#K9Kamp: Turn that frown upside down by not sitting around

Today is the last day of this session of K9 Kamp. It’s been fun, so I thought I’d send it off with an appropriate farewell. That’s right, today’s links are fit to be read…

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Richard Simbones and Dane Fonda. (Alternatives for that last one: Jane Fawnda or Mane Fonda.)
  2. We did a lot of walking this time around. For the next session of K9 Kamp, I hope to step it up a bit. I’ll be taking a cue from some of my fellow Kampers, who came up with great ways to stay fit. Among them? Hiking, skateboarding, weightlifting, superhero training, kayaking, and geocaching.
  3. It’s not just about working out though. Being healthy involves eating right too, which would be much easier if I had a chef like this one helping me out.
  4. I’m feeling nostalgic for Kamp already. Can’t we have a few more days of campfire songs and s’mores (in appropriately-sized portions, of course)? Time to pull out the photos and reminisce.
  5. Even though Kamp is over for now, there will still be mini-challenges each month courtesy of our newest coach. I can’t wait (and I know my squishy core can still use some more work).
  6. I’d still like to put in a formal request that Koly engage in some (videotaped) Prancercise, with or without a John Mayer soundtrack. (Pretty please? I’ll even try to see if I can figure out how Tavish can do the Flo in return.)
  7. On a tangentially related note, today happens to be Take Your Dog to Work Day. I wonder if you could bring your dog to the office gym. (Probably not.)

Finally, I leave you with today’s video. I’m kind of in love with it – it makes me want to finally learn how to edit a decent video and come up with something amazing for the next session of K9 Kamp.

Even though this session of Kamp has come to an end, you can still enter to win an awesome grand prize package until Tuesday, June 25. Go check it out!

Finally, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Will you be working out with your dog this weekend?


Fourteen fun posts from some furry (and funny) friends

I’ve been a bit behind on my monthly roundups. The past few months have been pretty busy. Given how often I probably complain about being busy, I feel like I should recognize how annoying that might be. Sorry, friends.

someecards.com - Thanks for all the time you spend listening to me complain about not having enough time.

via someecards.com

Anyway, I thought I’d make it up to you today and try to get back on track by sharing some of my favorite posts from the months of March and April. I hope that these posts put a smile on your face!

  1. We’re Taking Notes On Some of Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Quotes from My Brown Newfies – As you know, I love Seuss.
  2. Moving Tips from the Dog from Kol’s Notes – Take note, humans.
  3. The Dog Person’s Guide to Spring from Something Wagging This Way Comes – Those tumbleweeds of dog hair are certainly a sign of a new season.
  4. I Write More Letters from Rescued Insanity – Clever and touching.
  5. Küster’s Magic Shut Up Spoon from Tales and Tails – How do I order one?
  6. Bella blowing bubbles (video) from Bringing Up Bella – It may be impossible to watch this one without smiling.
  7. Buying a Couch When You Have a Dog from Sugar the Golden Retriever – Why, I can’t imagine what one would need to be concerned about…
  8. Weird Conversations I Had With My Husband This Week from My Brown Newfies – Dog hair in your sandwich sounds pretty normal to me.
  9. More Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound from Tales and Tails – You can’t argue with logic.
  10. Future Boys from BZ Dogs – Tribbles! Need I say more?
  11. The Dog Lover’s Guide to Great Sex from Something Wagging This Way Comes – I could not stop laughing.
  12. Blogger-to-Blogger Grammar Tips: How to Avoid Homonym Hades (illustrated with funny pet photos) from The Chronicles of Cardigan – Grammar nerds unite! If you need me, I’ll be over here giggling about the Shakespeare joke.
  13. Mirth Watch Thursday: Opposable Thumbs from Pooch Smooches – What would your dog do?
  14. Ways to Show Kindness in the Blogging World from Rescued Insanity – We could all use a little more kindness, after all.

Did I miss any of your favorite posts? Please share them in the comments. I’ve been behind on my reading, so I’m sure I missed some gems out there!


Barking 9 to 5…

It just so happens that today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. It’s also National Dog Party Day. I guess if you’re going to work hard, you should play hard too!

Lucky for me, I usually work from home on Fridays… which means that I can take Bella to work with me today without having to actually take her anywhere. Given that Bella gets carsick in a rocking chair, this situation is ideal. We’ll have our own version of Paw-fice Space right here at home – Bella takes her Floor Patrol duties very seriously.

Now, to the Linkmobile!

  1. Today’s punny pet names take their inspiration from 9 to 5: Polly Parton (for a bird), Dane Fonda (for a Great Dane pup), and Gilly Tomlin (for a fish).
  2. Oh, I can’t help myself. Here are a few more: Molly Parton (for a fish), Jane Fawnda (for a deer), Lily Tomcatlin, and Billy Tomlin (for a goat).
  3. Next, check out this great slideshow of dogs participating in today’s festivities.
  4. Among the offices celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day? The gang at Richmond International Raceway. (I bet Bella’s glad that I don’t work there!)
  5. Over at Peggy’s Pet Place, Kelly the pup has taken to the keyboard to tell us about her canine career.
  6. Sugar the Golden Retriever has donned some “office” attire today as well. (Looking good, pal!)
  7. What if your office is a boat? Something Wagging tells us about Schmitty the Weather Dog, and inspires me to watch “I’m on a Boat” too many times.
  8. The Poodle and Dog Blog gets into the act with this interesting story and clever post title: Dog on a Hot Thatched Roof.
  9. Wondering how to work out the logistics of bringing your dog to work? Never fear. The Pet Health Care Gazette has some great tips.

Sure, it sounds cute… but should we be concerned? Will human workers soon be replaced by a cadre of clever canine professionals? It’s happened before.

That deep thought brings us to today’s video. This dog seems to love his job more than most people I know.


Don’t worry cat lovers, I haven’t forgotten you. Bunny’s Blog tells us all about taking your cat to work.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess that I sang “9 to 5” the entire time I was writing this post. It’s going to be in my head all day now. It’s enough to drive me crazy if I let it. (See what I did there?)

So, tell me… have you ever taken your dog (or other pet) to work?
