Play in the pool, not the drool

Hot. So hot. (As you can see, the heat temporarily rendered me unable to produce normal sentences. I’ll attempt to remedy that.) To the links!

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Michael Whelps and Catalie Coughlin.
  2. Before we get into the linkage, I just wanted to remind you that you have until July 4th to help pair service dogs with military veterans in need. It just takes one click!
  3. Is it hot where you are too? If so, how do you plan to cool off this weekend? These two dogs have some good ideas.
  4. Or maybe you otter try this method instead. (The face he makes in that video is the same one I make every morning. True story.)
  5. Want to go out? Get cleaned up and make sure to rock some stylish summer threads. Take a walk and then try some of these pickup lines.
  6. You could also take in a baseball game or go to a concert. (I’d probably skip the vet though, if possible.)

It’s always a good idea to hit the pool. No, not that kind of pool. This kindOr, you know, you could just do this…

Whatever you do this weekend, remember that a dog in a hot car is a bad idea. Here’s how you can help fight the stupidity.


K9 Kampers Graduate!

The fourth challenge is already here? Kamp’s already over? I would like to protest. “Donna Martin graduates! Donna Martin graduates!

Wait, that’s not right. “Stop the drilling! Stop the oil!

Er… I mean, “More K9 Kamp! More K9 Kamp!”

Anyway, it’s with a heavy heart that I write about the last week of K9 Kamp. The final challenge required me to exercise (wordplay!) some independent judgment (not my strong suit) and choose what to do with Bella this week. That’s right – it was Kamper’s Choice! (I initially typed that Khoice… oops.) Read on to find out how we did.

Continue reading


This dog can swim circles around me

It’s been one of those weeks… so I hope you’ll understand that I didn’t have time to put together your regularly scheduled Friday linkage. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.

Until then, enjoy this video. Considering summer weather is here, it seemed pretty appropriate. I think it’s impossible to watch it and not smile!

What are you up to this weekend?


#K9Kamp: Hold on a doggone minute

Wow… we just finished the third K9 Kamp challenge. How did that happen? I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.

This week’s challenge was called Just One Doggone Minute to Win It. This challenge recognizes that sometimes life gets in the way of staying fit. However, we all have some free minutes in there, so Kampers were encouraged to find a way to make those minutes count! Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading


#K9Kamp: Having a ball… with rope

It’s time for another K9 Kamp update. Today, we’re talking about the second challenge, which was named (drum roll, please)… Play with Your Balls. (In case you’re not as amused as I am – which would make me question our friendship – perhaps the fact that I received an email beginning with “How’d you all do playing with your balls?” yesterday will do the trick. Best email ever.)

Anyway, as you know, Bella and I have been battling against various health issues during this year’s K9 Kamp. (We’re still on the DL, but we’re on the mend.) This week, we also had an additional challenge – the fact that Bella will not play with balls. I guess she doesn’t get the joke.

Read on to find out how we did… Continue reading


#K9Kamp: Walking on (& napping in) sunshine

As you may know, Bella and I are participating in K9 Kamp for the second time. Today, I’ll be telling you about how we handled the first challengeWalking on Sunshine. This week, Kampers were given a simple directive – take lots of walks!

I have to say – every year it seems that Bella and I have some sort of issue when K9 Kamp rolls around. Last year, it was endless rain, which required us to adapt the challenges so that we could do them inside. This year, although it’s rained some, that’s not the real issue.

Instead, we’re both on the DL – I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago, and Bella was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection last week. So, my mobility has been compromised (walking too far or for too long results in pain), and the infection has left Bella feeling under the weather. Nonetheless, we soldiered on (so to speak) and did our own version of the challenge.

Our walks were not fast, nor were they far. However, we spent a fair amount of time wandering around the yard together. At times, Bella decided that she’d rather plop down in the sun and nap instead of walk. Given that she wasn’t feeling that great, I let it slide this week. We can’t be superstars every week, after all.

