Awesome agility!

I recently shared video of some dock diving dogs at the Super Pet Expo last month. I’m not done yet… in addition to dock diving, attendees were treated to an agility demonstration and some amazing disc dogs.

Today, I wanted to share some footage of the agility demo by Marvelous Mutts (all rescues… yay!). Enjoy these super speedy pups:

Does your pup do agility?


Dock diving dogs are flying high!

I know I did not post my usual Friday link post yesterday. It’s been a busy week, which means I’m being a bad blogger. So, please enjoy this video I took at the Super Pet Expo last weekend as an apology of sorts.

The Marvelous Mutts (all rescues!) were on the scene, and they performed some amazing aerial feats for the crowd:

I can’t imagine Bella or Tavish doing this stuff. In particular, Tavish is like a Gremlin and hates to get wet. Do you think your dogs would be into dock diving?


In which I want to buy all the things…

This past weekend, I attended the Super Pet Expo in northern Virginia. I actually ended up going twice. On Friday, I went with a few friends to do some shopping. Then on Sunday, I volunteered at the Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) dog booth.

I’m full of post ideas after this weekend. Today, I thought I’d start by sharing the damage the expo did to my pocketbook. I managed not to buy all the things, but I did buy a few. Prepare for an onslaught of photos…

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