I just couldn’t resist.

Why didn’t I buy heart PJs? Missed opportunity.
Happy Valencanine’s Day from PJ Jazzy Tavish! (That’s totally his rap name. Watch out, Lonely Island. Speaking of which… Michael Bolton is our Valentine, y’all.)
I just couldn’t resist.
Why didn’t I buy heart PJs? Missed opportunity.
Happy Valencanine’s Day from PJ Jazzy Tavish! (That’s totally his rap name. Watch out, Lonely Island. Speaking of which… Michael Bolton is our Valentine, y’all.)
You know, I think this blog is way overdue for a good old fashioned link roundup. Don’t you agree? Let’s dive right in.
Finally, as always, we end with a video. Forget that whole doggie in the window thing:
Thanks to BarkPost for this one!
Man, posting a link roundup has me feeling all kinds of nostalgic. I can’t promise them weekly, but it did feel kind of good to bring back the link-a-palooza.
So, anyone else about to be snowbound?
I hate winter. (Tavish agrees.)
Anyone else watching Galavant?
I just might be a little obsessed. Join me in my madness.
Anyway, this song was in last week’s episode, and I thought it might speak to my fellow crazy dog (or cat/lizard/bird/whatever) ladies (or gentlemen) out there.
Do you believe in Richard’s dragon pal? With a song like this, it’s hard not to. https://t.co/BRD5q28hSb
— Galavant (@GalavantABC) January 19, 2016
Tad Cooper 4-ever, you guys.
Do you sing to your non-human BFF? Tell me more…
Last year was a busy blogging year for me… just not on this blog. I launched my webcomic, which – like a shiny, new toy – has gotten the lion’s share of my attention. I’ll admit that I’ve found myself missing this space and hope to give some more attention to my first blog-child in the coming year. (We’ll talk more about that later this month – stay tuned.)
With that in mind, I wanted to start off the new year with a new post. When a friend told me about 50 Happy Things, I just knew that this was the perfect way to kick off 2016 (and to help me find some positivity in a year that seemed to be full of sad news from the world at large). Plus, I love lists. I have a list of the lists that I keep. It’s like list-ception.
You can visit Tales from the Motherland for the full lowdown, but here are the basics:
I armed Tavish with a stopwatch, which he promptly ignored in favor of going back to sleep. (Hosting people for New Year’s Eve is exhausting, apparently.) So, looks like I’m on my own. Here we go… Continue reading
Did you really think I would let a holiday season pass by without sending some new caroldies your way? Perish the thought.
A Game Upon the Midnight Clear
It came upon a midnight clear,
That canine urge to go.
Whining and wiggling for all they’re worth,
To lead you into the cold.
Canine mirth, you’re out and then,
That puppy won’t do a thing.
You head back in to get some sleep,
Before that alarm does ring.
You’re back to sleep and then they come,
Cold noses end dream world.
And then on sleepy feet you float,
From bed you are uncurled.
Out again, they make no gains,
Back in the house you bring,
Your stubborn and insistent hounds,
Who still won’t do a thing.
To sleep again, you’re on the road,
When they say no, no, no.
You leash again, get on the way,
Your painful steps are slow.
You know it is beyond your powers,
To untangle from this string.
You trudge along a helpless toad,
As daylight begins to sing.
Want more caroldies? You’re obviously a glutton for punishment (or, more accurately, PUN-ishment). However, you’re obviously in charge of your own destiny, so… click at your own risk.
Getting back into the swing of things means reviving the weekly link roundup, so… here we go!
It’s not really holiday-related, but I love everything about this video (including the Hall & Oates soundtrack):
(I’m always on the lookout for these types of videos thanks to this awesome lady.)
In conclusion… meow.
It’s time for your Friday linkage. (I’m getting this one in right under the wire. Last minute? Who, me?)
I’m not entirely sure what’s happening here, but it’s catchy (and stuck in my head):
In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week when I wasn’t ogling red pandas:
(Also, I missed yet another post yesterday. I am really not so good at this whole blogging every day thing! Oh, well…)
Once upon a time*, a blogger in need of a break took a trip to Las Vegas with her bestie. These two intrepid friends made the arduous** journey to the desert in order to meet some musical royalty. As they navigated the byzantine maze that was their hotel, the blogger spotted a slot machine with an intriguing title:
Puppy. Freaking. Stampede. Continue reading
I was going to post this week’s links on Friday, as usual… but I didn’t. Then I was going to post them on Saturday… but I didn’t. So, you’re getting this week’s links on Sunday evening instead.
Today’s video is one of my favorites of all time.
That armadillo is my everything.
In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been up to on the blog this week:
Happy Sunday!