So, my first week was not quite the resounding success I’d envisioned, but we made it work for us. Honestly, just spending time with the pup (even if she chose napping in sunshine over walking on it), was nice. That’s the best thing about K9 Kamp – a built-in reason to spend extra time with my favorite furface!

Want more tales (and tails) from Kamp? There’s a sunny blog hop happening today. Swing by Kol’s Notes or Peggy’s Pet Place to check out the other bloggers participating and to share your own stories! If you completed this week’s challenge, you can even enter to win some groovy prizes while you’re over there. Can’t beat that!

Tomorrow, challenge #2 will be announced – make sure to check out Kol’s Notes and Peggy’s Pet Place for the details. I can’t wait!

Are you a fellow Kamper or thinking of joining us?

When is karaoke night?



Why I’m returning to K9 Kamp

I participated as a featured blogger in the inaugural K9 Kamp last year, and had a great time. Needless to say, I was thrilled when Peggy & Jodi asked me to participate again! (In preparation for this year’s event, I revisited my posts from last year – and now I can’t stop singing “shopping is our greatest thrill” from Troop Beverly Hills. You’ve been warned.)

What is K9 Kamp, you might ask? It’s a series of fitness challenged designed to encourage you to get fit while spending time with your dog. Our fearless leaders/Kamp counselors are Peggy and Jodi from Peggy’s Pet Place and Kol’s Notes, respectively. Read on to find out why I’m participating, and how you can join us!

Continue reading


I want this Puggle to make a series of workout videos

Another Friday is upon us… let’s get to the linkage! (Don’t worry – the post title will make sense when you get to today’s video.)

  1. Your punny pet name for the week: Bark Linn-Baker. (See #2.)
  2. You know, sometimes the world comes together in a moment of pop culture synergy. On Wednesday, I was catching up on The Good Wife and realized that one of the judges was being played by the same actor who played Cousin Larry on Perfect Strangers. (Anyone else remember that show?) Then, I saw that someone created a Perfect Strangers video game online. What are the odds?
  3. Does your cat like to sleep on your monitor? Then this product is for you.
  4. Leaping lambs! Enough said.
  5. I love this video – the Wampug would be perfect for my production of Star Wags: A New Rope Toy.

In other news, I managed to sprain my ankle while running on Wednesday. Guess there goes that 5K I was going to run next weekend. I doubt I’ll be able to run by then – if not, I’m going to try to walk it. (At a minimum, I’ll be there cheering my team on, but I’d really rather participate.)

Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of introducing today’s video. Perhaps I can hire this pup to train me when I can start working out again. (I recommend watching with the sound on – the music is perfect.)

Happy weekend, friends!

Black and white and cute all over

I’m in a penguin mood today. It happens from time to time. Guess I just can’t resist a bird that comes equipped with built-in formal wear. (Wouldn’t a penguin make a great prom date?) Anyway, on to the links!

  1. First up, the traditional sharing of a punny name. Today, I give you: Penguin Stefani. (Bonus: Penguinona Ryder. See #2.)
  2. Also, I have decided I want to remake Heathers using an all-bird cast. The Heathers will be played by penguins (including renowned feathered actress Shannen Do-birdy). I’ll be calling it Feathers. Obviously.
  3. I can’t get enough of these awesome penguin photos. Apparently there are places where you can get up close and personal with penguins. Needless to say, I want to go to there!
  4. Any hockey fans out there? Whether you are currently immersed in the NHL playoffs or bored to tears, I bet you’ll enjoy this adorable sports fan.
  5. This real penguin hanging out with a plush penguin just about did me in.
  6. I would like to go back in time and purchase all the seats on the train of this adorable penguin conductor.
  7. Speaking of penguins with jobs, check out this therapy penguin. No, really. His name is Roast Beef, people. Roast. Beef. I need a minute.
  8. In addition to being adorable, penguins are also hilarious. Exhibit A: a penguin bit Newt Gingrich. Exhibit B: a penguin pretending to be Garfield kicking Odie off the table.

Even fake penguins are hilarious. Observe:

(via Jezebel)
Have a fantastic weekend!