Pleasing the canine yard inspectors

It was a beautiful weekend here. Spring has finally arrived! (Although spring also means the arrival of allergies, I’m still thrilled about the warm weather. I wasn’t made for cold climates.)

In any event, I spent a significant portion of the weekend doing yard work. The dogs were fine with this turn of events, as they got to hang out and “supervise.”

Here are a few photos of the pups enjoying the sun. (Tavish moves too quickly for me to get many good shots with the phone – lots of squirrels to chase – but Bella tends to sprawl out, making her a perfect subject.)

Sniff all the things!

Sniff all the things!

More sniffing...

More sniffing…

Still sniffing...

Still sniffing…

I'm just going to rest my eyes while you keep working.

I’m just going to rest my eyes while you keep working.


Does your dog sleep with a stuffed animal?

When I was a kid, my dog Scotti had two favorite teddy bears. She always carried one with her everywhere, and often slept with one of them.


Bella’s never been one for stuffed animals. She just tends to sprawl out. Sometimes she’ll end up with her head on a toy, but not always.


Tavish, on the other hand, likes to snuggle with his favorite toy. He has a blue stuffed dinosaur that he just adores. He puts it in his bed and snuggles up with it at night.


So, do your dogs like to snuggle with their stuffed friends?


Why don’t dogs come with a snooze button?

Apparently, dogs do not come standard with a snooze button installed. I’m not even sure if that’s an available option in the upgrade package. In any event, if you know how to install an after-market snooze button on my dogs, you might be my hero. I tried to install my own. However, as you can see, the results were not encouraging:

After-market snooze button for your dog

My husband asked why I didn’t just Photoshop the post-it onto Bella’s head… I’m sure Bella would like to ask the same question.

Oh, well. Back to the drawing board.

Continue reading


The next Uggie?

If they ever make a sequel to The Artist, Tavish would like to throw his hat (er, collar) into the ring. Check out his attempt at old Hollywood glamour…

Tavish: Classic Hollywood style

Also, his nose is in the shape of a heart. How did I never notice that before?

I think my Oscar fever is contagious. Perhaps he’ll be cured tomorrow.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


A canine dream come true…

I’ve got some good stuff for you today. Happy weekend, pals!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Dingo Starr. (Bonus pun!)
  2. All news coverage would be improved by the inclusion of canine camera operators. I’m just saying.
  3. Cool adoption posters… or the coolest adoption posters?
  4. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when Tavish gives kisses, these photos are a pretty good approximation.
  5. Simply put… I’m charmed.
  6. Remember Bella’s intelligence test? Maybe I should try that one out on Tavish. In any event, apparently there’s now a whole website devoted to helping you find out if your dog is smarter than your average Bella.
  7. I need an excuse to throw this party.
  8. This collection of Daria quotes makes me want to ignore my to do list and just have a Daria marathon all weekend. Is that allowed?
  9. These mascots put aside their rivalry to focus on their similarities. Human beings, take note. Why can’t we all just get along?

Finally, I give you this week’s video:

That, my friends, is the kind of weekend I wish for you.


If dogs could send Valentines…

Honestly, someone should cut off my access to any and all pop culture, punny and/or topical Valentine’s Day cards on the Internet. I can’t get enough.

Yesterday alone (in honor of Galentine’s Day), I saw a ton of great ones and kept sharing them on Facebook and Twitter. Among them? DC-themed Valentines (I lost it at Total Ellipse of the Heart), good stuff from the Bluth family, Valentines for the history lovers out there (#6 is my favorite), and tributes to my Hunger Games Valentines. There’s something for everyone.

Anyway… I figured I might as well join in the fun. Without further ado, I present six Valentine’s Day sentiments from the dog:
Dog Valentine #1

Dog Valentine #2

Dog Valentine #3

Dog Valentine #4 

Dog Valentine #5

Dog Valentine #6

If your dog could send you a Valentine, what would it say?


His spring is broken…

When I was a kid, our dog Kandi lost some teeth as she got older. She’d often sit around with her tongue sticking out – my mom used to say that her spring was broken. We’d have to tap it to remind her to pull it back in.

Apparently Tavish was channeling some Kandi last night…

What's up?

In case you’re wondering, he’s using my laptop as a pillow. So comfy.


Puppy Bowl… Monday?

Okay, so I know I’ve been a bit MIA (and left you hanging without a No Frown Friday post last week). I hope you can forgive me. It’s all due to a lack of poor planning on m part.

You see, each year we throw a Super Bowl party at our house. We had some work done on our basement recently, so I got behind on party prep. I spent the weekend cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. I meant to take a photo to post for Super Dog Sunday, and didn’t even get around to that. (I’m usually ready with a sporty photo in advance, as past years would indicate.) I even forgot to take photos of the spread for my baking blog (and actually forgot to bust out the camera at all this weekend). So, to apologize for being a bad blogger, I figured I’d atone with some adorableness…

Not impressed by the Super Bowl...

Not impressed by the Super Bowl…

Not impressed by the Super Bowl...


As you can see, the dogs were unimpressed by all of that party prep. Though they did enjoy getting attention from all of our guests (and they did join me to watch the Puppy Bowl before bed).

Anyway, back to regular posting soon… I should finally be able to start catching up on life this week.
