#K9Kamp: Turn that frown upside down by not sitting around

Today is the last day of this session of K9 Kamp. It’s been fun, so I thought I’d send it off with an appropriate farewell. That’s right, today’s links are fit to be read…

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Richard Simbones and Dane Fonda. (Alternatives for that last one: Jane Fawnda or Mane Fonda.)
  2. We did a lot of walking this time around. For the next session of K9 Kamp, I hope to step it up a bit. I’ll be taking a cue from some of my fellow Kampers, who came up with great ways to stay fit. Among them? Hiking, skateboarding, weightlifting, superhero training, kayaking, and geocaching.
  3. It’s not just about working out though. Being healthy involves eating right too, which would be much easier if I had a chef like this one helping me out.
  4. I’m feeling nostalgic for Kamp already. Can’t we have a few more days of campfire songs and s’mores (in appropriately-sized portions, of course)? Time to pull out the photos and reminisce.
  5. Even though Kamp is over for now, there will still be mini-challenges each month courtesy of our newest coach. I can’t wait (and I know my squishy core can still use some more work).
  6. I’d still like to put in a formal request that Koly engage in some (videotaped) Prancercise, with or without a John Mayer soundtrack. (Pretty please? I’ll even try to see if I can figure out how Tavish can do the Flo in return.)
  7. On a tangentially related note, today happens to be Take Your Dog to Work Day. I wonder if you could bring your dog to the office gym. (Probably not.)

Finally, I leave you with today’s video. I’m kind of in love with it – it makes me want to finally learn how to edit a decent video and come up with something amazing for the next session of K9 Kamp.

Even though this session of Kamp has come to an end, you can still enter to win an awesome grand prize package until Tuesday, June 25. Go check it out!

Finally, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Will you be working out with your dog this weekend?


#K9Kamp tips: Walking with your dog

She's got her eye on me: I Still Want More Puppies

I think she suspects something…

As I mentioned last week, we’re participating in K9 Kamp yet again. This week, I’ve been working on increasing the duration and intensity of my walks with Tavish to get a better workout.

Maybe we’ll buy matching tracksuits and kick it up in the style department as well. (Don’t worry, I’ll get Bella one too so that she won’t feel left out. And then she’ll give me the evil eye if I even think about putting her in it.)

When we first moved into our current house, I finally had a fenced yard. It made me a little lazy about going for walks, honestly. Bella tires easily these days, so her walks are shorter and less frequent. (She often prefers to amble around the yard and take a nap in the grass, I think. For this and many other reasons, I am pretty sure that Bella is my spirit animal.) However, adding Tavish to our family changed things significantly. He loves going for walks, and his enthusiasm is contagious. (It can also be painful, when his “enthusiasm” lands on my feet or jumps on my legs.)

Anyway, that brings me to the point of this post. (I realize I took a long and winding path to get here, but that’s pretty much par for the course.) If you’re interested in getting fit with your pup but don’t know where to start, might I suggest just grabbing the leash and going for a walk? It’s great for both of you, and it’s an easy way to get moving.  With that in mind, I thought I’d share a cute video I found that discusses the benefits of walking with your dog and offers a few tips.

What did you think of the video? Share your tips and thoughts in the comments!

Next week, I hope to try some new activities with my workout buddy. Stay tuned…


Hello, is it a kitty you’re looking for?

Today, Petfinder is encouraging bloggers to talk about how awesome cats are. Now, don’t tell Bella and Tavish, but I happen to agree. My first pet was actually a pretty cool cat named Buttercup.

Fun fact: pom-poms can double as a cat bed

So, in honor of Buttercup and awesome cats (and cat lovers) everywhere, today’s links are feline-focused. Enjoy some kitty cuteness, and then get out there and adopt a cat! (Let me assure you – I would happily do so if Bella and Tavish were not champion cat chasers. Maybe they need to read this post.)

  1. What should you name your new cat? Here are some punny pet names to get you started: Meowie Long, Rachel Scratch, and Meoward Stern.
  2. There are many reasons to adopt a cat. For example, do you need of a skilled goalie in the house?
  3. Or perhaps you just want someone to help you reenact your favorite movies at home? (If you’re not interested in that, I’m going to need you to tell me what your damage is.)
  4. I mean, your cat could even play the role of Simba from The Lion King. Obviously, house cats like to emulate their majestic relatives. (Bonus squee!)
  5. If movies aren’t your style, you could always reenact some classic paintings.
  6. I also hear that cats make great wingmen. They’re total chick magnets. (Duck magnets too, I hear.)
  7. In any event, who wouldn’t want to spend some time having a nice intellectual exchange with their favorite feline?
  8. Cats do have a way with words, after all.

