I thought I’d share fourteen.  Of course, somehow I ended up with fifteen instead.  I could have added more, but the next number that would have allowed for such alliteration would be fifty.  Consider yourself lucky.

Anyway, in no particular order, here are fifteen favorites from February…

  1. Dad’s take: A songwriter’s muse from Love and a Six-Foot Leash – You know I can’t resist anything involving song parodies.
  2. Influence Positively Interview: Faith Maloney from Grouchy Puppy – Fantastic interview with one of the founders of Best Friends Animal Society.
  3. The House of Special Needs Dogs from No Dog About It – This one is technically from January, but I didn’t read it until February, so it still counts.
  4. Turning Fear into Understanding from Rescued Insanity – A thought-provoking piece (and thoughtful comments) about fear and judgment.
  5. A Confession on Bias from Back Alley Soapbox – In that same vein, here are some fantastic meditations on jerks, dogs, and Jon Hamm.
  6. The Ugly and the Adorable from under the blanket – A wonderfully whimsical collection of photos.  I can’t get enough.
  7. A Valentine’s Message from Cali… from The Daily Dog Blog – Speaking of photos, I just loved this one!
  8. Harry PAWter from PupLove – Words cannot explain how much I want to recreate this photo shoot.
  9. Notes from Home from Bringing Up Bella – Putting things into perspective…
  10. Tennyson Obviously Didn’t Have a Dog from Something Wagging – Drowning in dog hair?  Never fear!
  11. Forgotten Language from Tales and Tails – I’m a big Shel Silverstein fan, so this one definitely had to make the list.
  12. I Want to Be One of My Dogs from Twenty-Six to Life – I’ll take “phrases often said by members of my family” for $200, Alex, along with “if I’m reincarnated, I hope I come back as a dog in this family.”
  13. 10 Simple ways to Show Kindness in the Dog World by Rescued Insanity – Simple ways to have a much more wonderful (dog) world.
  14. Dog a Day Project – Tastes Like Chicken by Doggie Stylish – This one reminded me of Bella and her goose.
  15. Verona: Shakespeare, History, and A Lot of Dogs from Bicontinental Dachshund – These are a few of my favorite things (and I’ve always wanted to go to Italy).
As you’re probably aware by now, my linkaholism knows no bounds.  You can find many other great posts I’ve enjoyed in my usual Friday linkathons.
Did I miss any of your favorites?  Share them in the comments!