Dog math: When three is not the magic number

Yesterday, I found myself in a position I never expected. I was standing at an animal shelter surrendering a dog. How many times had I wondered how someone could do something like that? Countless. Yet… there I was.

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, our tiny herd is no longer a trio. Instead, it’s now a dynamic duo. (I will, however, still be referring to them as a tiny herd. Old habits – you know, all of two and a half weeks old – die hard.)

How did we end up here? Read on, my friend… though be warned, it’s a long one. Continue reading


I own all the things!

So, we have a dog bed on our main level that is the twin (aside from color) of the bed Bella has in our bedroom. She loves the bed upstairs, but generally ignores the bed on the main level. It’s really become a site for excess toy storage – she leaves the toys she doesn’t really play with in there and takes her favorite ones to Toy Corner.

In the past, she’s occasionally shown interest in the bed when we had another canine visitor in the house. True to form, when Roscoe and Tavish started sniffing her bed on Saturday, she just had to get in there… hence, today’s post title.

(As you may have noticed, all of my photos of late have been of the iPhone/Instagram variety. Once the pups are settled in, I will happily return to my real camera!)

Now it’s your turn – what’s Bella thinking?


Post-Puppum Anxiety Disorder

I hate to admit it, but I’ve come down with a case of Post-Puppum Anxiety Disorder (PPAD). Obviously, it’s not a real disorder, so I just made up a name for it. (I did do a quick search, and found a few discussions of post-puppy depression online, actually. I guess mine is slightly different variation on that one.)

Anyway, I’m a bit mortified to be writing this post. After all, the name of the blog screams my desire to have more puppies, and my longstanding motto has been “Puppies = Serenity Now.” Well, that just shows what I know. At the moment, more puppies = unjustified anxiety and a serious case of PPAD. So, if you’ve got your judgy pants on today, I suggest you hop on over to another blog. I can’t take the stress, and this post is turning out to be a long one. Continue reading


Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3

Now, before you get any bright ideas, I want to clear something up. Although the title suggests that two dogs decided to create a puppy, you’ll find no titillating tales of canine copulation in this post.

Anyway, if you saw Friday’s post, you might have an inkling as to what’s going on. If you follow our adventures on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve certainly figured it out by now. (If you’re not our friend on Facebook, why not? Head on over there.) In any event, I wish I had been able to update you here sooner, but I’ve been… otherwise occupied. Let me tell you how I got that way… Continue reading
