Top 5 reasons to join the Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange

The holidays are approaching. Much like Santa – and Type A personalities everywhere – you will probably make a list, check it twice, make a second list, check it thrice, make a sublist or two related to those lists, enlist your elves to make sure you didn’t forget to add something to the list(s), like taking photos of the reindeer for your holiday cards…

Oh, just me? (Some people get visions of sugarplums in their heads. I just get visions of to-do lists. I’m festive like that. ‘Tis the season to be crazy, after all.)

Well, um, even if you’re not quite as neurotic as Santa, you might find yourself busy with holiday-related tasks. The stress might start to slither in like the Grinch trying to snatch a roast beast. It’ll start to weigh you down.


Fortunately for you, there’s a solution to your convolution. Some salvation for your situation. Welcome to the Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange. It’s like a big virtual hug from a friend. You’ll give (and get) the gift of encouragement and blog love this holiday season. You just have to sign up. Continue reading


#K9Kamp: The Movie

Tavish makes his debut as a film star, with an assist from Bella…

We tend to rate Tavish’s energy level on any given day using a sliding scale of Tavishes. One Tavish is pretty energetic. On occasion, I’ve rated him at about fifteen Tavishes. So, it should come as no surprise that he’s making sure we keep moving this month. He’s like an adorable drill sergeant.

Are you participating in K9 Kamp this month? How’s it going for you?


Calling all DC/northern Virginia dogs: #Barktoberfest is this Saturday!

Are you a dog? Do you have a dog? Do you like dogs? How about cats? Do you live in the DC/northern Virginia area? Do you enjoy seeing dogs in costume? Do you like fun? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, then I’ve got an event for you…

(As an aside, if your answer to my first question is yes… I’m intrigued. How did you end up on my website? Obviously, you have learned to use a computer, so maybe you can also write emails? If so, let’s chat. I have much to ask you, dog genius.)

Anyway… if you’re in the DC/northern Virginia area, get out your calendar and pencil in plans for Saturday. Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) is hosting its annual fall festival – Barktoberfest – this Saturday, September 28! Join FOHA at the Loudoun County Fairgrounds in Leesburg from 10am to 5pm. Continue reading


Easy like Sunday morning…

These are the faces of dogs who would love to know why I’m bothering them with the iPhone camera before noon on a Sunday:

Easy like Sunday morning: I Still Want More Puppies

At least they don’t mind the constant Lionel Richie references.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


As dog days go by…

I shall kiss you: I Still Want More Puppies

A kiss is still a kiss…

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!

Also, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

I hope you had a great weekend!


Things my dogs barked at while visiting my in-laws

This past weekend, we went on a road trip to visit my in-laws. As you can see, the dogs were thrilled about the prospect of being in the car for five hours.

Two bored dogs: I Still Want More Puppies

They can barely hide their excitement…

Bella has visited my in-laws (and has stayed with them) many a time. Tavish visited them for the first time this past Christmas, and he did great. They’ve also visited him at our house, and he was a big fan. This time, however, he alternated between cool cucumber and barking fool. Allow me to explain… Continue reading


Caption these dogs: Guarding the castle

Okay, so I’ve been in kind of a blogging funk lately. My goal is to get back on track ASAP and kick this case of blogger’s block. Until then, please enjoy these sleeping dogs. They’re holding down the blog while I get myself together. At least I’m in good paws. After all, I couldn’t ask for two cuter sentries.

Sleepy Bella: I Still Want More Puppies

None shall pass…

Sleepy Tavish: I Still Want More Puppies

Glad you’re on guard, because the dragon’s with me!
