FOHA: Forty years of helping animals

Blog the ChangeFor this round of Blog the Change for Animals, I wanted to highlight an organization that has been helping animals since before I was a twinkle in my parents’ eyes.

Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) in northern Virginia has been serving the DC area since 1973. Last year, FOHA gave me a wonderful place to volunteer and a new pup in the form of Tavish. This year, FOHA celebrates its 40th anniversary. Continue reading


Meet the happiest dog in the world

Yesterday, I met Tavish’s doppleganger. (By “met”, I obviously mean that I read this article on the Interwebs. Close enough, right?)

Have you ever heard of a Quokka? The Quokka is an Australian mammal that’s roughly the size of a domestic cat (which also makes it roughly the size of Tavish).

Seriously, though… the resemblance is uncanny.


Source: Flickr user ceetap

Happy Tavish


Source: Flickr user kieranmcglone



Source: Flickr user neoporcupine

IMG_0203 - Version 2

Quokka in the grass on the side of the road.

Source: Flickr user fvanrenterghem


See what I mean?


Is there more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?


Her acting coach? Joey Tribbiani.


He learned the art of Blue Steel from Zoolander.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up and join the fun!


If it was anyone but Santa, they’d get a restraining order…

Happy Christmas Eve! Bella and Tavish are trying to be extra good in hopes of staying on (or earning a last-minute spot on) Santa’s Nice List.

One eye on the guy making breakfast...

Santa's always watching? I did not agree to that.

Sleepy Tavish is sleepy.

It's a little creepy that he sees us when we're sleeping, right?

(Want to check out some real mischief? Swing by the Monday Mischief blog hop!) 

Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s NotesPupLoveRescued InsanityWoof Woof Mama & I Still Want More Puppies

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by Pawmetto Pet TreatsClick here to enter to win a all-natural freeze dried meaty treats and be entered to win a Grand Prize package worth more than $1000!

I don’t think this counts as snuggling

This is not exactly what I had in mind when I asked them to snuggle.

Bella & Tavish
Butt to butt they faced each other…

 Welcome to the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers hosted by Kol’s NotesPupLoveRescued InsanityWoof Woof Mama & I Still Want More Puppies

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by Chet the Dog, Author Spencer Quinn & Atria BooksClick here to enter to win a full-set of the Chet & Bernie Mysteries and be entered to win a Grand Prize package worth more than $1000!

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up and join the fun!