Seriously though, in spite of all of the silly reasons I listed above, there’s only one reason you really need to know. Cats are awesome.

Also, I give a huge thumbs up to any animal that gives me a reason to make a Lionel Richie reference.


Hello, is it an adorable kitty you’re looking for?

If so, head on over to Petfinder and search for an adoptable cat near you! Then take lots of photos and tell everyone else you know why adopting a cat is the best. The Internet is sorely lacking in cat pictures, after all.


Awesome agility!

I recently shared video of some dock diving dogs at the Super Pet Expo last month. I’m not done yet… in addition to dock diving, attendees were treated to an agility demonstration and some amazing disc dogs.

Today, I wanted to share some footage of the agility demo by Marvelous Mutts (all rescues… yay!). Enjoy these super speedy pups:

Does your pup do agility?


Dock diving dogs are flying high!

I know I did not post my usual Friday link post yesterday. It’s been a busy week, which means I’m being a bad blogger. So, please enjoy this video I took at the Super Pet Expo last weekend as an apology of sorts.

The Marvelous Mutts (all rescues!) were on the scene, and they performed some amazing aerial feats for the crowd:

I can’t imagine Bella or Tavish doing this stuff. In particular, Tavish is like a Gremlin and hates to get wet. Do you think your dogs would be into dock diving?


Erin go bark (or St. Catrick’s Day?)

Obviously, Friday links are a little late. Let’s just call it a Shamrock Saturday instead. After all, given that St. Patrick’s Day is on Sunday, could I choose any other theme?

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Sinead O’Collar.
  2. I’d like to follow that up with a little shameless self-promotion. Looking for a dessert to make this weekend? Try my recipe for Whiskey Beeramisu (aka Irish Tiramisu). That’s right. I don’t mess around.
  3. If that’s not your speed, how about Green Beer Cupcakes or Spotted Dog?
  4. No time? I guess you could just buy a dessert instead.
  5. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way… can we discuss how weird this Lucky Charms video is? It’s like they want me to have breakfast at a dance club. (Idea: spoons that double as glow sticks. You’re welcome, party kids.)
  6. What are your plans this weekend? Whatever you do, remember to beware the sides of starch.
  7. Speaking of things that rhyme with starch, will you be giving in to March Madness? If basketball’s not your thing, you can always play Animals March Madness instead.
  8. Did you know that Greyhounds have some Irish history?
  9. Enjoy this Corgi limerick! (Also, this next link in no way relates to today’s theme, but I don’t care. The Corgi’s name is Corgnelious. I had no choice.)
  10. If you, like me, enjoy the occasional Shamrock Shake (I allow myself one per year and try not to think about how horrible it is for me), I want to let you in on a little secret. Ask for it half Shamrock, half chocolate. You won’t be sorry. (Allegedly, it’s called the McLeprechaun, but somehow I doubt that my local McDonald’s would have known that if I’d tried to order it that way.)

Finally, today’s video. There are no words…

Do you have big plans for St. Patrick’s Day?


A canine dream come true…

I’ve got some good stuff for you today. Happy weekend, pals!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Dingo Starr. (Bonus pun!)
  2. All news coverage would be improved by the inclusion of canine camera operators. I’m just saying.
  3. Cool adoption posters… or the coolest adoption posters?
  4. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when Tavish gives kisses, these photos are a pretty good approximation.
  5. Simply put… I’m charmed.
  6. Remember Bella’s intelligence test? Maybe I should try that one out on Tavish. In any event, apparently there’s now a whole website devoted to helping you find out if your dog is smarter than your average Bella.
  7. I need an excuse to throw this party.
  8. This collection of Daria quotes makes me want to ignore my to do list and just have a Daria marathon all weekend. Is that allowed?
  9. These mascots put aside their rivalry to focus on their similarities. Human beings, take note. Why can’t we all just get along?

Finally, I give you this week’s video:

That, my friends, is the kind of weekend I wish for you.
